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Idea: Skyscale new mystery skill suggestion (pick-up a player)

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So we had this discussion on discord someone said.. okay we got a big dragon mount now why can't we let someone have thier back seat also, players can use this feature to help each other to reach difficult areas or simply enjoy a flight across Tyria.


#Skyscale_Taxi =)

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It sounds fun but in reality I think it has too many problems to be worthwhile.


Mounts are coded as a tonic, not a seperate model so it would be very hard to code 2 players transforming into 1 thing.

In addition you have the problem of trolling. Picking up a player and dropping them to their death ect. This could be solved with a check asking if its ok to be picked but again requires new coding.

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I realise the reason why we don't have auto follow in GW2 compared to GW1 is because of the obstacles, but we already use Mesmer portals to taxi people places I don't see why this would be any different, wouldn't be abused by trolls if the passenger had sole decision whether to jump off mid air or wait until the rider dismounted themselves. People without glider could have a temp paracute glider that lasts only until they are safely on the ground again. Also so people without the mounts are still incentivised to get their own the option to taxi is like a skill with a long cool down so mount owners would save it for just the times it's deemed most useful, and people can't get a free ride indefinitely.

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Coding wise it would be easier if the player transformed into the mount. If the rider exited at any point during movement they would need to snap back to their starting point like the mount bug sometimes does. Motion sickness would be a major issue for some people. Typically it's worse for people who aren't in control of the motion; simulated or otherwise. This is the main reason this idea wouldn't go very well.

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> @"LoRdZeRo.5364" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > Bad topicname, you made me think there was something new that had been discovered.


> Noted and changed. Thanks


Do not know what it was before, but it's still misleading. "new mystery skill" sounds like you found a skill that is not well known,

unless you meant to say "new mastery skill"? Maybe change the subject to "new mastery skill idea" or suggestion?


As for the idea, it's already been stated by the devs that 2 riders on a mount is not possible. It was originally something that they where going to do but for technical reasons it was dropped.

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> @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> > @"LoRdZeRo.5364" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > Bad topicname, you made me think there was something new that had been discovered.

> >

> > Noted and changed. Thanks


> Do not know what it was before, but it's still misleading. "new mystery skill" sounds like you found a skill that is not well known,

> unless you meant to say "new mastery skill"? Maybe change the subject to "new mastery skill idea" or suggestion?


> As for the idea, it's already been stated by the devs that 2 riders on a mount is not possible. It was originally something that they where going to do but for technical reasons it was dropped.


Ah. This is the sort of info I was looking for. Cheers. But out of curiosity can you find a link to where they said this? (I couldn't find anything on it.) I'd be interested to read it in full.

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> > > @"LoRdZeRo.5364" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > Bad topicname, you made me think there was something new that had been discovered.

> > >

> > > Noted and changed. Thanks

> >

> > Do not know what it was before, but it's still misleading. "new mystery skill" sounds like you found a skill that is not well known,

> > unless you meant to say "new mastery skill"? Maybe change the subject to "new mastery skill idea" or suggestion?

> >

> > As for the idea, it's already been stated by the devs that 2 riders on a mount is not possible. It was originally something that they where going to do but for technical reasons it was dropped.


> Ah. This is the sort of info I was looking for. Cheers. But out of curiosity can you find a link to where they said this? (I couldn't find anything on it.) I'd be interested to read it in full.


No idea where the link is, It was posted here in the forums a very long time ago in one of the threads suggesting passengers for mounts. There have been many threads on the subject so searching the forums is time consuming. Perhaps one of the original posters of this info may see this and share the link again?

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> > > @"LoRdZeRo.5364" said:

> > > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > > Bad topicname, you made me think there was something new that had been discovered.

> > >

> > > Noted and changed. Thanks

> >

> > Do not know what it was before, but it's still misleading. "new mystery skill" sounds like you found a skill that is not well known,

> > unless you meant to say "new mastery skill"? Maybe change the subject to "new mastery skill idea" or suggestion?

> >

> > As for the idea, it's already been stated by the devs that 2 riders on a mount is not possible. It was originally something that they where going to do but for technical reasons it was dropped.


> Ah. This is the sort of info I was looking for. Cheers. But out of curiosity can you find a link to where they said this? (I couldn't find anything on it.) I'd be interested to read it in full.


You can find it here, I believe: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Chat_-_Episode_53

(I'd suggest watching the video, rather than trying to read the transcript. Joel H. [the Mount programmer/developer] starts speaking about the technical issues right after the break.)


Good luck.

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > auto follow was abused by botters in gw1


> That's quite a bold statement. I played Gw1 for many years and I don't recall ever seeing a botter.

> Do you have proof?


You didn't because they were botting in their own instances of certain maps. They were and still are a thing, unfortunately.


On topic, as much as I liked it in another MMO I used to play years ago, I think it isn't necessary not only because most people already have most of the mounts but also because having an idea of how the mounts work in GW2, I think this would be impossible or close to impossible. I would rather have devs work on their current projects, fixing bugs and working on making new things into other gamemodes like pvp and wvw than spend more time on unnecessary and time consuming features.

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> I realise the reason why we don't have auto follow in GW2 compared to GW1 is because of the obstacles, but we already use Mesmer portals to taxi people places I don't see why this would be any different, wouldn't be abused by trolls if the passenger had sole decision whether to jump off mid air or wait until the rider dismounted themselves. People without glider could have a temp paracute glider that lasts only until they are safely on the ground again. Also so people without the mounts are still incentivised to get their own the option to taxi is like a skill with a long cool down so mount owners would save it for just the times it's deemed most useful, and people can't get a free ride indefinitely.


I am not disagreeing. I think this is an excellent idea. More MMOs should have this imo.

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> @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > auto follow was abused by botters in gw1


> That's quite a bold statement. I played Gw1 for many years and I don't recall ever seeing a botter.

> Do you have proof?


I find it bordering on laughable that a multi-year player of gw1 wouldn't have seen bots!

Bergen Hot Springs was jokingly called Bergen Bot Springs because of the monk bots spawning in, running *the exact same path* to the exit and leaving into Nebo Terrace.

I also recommend dropping by Jade Quarry... ;)

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Lady Celtaine.3760" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > auto follow was abused by botters in gw1

> >

> > That's quite a bold statement. I played Gw1 for many years and I don't recall ever seeing a botter.

> > Do you have proof?


> I find it bordering on laughable that a multi-year player of gw1 wouldn't have seen bots!

> Bergen Hot Springs was jokingly called Bergen Bot Springs because of the monk bots spawning in, running *the exact same path* to the exit and leaving into Nebo Terrace.

> I also recommend dropping by Jade Quarry... ;)


Well it's true. If they were around maybe the server I was usually playing on just wasn't that popular with them, or the times I saw them was so few it wasn't worth commiting to memory... who knows? Bergen wasn't exactly one of my regular haunts anyway, usually was doing the Asc to LA run or gathering HoM gear. Eitherway I don't recall seeing any.

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