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Are You a Clicker?

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I highly suggest investing in a mouse with a numpad on the side. It makes utilizing any class in any PC game a lot easier, if not just for hotkeying certain consumables on other games.


The main benefit is being able to strafe with your character while throwing skills, as this is an acrobatic hand maneuver if you only have use of one hand for both skills and movement.

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Wait, you mean like clicking your skills on the bottom? With your mouse?!


How do you play like that? Like, seriously, wouldn't you have an almost 1-second delay between pressing an AoE and placing it on the ground, or do you play with snap-to-target? How do you raid like that? o.O

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I manually click the mounts ?


The setup I am currently using allows for key binding all skills up F3 using keyboard. And I also have a pretty high APM. In short bursts I can do 3-4 action in a sec. I understand though this is not for everyone.


Where I am lacking, I cannot use F4 and F5 skills through key bonds. I have a keys for them, but cuz I do not play classes that use them frequently, I cannot get my brain to memorize them.

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I've been a clicker since WoW and don't mind it. However, there have been a few times in GW2, where I actually noticed the "discomfort" while fighting. Otherwise, my clicking attitude won't bother anyone as I don't do instanced content, competetive play and hardly any big meta events where it would count. Too lazy to change it and I, for one, don't like most of the ugly gaming mouses cluttered with mini buttons. I'm not denying their uselfulness, mind you, but I'm just weird like that lol.

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To be honest it's not like GW2 is a game with so many keys that this is a detriment at all. There are countless situations where you don't have to move your camera and tab targetting does the rest for the most part. There is 0 difference whether I click my 7 to 0 skills or not (heal is a special case for me, no problem using my keys to use it) but especially for the stuff further on the right it just feels better to me, since there is little to nothing else my mouse could or should be doing.


I also don't believe in making my own keybinds for it. I generally prefer standard settings unless they are considerably different to what I am used to (like not having crouch on Ctrl or sprint on Shift).

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > Unfortunatly ye. I have problems with my fingers and it hurts if I press keys too long so I mostly skillclick. Makes it tough as I can never use full potential of my class.


> Your fingers hurt when you press a key, but not when you press a mouse button? <.<


Yes? Because I use my index finger and thumb for mouse which is the least affected. I also have small hands so cant reach any number further than 4 with my index comfortably on the keyboard, meaning I can only key press 4 skills. The pain comes from continuous use over long time periods (hours).

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i mostly use keyboard.


left alt is elite skill

left shift is special ability like with bloodstone beast.

scroll wheel press is healskill

scroll wheel left click is utility skill 7

scroll wheel right is utility skill 8

side mouse button 1 is dodge

side mouse button 2 is utility skill 9


old pc with older mouse mx518


shift + side mouse button 1 = utility skill 7

shift + side mouse button 2 = utility skill 8

all other buttons are the same.


left ctrl = f5 if i remember for scrapper engi health kits dropping.


f1 is just that

f2 = shift + 2

f3 = shift + 3

f4 = shift + 4



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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

> My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD


I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?

What definition of a clicker are we using here?

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> @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > Unfortunatly ye. I have problems with my fingers and it hurts if I press keys too long so I mostly skillclick. Makes it tough as I can never use full potential of my class.

> >

> > Your fingers hurt when you press a key, but not when you press a mouse button? <.<


> Yes? Because I use my index finger and thumb for mouse which is the least affected. I also have small hands so cant reach any number further than 4 with my index comfortably on the keyboard, meaning I can only key press 4 skills. The pain comes from continuous use over long time periods (hours).


Ok. Just fyi, most people that don't 'click', rebind their skills past 4 anyways :p For me it's 1,2,3,4,Q,C(heal), mouse 4 (thumb), mouse 5 (thumb),E,R

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:


> > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

> > My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD


> I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?

> What definition of a clicker are we using here?


Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.


As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.


I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.

f1 1 2

f2 4 3

f3 5 6

f4 f5 f6

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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> Wait, you mean like clicking your skills on the bottom? With your mouse?!


> How do you play like that? Like, seriously, wouldn't you have an almost 1-second delay between pressing an AoE and placing it on the ground, or do you play with snap-to-target? How do you raid like that? o.O


My guess is most of them d not raid.

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Because of space limitations my mouse is the logitech trackball mouse. No room for a mouse pad and any other type of mouse. As a result I use both and keys and mouse. It is really fast to move the trackball to go where I need to go on the screen or to hit a key. It all depends on what is happening in the game.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"zombyturtle.5980" said:

> > > > Unfortunatly ye. I have problems with my fingers and it hurts if I press keys too long so I mostly skillclick. Makes it tough as I can never use full potential of my class.

> > >

> > > Your fingers hurt when you press a key, but not when you press a mouse button? <.<

> >

> > Yes? Because I use my index finger and thumb for mouse which is the least affected. I also have small hands so cant reach any number further than 4 with my index comfortably on the keyboard, meaning I can only key press 4 skills. The pain comes from continuous use over long time periods (hours).


> Ok. Just fyi, most people that don't 'click', rebind their skills past 4 anyways :p For me it's 1,2,3,4,Q,C(heal), mouse 4 (thumb), mouse 5 (thumb),E,R


Yes thanks for the info, I have some different setups but non have worked. I am only able to press w,a,s,d,e,r and c as well as 123. If i try and press others, after awhile my hands start to ache and my fingers lock up. Its not really enough for all the skills.


Currently C is my dodge , R is autorun and E is my elite skill. My main problem comes from not being able to use any of the left side of the keyboard, like shift, tab, or alt which limits the variations of keybindings I can use. I have tried a gaming mouse with multiple buttons but again I can only reach 1 extra comfortably which I use for mounts atm

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> @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> >

> > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

> > > My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

> >

> > I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?

> > What definition of a clicker are we using here?


> Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.


> As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.


> I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.

> f1 1 2

> f2 4 3

> f3 5 6

> f4 f5 f6


I do have a multi button gaming mouse, but I still prefer to click skills as the side ones are being used for other hotkeys, maybe that doesn't work for other people, but it works for me if something is second nature I'm plenty quick at it. Nobody has said I'm slow to play with or bothered to ask if I'm a clicker, until this thread, so it's not an issue. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll consider retraining myself to an alternative method, but until then there's no real incentive for me to do so.


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Clicker mainly because I'm a very fussy leftie and I haven't been able to find a good comfortable left handed many buttoned mouse to use (currently a steelseries kana) and also i've been a game clicker for 30+ years and CHANGEISBAD ;)


Got some keys bound but for general use i dont have alot of nearby keys to pick from with my movement keys choice


Right ctr - Jump

Keypad 4&6 - Left & Right

keypad 5 - back

Arrow key - forward

keypad enter - elite skill

keypad 3 - heal skill

keypad 7/8/9 - 3 utility skills

keypad . - mount/dismount current mount

kepyad Ins - mount skyscale

Mouse buttons - target, next target, nearest target etc

Weapon skills - CLICKITYCLICK

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > >

> > > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > > In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

> > > > My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

> > >

> > > I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?

> > > What definition of a clicker are we using here?

> >

> > Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.

> >

> > As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.

> >

> > I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.

> > f1 1 2

> > f2 4 3

> > f3 5 6

> > f4 f5 f6


> I do have a multi button gaming mouse, but I still prefer to click skills as the side ones are being used for other hotkeys, maybe that doesn't work for other people, but it works for me if something is second nature I'm plenty quick at it. Nobody has said I'm slow to play with or bothered to ask if I'm a clicker, until this thread, so it's not an issue. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll consider retraining myself to an alternative method, but until then there's no real incentive for me to do so.



Ah, I actually meant to clarify the mouse clicking question for you.

The MMO mouse recommendation was meant in as my general recommendation for everyone. But yeah, play how you want and if it's working for you it doesn't matter :). I used to click skills from old MMO and my sister was pretty quick at clicking too when she played Diablo 3.

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> @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > >

> > > > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > > > In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

> > > > > My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

> > > >

> > > > I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?

> > > > What definition of a clicker are we using here?

> > >

> > > Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.

> > >

> > > As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.

> > >

> > > I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.

> > > f1 1 2

> > > f2 4 3

> > > f3 5 6

> > > f4 f5 f6

> >

> > I do have a multi button gaming mouse, but I still prefer to click skills as the side ones are being used for other hotkeys, maybe that doesn't work for other people, but it works for me if something is second nature I'm plenty quick at it. Nobody has said I'm slow to play with or bothered to ask if I'm a clicker, until this thread, so it's not an issue. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll consider retraining myself to an alternative method, but until then there's no real incentive for me to do so.

> >


> Ah, I actually meant to clarify the mouse clicking question for you.

> The MMO mouse recommendation was meant in as my general recommendation for everyone. But yeah, play how you want and if it's working for you it doesn't matter :). I used to click skills from old MMO and my sister was pretty quick at clicking too when she played Diablo 3.


Fair play, it's good advice in general if you can afford the better mice. No disagreement there.

I was just explaining I find new keybinds much easier if I play a new game, but I have a suspicion I'm so set in doing it this way now for Gw2 after so long it's become the optimal (barely have to think about it) for me and would be hard to get used to a new way in this game. It's an odd coincidence it has come up in conversation here as just last week a friend on discord has changed his keybinds now he's upgraded his mouse and is encountering a similar thing, he's not as quick on it yet because he's still "having-to-remember-where-i bound-the-key-now". He'll get there tho. XD

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > > @"Mushuchalaka.9437" said:

> > > > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > > > > In a fight, yes for attack skills, unless I'm adjusting the camera angle, but that takes less than a second to do anyway. I like both hands to do about 50/50 of the total work so each hand has to move very little and has faster reactions because they're already poised for doing their respective jobs. Rather than slower reactions because one hand is compensating and doing half the work load of the other hand too.

> > > > > > My keyboard is so compact and with flat keys they don't feel any different on this keyboard to know when I've found them (it has Shroedinger's keys) so I'd have to look down mid fight if I wanted to move my left hand from wasd and q/e straffe to the number keys, wheras my left hand is the perfect size to sit over pinky on \ hoykey ring over A middle on W index on D when the thumb is on spacebar so that is my default left hand position and why I invested in decent gaming mouse so I can click skills fast and hotkeyed the dodge to the mouse. Each hand has a very set job description. XD

> > > > >

> > > > > I'd just like to add to this. I'm a little confused though surely just by dint of using a mouse for anything be it movement or if you have number buttons along the side of it for attack skills you're still a clicker because you are clicking something on the mouse?

> > > > > What definition of a clicker are we using here?

> > > >

> > > > Clicking as in using the mouse cursor to click skills on your screen to activate a skill instead of keyboard or mouse buttons.

> > > >

> > > > As someone mentioned. I'd highly recommend a MMO mouse with buttons on the side, preferrably 12. . You can also set alt + closer keys/buttons. Basically figure out what combos you need to do and map them to keys where you can execute them easiest and you're most comfortable. It'll take some time getting used to.

> > > >

> > > > I have my side MMO mouse buttons mapped like this and use a combination of keyboard/mouse to execute.

> > > > f1 1 2

> > > > f2 4 3

> > > > f3 5 6

> > > > f4 f5 f6

> > >

> > > I do have a multi button gaming mouse, but I still prefer to click skills as the side ones are being used for other hotkeys, maybe that doesn't work for other people, but it works for me if something is second nature I'm plenty quick at it. Nobody has said I'm slow to play with or bothered to ask if I'm a clicker, until this thread, so it's not an issue. If it becomes an issue in the future I'll consider retraining myself to an alternative method, but until then there's no real incentive for me to do so.

> > >

> >

> > Ah, I actually meant to clarify the mouse clicking question for you.

> > The MMO mouse recommendation was meant in as my general recommendation for everyone. But yeah, play how you want and if it's working for you it doesn't matter :). I used to click skills from old MMO and my sister was pretty quick at clicking too when she played Diablo 3.


> Fair play, it's good advice in general if you can afford the better mice. No disagreement there.

> I was just explaining I find new keybinds much easier if I play a new game, but I have a suspicion I'm so set in doing it this way now for Gw2 after so long it's become the optimal (barely have to think about it) for me and would be hard to get used to a new way in this game. It's an odd coincidence it has come up in conversation here as just last week a friend on discord has changed his keybinds now he's upgraded his mouse and is encountering a similar thing, he's not as quick on it yet because he's still "having-to-remember-where-i bound-the-key-now". He'll get there tho. XD


Indeed. When I switched to MMO mouse, it took me at least 1 months(think pressing wrong button and running off cliffs,etc) to be better than I was before switching, because the buttons were so small compared to what I was used to! But I'm pretty good at hitting the correct side buttons on my MMO mouse now. I just kept tweaking my setup until I was comfortable. I can comfortably say it has increased my game play quite a bit. I definitely was a semi clicker when I started.



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