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Is the Springer a rabbit or a kangaroo?

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> @Zeivu.3615 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > I'm not going to vote on a poll so ill informed. The Springer is a giant Jerboa. A somewhat too rabbit-like one, but a Jerboa anyway.

> > Edit: In the end I voted for Neither, just to see the results...


> It's a fake animal in a fake game that looks nothing like a Jerboa. Get off your high horse.

I think this is a mistake. We all know there aren't horses in GW2!


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> @"Netbrat.2750" said:

> I think making it sound like a goat is annoying. It needs a sound of it's own.



Yep, its noise doesn't fit with it. Every time I heard it I think there is some other animal nearby, like a sheep or something, and then I realize there's not any sheep or goat in the area and it was the mount.


> @"TheSlothArmada.6709" said:

> What is the point of the 5th option?

> It is literally the same thing as the 3rd but with different wording. . .


If you didn't notice, the 5th was just for the lulz :P

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Ok. Got a new image for the Springhare that works.


> ![imgur](https://imgur.com/7TNsuN1.jpg)


Is that an image that directly shows in your post? I don't have to klick some link? What kind of sorcery is this???

Edit: Ok, I was slow to read the new forum announcement. It's nice to see that we can finally include images in our posts.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> It's actually based off the Viscacha




OMGGGG wt eff... so the springer is actually a real animal...


OK THIS POST WINS hands down. mods close thread.


Springer is officially a viscacha, no doubts about it. I can't beleive that this animal exists LMAO

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