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Nerf Mantra Mesmers and Revenants

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> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > Sindrener existence proves that thief is far away from being useless trash as thieves cry.

> >

> > Zeromis' existence proves that mesmer is far away from being useless trash as mesmers cry.

> As if there ever been any rival for team USA, regardless of what zeromis play they will win even without him. Good example /s


Hey, we all make excuses ... Zeromis practiced a lot to get where he was , you just complain on the forums


It's cool

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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > Sindrener existence proves that thief is far away from being useless trash as thieves cry.

> >

> > Zeromis' existence proves that mesmer is far away from being useless trash as mesmers cry.

> As if there ever been any rival for team USA, regardless of what zeromis play they will win even without him. Good example /s


Zeromis' team beat Sindrener's team 3-1 during the finals of the last Mist Challengers tournament.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I just fought against a double mantra mesmer, double rev duo.

> >

> > There are:

> >

> > 1. No animations to dodge

> > 2. 17 different targets on my screen

> > 3. They can be at 3 points simultaneously

> > 4. If I stop dodging I get one-shot

> > 5. I'm perma revealed and all of their attacks are unblockable

> > 6. Stability gets instantly stripped and if you don't die you can't cast any skills because of the cc chains and constant interrupts

> > 7. You can't run away from them

> > 8. No-port spots are useless

> >

> > Mantras should not exist and both builds/classes both need huge damage nerfs and reworks. Matches like these are actually unplayable. There are no ways to fight against builds/comps like these and they do not require any skill to play. Unlike sic em longbow soulbeasts, there are no tells for the damage and you can't defend yourself with line of sight and terrain.

> >

> > QQ T-T L2P


> I'm glad I'm not the only one. I fought a team with double mantra mesmer yesterday and absolutely could not participate in the fight. In the very literal sense. I could not use my skills, I was constantly dazed/stunned. There was no tell, not only is it instant this is compounded by initiating from stealth. If I stopped evading, dead, instantly. Not in a second, not in a half second, instantly or at least in about 250ms which might as well be instantly.


> I get the nerf threads on Soulbeast and Holosmith but why has no one made a thread on this until now? I feel like it's pretty broken. I wont even address Revenant, there are already threads on that mess.


Are you sure it was a revenant and not a scrapper? I heard scrappers got some daze thing now that they can spam I even heard people complaining about it plus other stuff they got.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > > Sindrener existence proves that thief is far away from being useless trash as thieves cry.

> > >

> > > Zeromis' existence proves that mesmer is far away from being useless trash as mesmers cry.

> > As if there ever been any rival for team USA, regardless of what zeromis play they will win even without him. Good example /s


> Zeromis' team beat Sindrener's team 3-1 during the finals of the last Mist Challengers tournament.


We beat them 3-1 in UGO. In NA both times btw.


And they banned chrono in the other tourney so our main mes had 1 week to go nec

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Not like I'm playing much(last 3 weeks to be precise) but didnt even see this until got mentioned.


Pretty funny to see that from somneone who spam unranked screenshots as a proof (or early season start),contradictting himself with own statements(tangled in your own lie, bruh?).Then trying to use **condi mirage of old age** to prove that **POWER mesmer** is broken... gl with that boy

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"praqtos.9035" said:

> > > > Sindrener existence proves that thief is far away from being useless trash as thieves cry.

> > >

> > > Zeromis' existence proves that mesmer is far away from being useless trash as mesmers cry.

> > As if there ever been any rival for team USA, regardless of what zeromis play they will win even without him. Good example /s


> Zeromis' team beat Sindrener's team 3-1 during the finals of the last Mist Challengers tournament.


Don't forget this.



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> @"praqtos.9035" said:

> Not like I'm playing much(last 3 weeks to be precise) but didnt even see this until got mentioned.

> @"shadowpass.4236"

> Pretty funny to see that from somneone who spam unranked screenshots as a proof (or early season start),contradictting himself with own statements(tangled in your own lie, bruh?).Then trying to use **condi mirage of old age** to prove that **POWER mesmer** is broken... gl with that boy


lol here's a link to one of [my previous posts](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/988654#Comment_988654)


I play a variety of mesmer builds in ranked as well. A few days ago, I went 16-1 and 9-1 back to back on _stream_ with condi mirage. In [this clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/TsundereAbstruseDumplings4Head) I was winning a 1v3 against the enemy team's mesmer, ranger, and warrior. My team rotated in to help, cleaned up, then I rotated to mid and quickly killed their ranger again.


You can keep trying to discredit me but I've been playing with and against the best players in the game since release. I've consistently placed in the top 10 when I have enough games played and there are plenty of clips/old footage floating around of me winning/holding outnumbered fights in high plat on multiple classes _including_ mesmer.

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