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Wait, you *decreased* the time Augury Rock is open by *10 mins*?!?

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> @"Myriada.7580" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > I can see it being more annoying now than before, but since you're doing the Meta anyways

> > Actually, when i was doing it, i _wasn't_ doing meta, unless it happened to be very close to Augury Rock opening. The meta itself didn't interest me in the slightest.

> >


> So you yourself don't chip into unlocking the area but at the same time want to make waiting times longer so people who are interested in doing the events won't come back to the map because it's just not worth it.

Not really. I just don't see why shorter waiting times for those wanting meta must necessarily mean longer downtimes for those interested in achievements. For me, thats a bad design. It would have been better if there was some other means of entering the Augury Rock and progressing the achievements, without being so dependant on the short times inbetween metas.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Myriada.7580" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > > I can see it being more annoying now than before, but since you're doing the Meta anyways

> > > Actually, when i was doing it, i _wasn't_ doing meta, unless it happened to be very close to Augury Rock opening. The meta itself didn't interest me in the slightest.

> > >

> >

> > So you yourself don't chip into unlocking the area but at the same time want to make waiting times longer so people who are interested in doing the events won't come back to the map because it's just not worth it.

> Not really. I just don't see why shorter waiting times for those wanting meta must necessarily mean longer downtimes for those interested in achievements. For me, thats a bad design. It would have been better if there was some other means of entering the Augury Rock and progressing the achievements, without being so dependant on the short times inbetween metas.




The whole point of the change is to keep players interested in redoing the meta events in the Elon Riverlands and, thus, the area being accessible on a more predictable schedule. I went to that map every single day for weeks before these changes and I can assure you that the Augury Rock stayed closed for the vast majority of the time because there was not enough people interested in (or aware of) the events that lead to opening it.


It really doesn't take long to complete the achievement anyways, I managed to get it done during 3 different occasions before the changes with a bit of time to spare each time. And the most annoying part was *always* being able to even access it in the first place, because the map was barren.


It's not the first area that is locked behind events. There's for example a PoI and a HP that can only be accessed at the latest stages of the Silverwastes map meta event, or the Calx's Hideout in Metrica Province that can only be accessed after completing an event, just to name a few. Heck, there are whole maps and achievements that are only available during festivals.


Just because you don't like the idea behind this decision doesn't make it "bad design".

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> I think that the devs have made a lot of poor decisions lately:

> - The ridiculous amounts of time gates for the Skyscale

> - Being kicked out of the map Dragonfall every time

> - I don't like the story of Dragonfall, so many tropes, it feels so cheap (well, I ate a lich so therefor I can come back from the dead)

> - Following Kralk and all you get to do is go left and right a couple of times (just make it a cutscene for crying out loud)

> - Taimi is still alive (her demeanor sucks, her role sucks, her voice sucks, she has no redeeming qualities and needs to go... Let Gorrik take over plz)


> Don't get me wrong, there's plenty that I like but this is my least favorite living season chapter so far. Those things mentioned above just suck the fun right out of what could've been great because I see the potential but the execution is horrible.


I disagree with this pretty much across the board. The timegating was a bit overdone, but I don't think it was ridiculous. I think an entire generation of gamers got too use to cell phone games and want everything yesterday. We've always had long term goals. It wasn't that big a deal. And it's mostly fixed now anyway.


The dragonfall map is the only thing I can agree with, but I never saw it as a big deal, any more than I did in Dragon Stand. I don't consider a poor decision just because sometimes it interferes with what I'm doing.


I really enjoyed the last story, probably more than the others.


I like Tami quite a bit and she's a popular character for a lot of people.


What I don't really get is why some people can't seem to see the difference between their not liking something and the decision behind it behind more. Over all this was a very well received episode. And there are even plenty of people out there defending the skyscale collection. Sure it was a bit overblown, but the reaction of a handful of very vocal people doesn't really make the decision a bad one. Any more than the decision to make HoT has hard as it initially was, based on a very loud vocal minority made sense. Just because a segment of the playerbase is loud, doesn't mean they're some kind of majority.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > > Huh ?

> > >

> > > Perhaps maybe the first time entering it, it may take 20 minutes to read.

> > >

> > > But the annoyance from replaying it, on a daily basis, the 10 minute wait will improve the meta event for everyone.

> > >

> > > After playing the meta event, you have to make an active choice to either play the Augury Rock meta for 45 minutes, with the 20 minute delay doing absolutely nothing, or playing something else.

> > >

> > > This is a welcome change, thank you ANET for listening to player feedback.

> > >

> > > I literally would go get something to eat, take a shower or relieve myself during that 1 20 minute boring wait. So glad that it is gone.

> > >

> > > And the worst thing about the Path to Ascension meta, is that you will miss the Casino Blitz meta too.

> >

> > and this is why i am hating META's more and more, they take priority over everything else while ruining the gameplay of others.


> the issue here is that for PvE, most content drops into one of two categories: repeatable, and not repeatable. It doesn't take a leap of logic to recognize the former is more important.


> I am glad that Anet does try to please groups in both camps, but if I had to prioritize, repeatable content will always trump those done once.


repeatable content is exactly that, it repeats.

anyone with a little sense of logic would let non-repeatable content have there go on their own pace, if you want to play your repeatable things you can do so at any time.

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> @"Myriada.7580" said:

> It's not the first area that is locked behind events. There's for example a PoI and a HP that can only be accessed at the latest stages of the Silverwastes map meta event


This is not the case anymore since skyscale coz you can fly in now (yep the invi wall there is not sufficient enough anymore)



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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > @"Myriada.7580" said:

> > It's not the first area that is locked behind events. There's for example a PoI and a HP that can only be accessed at the latest stages of the Silverwastes map meta event


> This is not the case anymore since skyscale coz you can fly in now (yep the invi wall there is not sufficient enough anymore)




I don't think breaking out of the maps to get around obvious barriers is intended design.


Plus who in the hell would bother finding a buggy way around with a mount they most likely dont have.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> > @"Myriada.7580" said:

> > It's not the first area that is locked behind events. There's for example a PoI and a HP that can only be accessed at the latest stages of the Silverwastes map meta event


> This is not the case anymore since skyscale coz you can fly in now (yep the invi wall there is not sufficient enough anymore)

You could get in there with gliding long ago, and griffon made it even easier.


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Personally I’m now so disconnected from the main narrative that the only in-game lore I’m interested about is the one connected to GW1, Ascalon and maybe a bit of race/nation-related lore. I kinda no longer care about this game...


While the execution of the main story; pace and storytelling itself is pretty good, the actual story feels like a Disney movie or Netflix adaptation. This whole notion of fighting “evil” with the power of friendship is so girlish and immature that I personally can’t stand it. No real betrayals (Caithe stealing egg was probably the only case and it alone made that part of the story a bit more interesting, again later to be ruined), silly, one dimensional and dehumanized antagonists, no moments of personal darkness etc. It’s so uninspiring and childish that you could make a family friendly movie without making any changes to the story. There were, however, moments in the game that I liked (being killed but Balthazar was one of them, but the entire moment was later ruined by the poor and unnatural reaction of Commander’s so called friends when he/she ‘woke up’), but overall I’ve never felt hyped about ‘what’s next?’. I knew Aurene will get revieved and soon after we will take down Kralkatorrik. It was bound to happen and pretty obvious too. At the end everyone said how much they now love each other (literally made me roll my eyes) and that’s it, Kralk chapter ends there... and don’t even get me started on the fact that I’m a Commander (one amongst millions of others), dragonslayer, champion and savior of the whole world (just like many other player characters - again), but I often still need to proof my usefulness to some random NPCs.



I was really engaged into story back in Guild Wars 1. Searing was quite a shock to me and made me hate Charr with passion, Rurik’s sacrifice was touching (in fact Prophecies was full of little, but very inspirational and impactful stories), tracking down Shiro was awesome (possibly ANet’s best main antagonist up to date) and purging the lands of Elona from evil also felt great. Betrayals and plot twists were everywhere and the whole story felt much darker back in GW1.


Some back stories in GW2 are really cool, but because the main story is for me so uninspiring I’m not motivated to look for hidden lore. I no longer care... So this change to AR won’t affect me at all.

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