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Is it possible?

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Hello all.

At first, I thought there was no way I would able to get my skyscale...but...I decided to clean up my bank...and to my astonishment I find I already have almost all the map currency and quartz ..some of the map currencies I have more than enough . Thanks to my thinking I wanted to make a celestial armor set and then giving up, I just discovered I have almost 90 charged quartz sitting in material storage.


I am a clutz and have problems with jumping puzzles..did I read that I can craft treats to skip these as well as two of the boss fights????


Is catching the ball doable now for a clutz???


Are the event requirements still easy to find groups for?


Lisa-wide eyed and shaking....Tally ho the Skyscale

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The catchting a ball was quite easy for most people, just not for people with a handicap what makes this a hard event for them. Not sure what you mean by a clutz, is that someone who is rather clumsy? :)

You might find less mesmers at the JP's, but some of them are dailys so if you have the patience... Or perhaps just lucky that some other mesmers need to get the skyscale too. Or if you have the money go buy or craft the treats.

As for the events, I can't remember if there were hard ones required for it :/ Well I guess I have to find out myself again since my second account needs the mount too :)

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The recent patch allowed for the catching minigame to be more easily done, but do note there's no time limit for hide-and-seek. You just need to look more thoroughly in higher difficulties.


Foods can be purchased, and excess foods can be sold on the marketplace for decent coin, which will help others progress their skyscales.


For the JPs, being at the summit is enough -- you don't need to carry that bomb all the way to the Griffonrook chest, for instance. Just be at that spot to use the item.


If you don't see a mesmer at a JP you are having trouble with, check back later -- some people do take time to be present so they can help people like you, but they're on during their time of day (and if they're feeling benevolent enough). Have some patience with that.


As for the two boss ones, the skyscale shows up upon the defeat of the world boss. You don't need to participate, but be present, as I think he disappears a few minutes after their demise.


In short, provided you have everything going according to stars alignment and what not, it will take you ~5-6 days to finish your collection, as each new section happens on daily reset (midnight UTC). Patience is a virtue, and it's your ultimate reward.

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> @"Julischka Bean.7491" said:

> Hello all.

> At first, I thought there was no way I would able to get my skyscale...but...I decided to clean up my bank...and to my astonishment I find I already have almost all the map currency and quartz ..some of the map currencies I have more than enough . Thanks to my thinking I wanted to make a celestial armor set and then giving up, I just discovered I have almost 90 charged quartz sitting in material storage.


> I am a clutz and have problems with jumping puzzles..did I read that I can craft treats to skip these as well as two of the boss fights????


> Is catching the ball doable now for a clutz???


> Are the event requirements still easy to find groups for?


> Lisa-wide eyed and shaking....Tally ho the Skyscale


How is it going for you? Getting to love all the JP's and collections yet? ;)

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The hide and seek game is actually very easy, even though the Ctrl-T thing got nerfed.


The skyscale makes a "grunting" noise and if you just move around the area the closer you are to its hiding place the louder the grunt will be. Also it will ping it's location on the minimap.

In the harder modes, it will grunt/ping less.


It tends to hide in the same spots, so if you can't find it, check where it's hidden before.


The catch game on hard did require some luck. You'll eventually figure that the ball goes to a small area and if you reset yourself to the middle after every catch you'll have the best chance of getting 12 in a row. I did it when I was really tired at 2am so it should be doable.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> The only event I remember that requires mass involvement (apart from some standard boss fights) was the Kill the Doppelganger. That's a meta and I believe is now on a set schedule, so it shouldn't be that hard to find a viable time to kill it.


The anomaly in Vabbi is much worse since it is a HP sponge but that one can be skipped with the extra pungent thing.

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