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Suggestion: Consume All - Tome of Knowledge

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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> I drag the inventory to the center of the screen so that the tomes are on the exact same spot as the confirmation button and then CLICK CLICK CLICK away without having to move my mouse.


And set a key to be double-click using Windows's built-in Mouse Keys feature.

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Yeah if all you need them for are spirit shards you can just go to Miyani at the Mystic Toilet and trade them through a merchant window easily. But I can still see a 'consume all' function being useful for people using them to level characters.


On a similar note, why the heck don't casino blitz coins have a 'consune all' option to go with them?

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I use the same method that sevenDEADLY suggests, just be sure in the process, there aren't other items in your inventory that can be accidentally clicked on in the event of a sneeze.


These days, I don't tome level often and if I do, I don't need to use 80 of them since (for me) 60 levels are cut out with 6th year birthday scrolls, either way though, you still have to deal with the other annoyance of this process, which is bulk opening your level chests on a brand new character with limited bag space.


Anyway, consume all would be nice, but it wouldn't fix all the problems with this process.

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Yeah that would be nice, its a chore standing there clicking clicking clicking. Another thing that needs the same treatment is banners , all the guild banners you click on them then have to click on done. Just let us one click them for pitys sake, if you have the banner buff already nothing new will pop up. There are so many things in this game that revolve around double clicking, when it would be a great QoL to change that.

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Those of you who complain about the clicking, how often do you use tomes to level characters? I'm having a hard time seeing how people go through tomes for levels often enough to make this an issue, and the only other use of tomes, conversion to spirit shards, already has a low-click alternative via the mystic forge vendor (as mentioned above).

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