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Missing Ley Line Node - A Bug, A Time Gate, Or Something Else?

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After downloading the latest update I did four bosses in a row - The Fire Elemental, The Claw of Jormag, The Great Jungle Worm and then the Shadow Behemoth. The new ley line nodes showed up after the first three as expected. After the Shadow Behemoth though, some people got the node and others, including me, didn't. As the title of this discussion indicates, it wasn't clear if the missing node was a bug or some game mechanic I didn't know about yet. I did get the treasure chest for the Behemoth, just not the node. Any thoughts, folks?

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Off to fight Tequatl atm but after that I guess I should put in a bug report for the SB if no one else has yet.


EDIT: Node showed up just fine after Tequatl went down. So I'm gonna mosey over to the bug section to see if a report has been filed yet. If not, I'll put one in. Thanks everyone for the additional input that made it pretty clear it was just a SB bug.


EDIT 2: Someone had already posted a bug report so I just added my experience to their thread. You may want to do the same. Someone else in the thread suggested there might be an issue with a squad that had members playing on different maps. I wasn't in a squad for any of my boss battles but you might want to keep an eye out for that.

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> @"Aaralyna.3104" said:

> Its not as easy as saying its a SB bug... Many complained they got none at SB while I did get mine at SB no problem (did claw of jormag, sb, taidha, svanir shaman and megadestroyer). I was on same map as ppl saying they got none.


Understood. Both here and in the official bug report thread I specified that some people got the node at SB while others didn't. So far though I haven't seen any reports of missing nodes at other bosses. Moreover, I've done eight of the relevant bosses to this point and SB was the only one where I didn't get a node. That would seem to indicate that the glitch is related to the Behemoth or to something on that map in some way. I'm not a coder though so all I can do is report what I've seen and what others have said, in this thread and in map chat.

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