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PVP lacking in GW2....


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to me this is how gw2 works....

a buncha people pay and swipe for skins/pve content to get items to help aid currency to get legendaries... the 'end-game' is getting a full setup of legendary/infusions/skins. and then there is pvp... pvp doesn't really have an end-game... its one of the only modes, if not the only mode, that has a different experience almost everytime you play in it, since you are being matched up versus players, and not scripted dumb AI that's the same everytime.... that being said pvp is where i find interest... players controlling an opposing unit that is built/played in a way that is completely unique to even other players running the same exact build. TLDR. pvp = fun/unique ... pve = repetitive/ai sleeper content... I get it, a company wants to make money and pve/skins is working more than the pvp part of the game... I WONDER WHY...... Let's look at our PVP options in GW2.....


sPvP and WvW.....


lets break these down farther to show you the lack of pvp within the modes....


sPVP is not balanced. If you think it is, you forgot how skills have a different meaning from pve, also the armor/rune/sigil options you have... you don't have all the options that wvw does... this means the game isn't balanced. you have to admit that the pvp at that comment alone, it isn't balanced. legendaries and hard earned equips from pvp'ing do not matter AT ALL in spvp... its a streamlined mode where you run around an worry about capping points.... not only that, but also another pve element based on the map you've ended up on... ex: repairing the catapult.... capping a 4th point for the bell to get big points.... killing AI bosses for points... etc....


The point is... sPVP not only is unbalanced. but it breaks away skilled players pvp ability... how? because you stop doing what you doing, and cap a point... or stop pvping and go get the 4th point for the bells extra points... in my mind, it's forcing players to stop pvp, to move to get these objectives for points, so you can win... its like saying who wins in this example:

The team who has a K:D of 50:1 or the team who has 1:50... well a team that has 50 deaths and 1 kill can in theory win. I think that is dumb. just plain dumb. don't worry about playing good, just run a mobile bunker build and cap points... if they can't kill you 1v1, maybe theyll try 2v1. then you are 1 person, soaking up 2 players dmg/time and giving your team a 4v3 which they should win... what a lame strategy... 'meta bunker builds' lol

what about seasons in spvp... lets say your trying to get that legendary backpiece. and you need to grind spvp. well you can only complete the achievements for it during an active season. that's right intentional time gates for whatever reason... think about that... S16 end... you can't make any progress for a month because.... oh right they were working on putting new titles into the next season? why the artificial month breaks in between seasons? who made that option?


WvW. way to much running/scripted ai/meaningless victories. so many flaws its actually gross to play once you realise whats happening...

-have you ever... ran without a commander and not many players online, so your mindlessly wandering around?

-ever have a commander take whatever pvp momentum/fight thats happening and just run, so everyone runs once you actually find players to fight?

-ever run with a ppt ghost capping commander? <-- why bother with this shit. run around in circles pveing capping empty bases for what? more points to boost server matchups once the week is over? no... no one cares about that, and from what i hear, A lot of players don't like T1 fights, for whatever reason... meaning that they wanna cap the towers/keeps/camps/castles FOR WHAT? it isn't for the added points for your server, it's for personal gains only IMO. they just want to progress in rank/pip activity/get loot

- ever run with commander, see a fight outside a keep and people stop doing what they are doing to gatherr from the 3 nodes in bases? ' oh hey I see pvp but my group is sitting on nodes cause they want to gather a couple logs, ores, and vegitables ' what the fuck? more pve ( non-pvp ) crap added in wvw to distract people / money grab

- what about a commander that takes momentum and a fight that is known on the map, and says hey guys were swapping maps.. then not everyone follows and it kills momentum...

- anyone else annoyed with the amount of meaningless AI scattered around ? im t alking about all the random guards in fields, deer, bugs, wolfs etc etc... the filler ones.. I understand AI like dolyaks carrying supplies... or ogres guarding a node. but extra filler to accidently hit, because the skill bounces, now im forced in combat, walk slower, or im forced to pve and kill the AI... I DONT GIVE A FLYING F.... ABOUT AI....

- big primetime server lag/reset anyone? those fights could be sick if the game could handle it....but it cant. when skill lag happens...

- what about legendaries in pvp? you can get armor, you can buy asc weapons, but you cannot get legendary weapons as a pvper. why?




Where the HELL is skill based fighting? Most of it is lowkey dueling others and you dont get rewards for that, other than being around other people that want the same thing, skilled pvp/respect.


Im sick of how if there are 50 players online from every 3 servers matched up, that there are 4 maps and almost any node they want to just go to, they can.... in reality there is maybe a couple fights here n there, very small. but because the game doesn't have a lattice system and force players to go for certain nodes, everyone just scatters and pvp is almost non-existant especially during certain times of the day.


what could they have done?


well World of Warcraft had simliar pvp modes eh? arathi basin kinda like spvp....

you know what wow did that was a success for it's pvp? ARENAS


skill based, heads up fighting, no bullshit. you can balance the game better too once you ad multiple players into an arena enviorment... hell you can control how many player go in to the arena, controlling the lag/skill lag on YOUR end, not mine... and you can name it fucking GVG omg what a concept! Im sure somone has heard of this game mode, not even hard to implement. take any players that queue on any fucking server and match them up in 1v1...5v5(spvp) 10v10(gvg) 20v20(alliance battle?) past 20v20 or maybe around those number youll start to lose QUALITY because of lag... but there is a sweet number in there where things just work fine and it's not overwhelming nor does it req a lot of players. then 10v10 or even 15v15..... no running around looking for fights that will be uneven.... it's a fucking even 10v10.... you can now run multiple fights and see what is fucking op and balance it... if 90% of top 10 teams run the same exact thing... clearly it's a problem and either A. somthing needs nerf, or B. you need to buff what isn't being used for it to become a viable option....


ANET DO YOU NOT PLAY YOUR OWN GAMES PVP??? WHO AT THE OFFICE CALLS THEMSELVES A PVP'R ??? How many hours a week, week after week, can they enjoy gw2's pvp? and that is the big question, your answer? not many people, because the systems in place aren't good enough to entertain. the modes in question, spvp and wvw, are 'good' at best. not great. not amazing.. and this come more from the core of the game.... the combat.... the combat in gw2 feels good enough, to the point I would say it's better then most... isn't great and is far from amazing... but the game modes being used with a basic combat system? spvp and wvw? both those modes are very bland/old after all these years and all the time anet has had to create somthing with pvp... they just don't know how to do it, and it's obvious.



add arena/deathmatch/gvg

add legendary weapons for pvpers - basic ass bland skins, wont suprise me

add spectate mode

kill the wvw server matchups with there dead time zones 'peak hour' time frames/multiple open maps with a couple hand ful of people on it... you have enough ppl in game that wanna pvp right now, you lack the system for this to happen.

give a bigger incentives to pvp.... If I can make 20-30g an hour pve.. why only 2-7g from wvw? or 5-10g from spvp? If we could make 50g and hour doing wvw, you think wvw would have more players in it? flip that same coin... do you think because of the lack of rewards people ignor pvp and go to pve? I know it happens... but watch... why would i pve to farm legendaries.. to get stats i want to play multiple builds, when in spvp is doesn't matter, and in wvw 50%++ of the time im running around bored, killing AI, gathering nodes,looking for other players to kill?

allow all items/stat combos in spvp and balance it

What is the point in breaking armor durability in GW2 other then a intentional time sync to waste players time/ adding unneeded coding into the game? anyone? thought so. who makes these choices? how does everyone agree, yup repairing items is a good feature to put into the game! .... so dumb. what team said yup we want to do this... it falls along the same lines a timegating... if a company time gates somthing it's because it lacks balance in some shape or form. lets ad a thirst meter, where everyone needs to drink water too ! well ad in a cash shop item to gather the water faster, and refine it better then the free to play water bucket, and youll need to drink water ! what adumb fucking idea right? repair my armor... let me just spend over 500+ gold to get an endless repair kit... how about you take the code and options to repair and get rid of it, quality of life? QUALITY?!?! pfft anet likes money/time sync into the game more then quality


Where is the balance? (quality )

where is the fun? what part of gw2 is fun, think about the fun. the most important part of the game, your time... time per fun... gw2 players have a low avg of fun per time in pvp especially


seriously... where is the fun... to me the combat/pvp is fun... the modes to chose from suck...

its like a cafeteria... pve gets the buffet sampler

and pvpers get chicken and rice... for 7 years.... chicken and rice... me and countless others are sick of the same crap, when will the company in charge switch it up to create interest?


Im not going to invest much more time into the game at all since over the next 5 years, somthing new with pvp will come out, somthing that pushes quality and balance more, what will gw2 pvp get in the next 5 years? Ill look back and itll be trivial at the changes made at this rate....


Im still convinced too, the people reading this will see/hear a bunch of broken thoughts and ideas....

If ANET see's it, itll be under a handful, it will be ignored and maybe flagged as salty rant....

other players might see this as only a salty rant, and start coming at me on why pvp is so good in gw2....


and then there are a bunch of you knowing 100% exactly what im talking about when I say GW2's PVP NEEDS SOMTHING NEW



TLDR, the combat is good, the modes absolutely suck. the balancing team doesn't seem to know where to start or how to balance the game. the dev team for pvp or w/e.... its been almost 7+ years... and it hasn't developed much. that is a huge red flag to whatever 'team' is in charge of a portion of the game.


even match, competitive, skill based, pvp..... where is it ?


Any responses to whats being worked on, when is it coming, and why the lack of communication?



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I'm with you! WHERE is the pvp? The pvp support in gw2 has been HORRID. I am playing Age of Empires 2 right now and, although different being an RTS, is a much more balanced game than gw2. And it's from 1999! I am BEYOND SICK of conquest spvp. Give me some team deathmatch! The balance has been beyond horrible. The expansions basically ruined the classes with the elite specs. They have way too much damage/defenses. 20k damage on skills just should not happen, also I tolerated the bunker BS for years I didn't mind it much, until the recent scrapper nonsense.


That being said, I can stomach wvw more than pvp. I can get some pretty good fights there at times, when I'm not trampled by FB/Scourge zerg trains that is. Yeah, wvw is all about coverage and timezones. Matchups don't mean squat. An alliance system is in the works, but who _knows_ when it will be released.


Unfortunately, we've had "circle" quest for 7 years and if devs didn't care then, they sure won't care now.


Another thing, this is an mmo. pvp will never be as good or top priority as pvp in rts, fps, fighting or moba type games. Reason is, in mmos, pve or the social world in which it takes place, takes priority. In mmos, devs need to give up one or the other, they can't do both. They can't afford it. They'll never be able to support both as games like WoW can. Still, though, that's no excuse to let it _languish_ like it has for SEVEN years!

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And here I am thinking that the PvP in this game is actually way better than any other PvP I have tried before - because it's purely PvP oriented, you won't get an advantage for completing 20 thousand raid wings and having better overall gear.


It's a new concept (well, "new" is a big word seeing how old the game actually is) that is "unique" (then again, other MMOs also took the conquest method). Maybe I'm just sold to ArenaNet's Guild Wars 2 but hey, it's legit a great battle system they have!

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.


> Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.


Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything thats gw2 pvp related.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.

> >

> > Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.


> Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything that gw2 pvp related.


yes indeed and it hurts me.. a lot.. gw1 pvp was so good and so diverse with lots of different pvp modes, some even came with expansions.. and now? in GW2? all that's important is a new raid wing and a fractal every now and then and LiViNg StOrY..

another thing Anet was really famous for - in my opinion-.. in gw1 they constantly changed skills (of which there were A LOT more than GW2 has btw..) and now everything we get is like a hand full of skills for each class slightly changed every few months after being broken for 5 balance patches.

I really don't understand all those design choices Anet did right in GW1 and then threw out of the window for GW2.. like just take resetting traitlines. In gw1 you also had to pay for your attribute resets, it got removed and rightly so.. just to be reintroduced to gw2?! and again, get removed.. why not just leaving it out to begin with after the predecessor already made that 'mistake'? Or the skill split for different game modes. Anet just started to split them a few years ago after constantly avoiding it even tho this was already very common practice in gw1. why? nobody understands.

It just really annoys me how they completely ignore everything they've done right with their previous game. Honestly if gw1 wasn't already completely dead (especially pvp - I tried it again a few weeks ago.. RIP Fort Aspenwood) and maybe had some smoother controls, I would instantly turn my back on gw2.


Also I just hate this argument @"Aeolus.3615" iT's A pVe GaMe.. do you really think anet would've gone through the hassle of developing WvW (which I imagine was a real challenge for the dev team) and even make an eSport League for sPvP if they never cared about PvP content? It just annoys me that Anet somehow stopped caring quite a while ago.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.

> > >

> > > Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.

> >

> > Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything that gw2 pvp related.


> yes indeed and it hurts me.. a lot.. gw1 pvp was so good and so diverse with lots of different pvp modes, some even came with expansions.. and now? in GW2? all that's important is a new raid wing and a fractal every now and then and LiViNg StOrY..

> another thing Anet was really famous for - in my opinion-.. in gw1 they constantly changed skills (of which there were A LOT more than GW2 has btw..) and now everything we get is like a hand full of skills for each class slightly changed every few months after being broken for 5 balance patches.

> I really don't understand all those design choices Anet did right in GW1 and then threw out of the window for GW2.. like just take resetting traitlines. In gw1 you also had to pay for your attribute resets, it got removed and rightly so.. just to be reintroduced to gw2?! and again, get removed.. why not just leaving it out to begin with after the predecessor already made that 'mistake'? Or the skill split for different game modes. Anet just started to split them a few years ago after constantly avoiding it even tho this was already very common practice in gw1. why? nobody understands.

> It just really annoys me how they completely ignore everything they've done right with their previous game. Honestly if gw1 wasn't already completely dead (especially pvp - I tried it again a few weeks ago.. RIP Fort Aspenwood) and maybe had some smoother controls, I would instantly turn my back on gw2.


> Also I just hate this argument @"Aeolus.3615" iT's A pVe GaMe.. do you really think anet would've gone through the hassle of developing WvW (which I imagine was a real challenge for the dev team) and even make an eSport League for sPvP if they never cared about PvP content? It just annoys me that Anet somehow stopped caring quite a while ago.


If they made a dodge system for gw1, and the ability to cast while moving, that game be #1 again in no time at all.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.

> >

> > Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.


> Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything that gw2 pvp related.


Can't link a source but I recall one of the ex-Anet devs said that PvP was basically in alpha-state when GW2 launched. They tried way too many things that failed and ran out of time.


I think the combat itself was made mainly with PvP in mind which is why PvE build diversity was limited to 1-2 builds per class and 1 single stat combo for every single viable build at launch (berserker).


Then of course this barebones PvP kept bleeding players and became less and less important for Anet. Then HoT happened, we got a bunch of really cool systems but Anet forever ruined the combat and with it, competition died.


If only GW2 launched with the current systems we could've been an e-sport. But by now they've ruined PvP gameplay so much in favor of PvE that no amount of PvP content can fix it.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > It’s a pve game, anything else is there cause it would look bad if didn’t had pvp.

> >

> > Anything besides pve is forced content and mechanics.


> Have u ever played gw1? Gw2 predecessor? I feel you are lacking understanding of what made gw1 what it was. And that the dev team for gw2 have completely dropped the ball for anything thats gw2 pvp Related.




And played in some top 20-80 guilds before joined zos

Gw1 had a good pvp experience, also had some gimmicks that 1 spiked target but wasn’t has bad as it is in here, and those required at least team coordination and effort

Gw2 barely has pvp...

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Trait system totally ruined all the fun, balance and skill in the game. I wish the trait system was never implemented.


What I personally dislike is how forcefully they grabbed the point system as the only way to win matches.

Alliance battles (GW1) have capture the control points and first to 500 wins system, but it is three teams per faction with larger maps and larger distance from capture points to capture points. Just the fact that it is 2 opposing factions give more immersion, rivalry, competition, sense of proud and thus reason to play it, than any spvp map or mode we have/had.


They thought AB was a successful mode for the overall community, so they wanted to copy it, but they failed at it, failed very hard.

Guild vs. Guild and Hero's Ascent also have a way to win with the most points received, but it is not the only way to win, there are many other mechanics that win you matches.


I get it, Anet, you thought that the first getting to X points is the way that PvP should be played, and it can be seen in every PvP mode you have. And it is the reason everything is a mess. There is no fun in it. At least not for me. It is too one dimensional, and the way it is implemented, a lot of time, the outcome is totally out of the control for the single person.


I yet have to see how one person can influence PvP on its own, I don't know a single name of a great, skilled player in this game. There is no infuse healer monk that is known for their reaction time and god-like spike catches. There are no warrior players that are known for skilled pressure and burst spike damage on a target with the great usage of the window of opportunity or the warrior that could 1/4 double knockdown its target. There are no rangers that knew how to spread DoT damage and interrupt key skills. Or mesmer with the smart placement of hexes on a target.


All I see in spvp is just a mess on capture points and numbers going up. So disappointed. You never even tried to give us PvP mode without the point system. Can you, for once, just give us a mode that has no collect X points as the only winning condition?? At least try it!

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i just came back after a long break and found out today they absolutely gutted the rate you earn ascended shards. went from 1200 to 400 when leveling through the pvp reward track. why on earth would you make it harder to flesh a character out in "endgame" gear when your game is already dying? sometimes i think these devs dont even try.

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