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Am I the Only One Who Finds the Skyscale Obnoxious?

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To be perfectly transparent, I don't have an issue with the fact that they have the mount. I think it's very impressive. It is a challenge that right now is too daunting for me and I respect others who can overcome obstacles that I cannot. The fact that so many have it already and so many continue to get it actually gives me hope that someday I will too. My issue is the same as everyone has complained about a drop in frame rate or just plain eyesore. You can compare this to belligerently-dyed, glowing chars or the other mounts but you can't tell me any of those has had such a large impact on the field of view as the skyscale. Hell, belligerently-dyed glowing skyscale are becoming a thing.

I understand being proud of the achievement but I never imagined being such a braggart as to go out of my way to show off.


I have no issue with the skyscale itself or anyone that has one. The hovering is a great mechanic for when I am still deciding what to do or where to go and I am really excited to have my own. The experience of the skyscale is just being soured by a select few people.

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This game desperately needs options for turning all other players to basic skins aka the pvp/wvw basic skin options, and disable all other things like backpacks, infusions, force mounts to the default skins with default colors etc. (Possible option to exclude party members).


This is just flat out making the game horrible to play, have friends that just doesn't want to play because of this, and fled to other games. Heck, I almost prefer that kitten whale in ff14 to this.

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Still not as bad as Elder Scrolls Online where you can easily have 4 or 5 sorcerers at the bank, each with a human sized 'pet' flapping constantly, right at eye level. (It is possible to disable them, but many people don't bother.)


I do find it annoying when there's a skyscale low enough down that it's in the way, especially because I can't stand flickering animations when I'm trying to concentrate on something else. But so far I've been able to move away from them or angle the camera so I don't see it. I'm pretty sure once it's not longer the new thing there will be a lot fewer people afk on their skyscale, because that's happened with all the other mounts, and other things like legendaries or new armour skins.

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Lion's Arch is the place to go to show off new stuff.

Lion's arch is the place to go if you want to see new stuff before you decide whether you want it or not.

I would like to thank all the people who AFK in Lion's Arch with their new stuff so I can check it out, and I return the favor by doing the same.


Sorry if it drops your FPS, but it isn't like you have battles and boss fights to deal with in the city square. If you aren't there to look at the shinies, there are probably other places you could be.

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> @"demitel.1340" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Just go somewhere else.


> Yeah, that totally works when you have to Mystic Forge / use bank / craft / etc.


by mystic plaza or whatever its called and never see mounts at the bank again.


there's also less in the other cities and theres always obsidian sanctum.

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > @"demitel.1340" said:

> > > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > > Just go somewhere else.

> >

> > Yeah, that totally works when you have to Mystic Forge / use bank / craft / etc.


> Yes, it does, go to a different one.


A different mystic forge? (no, I am not buying a mystic conduit for the few times I need it)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"zionophir.6845" said:

> > well it could develop a "community etiquette". like in naturally laggy places like lion's arch, where we see 80 fps drop from max potential, no skyscale will be seen. not imposed by the program but the people who own a skyscale themselves.

> I can't imagine that many would choose to do so, after spending all the effort to get a skyscale (and, as we've seen from posts, including the OP's, some people find it a daunting amount of time/fuss/coin). Especially not for people who have decent machines.






well it will wear out and get old.


there are people who are naturally envious and will trash talk you or indirectly talk about you and your things but with the skyscale's case, it does really make my client graphically lag and when i walk away from them, the lag is reduced.


yeah, im so glad that you got the skyscale but hey, 20++ of you hovering in L.A. is like watching Live Telecasts on Dial-up..

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> @"hostileskeleton.7364" said:

> Ultimately it's not a big deal and this is just whining for the sake of whining(because absolutely nothing will change) but I was just wondering if anyone else was as annoyed by it as well. Thanks


Your self awareness and honesty is appreciated. Also worth noting, there is no law against, nor is there anything wrong with you getting annoyed. Some things will annoy some people some of the time, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Just got to go with it. Tolerance and patience.





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I have -- and love -- the new mount and yes it is annoying when a bunch of ppl are hovering in one place or especially if they are at the perfect height and block my view when I pivot the camera overhead, but the benefits of the mount far outweigh that annoyance . . .


Where I disagree is with the ppl who think it's going to go away. Being able to insta-afk anywhere without having to worry about getting into combat while you are gone is a huge benefit and ppl aren't going to stop doing it . . .

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Where I disagree is with the ppl who think it's going to go away. Being able to insta-afk anywhere without having to worry about getting into combat while you are gone is a huge benefit and ppl aren't going to stop doing it . . .


I disagree. In WoW all flying mounts can hover indefinitely , and you don't see what the OP is describing. That is the newness of it all, and it will fade.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > Where I disagree is with the ppl who think it's going to go away. Being able to insta-afk anywhere without having to worry about getting into combat while you are gone is a huge benefit and ppl aren't going to stop doing it . . .


> I disagree. In WoW all flying mounts can hover indefinitely , and you don't see what the OP is describing. That is the newness of it all, and it will fade.



We'll see I suppose . . .


EDIT: Unless you mean the hovering in places like LA where it's totally unnecessary and carries no benefits. But it also doesn't really hurt anything in places like that either so that's a hard meh . . .

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > > @"demitel.1340" said:

> > > > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > > > Just go somewhere else.

> > >

> > > Yeah, that totally works when you have to Mystic Forge / use bank / craft / etc.

> >

> > Yes, it does, go to a different one.


> A different mystic forge? (no, I am not buying a mystic conduit for the few times I need it)


Mystic forge is in your servers keep on your home BG, can always use that one if you really need to go elsewhere.

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I _have_ a Skyscale, and I find the clouds of hovering Skyscales to be infuriating. Unfortunately, I don't see a viable compromise in sight, as even a limiter option (hide mount skins) would still leave you with the flapping and the dust and an inability to 'just move' if the mess is right on top of your objective.


It isn't about being jealous of the mount or unwilling to get it, it's about the mount itself having an invasive, space-eating design in a game that is supposedly trying to 'reduce visual noise'. Feedback is important even when it isn't positive, and while I can't see an easy solution for the flapping, perhaps the paid staff of ArenaNet might come up with something.


In the meantime, I'll be perching my mount on the ground or up on a cliff where it isn't bothering anyone, because I find that to be a basic courtesy to other players and to my own screen.

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I am not at all jealous/envious that ppl have skyscales. At all. I am not in the least bit interested in asking Anet to change your skyscale functionality or its looks on your screen. When I am free and feel like it, I will also get the scale for myself.


I believe that invalidates the most common counter-argument listed in this thread so far, against my request.


As for comparing with other mounts when they were newly released, I wasn't bothered - was anyone? I dunno...

The current problem is that the animation for the scale's low altitude hover is very pronounced and visually disruptive with negative effects on some ground players.


Please let us toggle the animation of other ppls scales off on our screens if possible.

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I was pretty amazed by the feedback I was getting on this post for being generally agreeable but nothing lasts forever. If you have an abrasive opinion you get abrasive opinions on your opinion. To anyone who feels like people who a.) don't want their frame to drop or b.) don't want to experience eyesore should just go somewhere else, you are severely missing the point. The purpose of this post wasn't to go on a witch hunt for skyscales, it was merely to point out a perceived flaw in design. I don't feel anyone should have to give up their skyscales just because I don't like seeing them flapping their wings constantly, that would be insane. In that same sense, I don't feel as though the quality of my gameplay (framerate/model limit) should suffer just because someone else has a skyscale. I shouldn't have to segregate myself. I shouldn't have to buy a pass to use a MF in another area. I like Lions Arch. I like world boss zones and seeing maps populated by characters and riders. Since this last mystic forge event I have seen more people taking on world bosses than I ever have before and I am absolutely loving it. The maps feel alive. At most, this post was to call some attention to ANet and, as some other users have pointed out, hopefully get an option to make skyscale animation less intense on my system. They aren't going to die down as others have mentioned so something may have to be done about the loss of framerate as skyscales become more and more common. This is the ONLY mount in GW2 that can afk hover so comparing it to WoW is kind of out of the question.

Ultimately, keep it civil. The only question this post posited was whether I am alone in thinking the skyscales are presently obnoxious and that has been answered. Don't make an ass out of yourself or anyone else just because you don't agree with one another. I like group discussions like this. I like opening myself up to new perspectives. I don't want ANet to shut this thread down just because people can't respect each others opinions. Thanks

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The cloud of skyscales near events definitely affect performance, more than other mounts I find, probably because of the dust effect, it Is kind of annoying. On the flip side I really enjoy the mobility (only post third mastery, otherwise it's about as good as a griffon/springer)

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