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New graphic for Aurora?

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> @"Arhon.6158" said:

> Let it be better to leave such a version of Aurora. Because the old version was too much the same with Vision. I really hope that Arena Net will forever leave such a new look.


its not new look, its a bug, this visual effect is meant if you have all 3 trinkets

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I think it's ugly, and I desperately, desperately wish I could turn the effect off. I have both Aurora and Vision. Not only is it ugly, but the purple doesn't match my main character's color scheme and clashes horridly with Warbringer. I had to put them on a character it didn't clash with, and when she brandishes a weapon she looks like she's inside a purple lava lamp. It's awful.

Please, Anet, PLEASE make it possible to turn off the effects on legendary trinkets. Failing that, allow us to dye them. PLEASE.

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I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that this isn't the finished effect of all 3. It's absolutely atrocious. It's rigid, ugly, and uninventive. The nice flowy effect of the Aurora orbs is gone, the fluidity of the lava lamp effect that adding vision brings is destroyed, and that poopy brown blob in that unfitting glowy orb is just a whole new level of yuck. Add to that those stiff connecting sticks, and you've got something that looks like it belongs in a visual update of old school RuneScape... I SO hope that they rework this or it was just a visual bug. If not, they 100% need to give us the opportunity to turn it off, like the back piece. I really want to make vision and coalescence, but if you think I want my characters running around with this mess of absolute yuck glitching around over their heads, you are wildly mistaken...

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