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Should the mount hotkey use the last activated mount?

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Depending on the environment, I typically want to use a different mount a few times in a row. I do have hotkeys set up for each mount, but using only those means the general mount hotkey is relatively useless. I find it too clunky to change the default mount with the mouse. Wouldn't it be better if the general mount hotkey would just always use the last mount you activated? When you want to switch to a different mount for a while, you'd only need to use the mount-specific hotkey once.

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That would completely ruin how my mounts are set up. I have a specific mount key for every mount then another very easy to hit key for just mount/dismount. I set that to whatever mount I intend to use the most and can just change it with the mount drop down on my bar if I need to change it to another mount thati plan to be using most. If I ever encounter something where I need a different mount like once or twice, I just use the mount specific keys I set.

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That makes no sense. I could just as well say: I often switch mounts when traversing the environment because the moment an obstacle appears which benefits a different mount I switch (why would I switch earlier?).


If you are getting on and off the same mount, what was the reason for you to get off the mount only to get back on?


Either way, in your case you are better off using the mount specific key binds.

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> Depending on the environment, I typically want to use a different mount a few times in a row.

It's more likely for me that I don't use the same mount, so any change assuming otherwise makes things harder for me.



I think what would be better is to focus on convincing ANet to prioritize the mount interface generally. Right now, _even if_ you use keyboard shorcuts, it's a lot of things to memorize to choose a mount, regardless of whether you choose the same or a different one each time. The selection sub-panel now takes up half the height of my monitor, so there's a limited amount of space remaining for any new mounts.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> If you are getting on and off the same mount, what was the reason for you to get off the mount only to get back on?


> Either way, in your case you are better off using the mount specific key binds.


I mostly get off to hit mobs / mine stuff etc. I do use mount specific keys, just find them a bit too clunky wherever I put them.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I think what would be better is to focus on convincing ANet to prioritize the mount interface generally. Right now, _even if_ you use keyboard shorcuts, it's a lot of things to memorize to choose a mount, regardless of whether you choose the same or a different one each time. The selection sub-panel now takes up half the height of my monitor, so there's a limited amount of space remaining for any new mounts.


Good point, I'd be very happy with a general rework of the UI instead.



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I use the mount key to dismount and mount for my primary. If I need to access any of the others, I have them mapped to the num pad.


This. I only use the general mount key for my main mount and use key binds for all the others. Switching mounts is easy and uncomplicated. If the general mount key triggered the last mount used, that would be a needless complication making that key useless for me.

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