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Question to new players about your experience

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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > The game seems to have a mindset of kill everything as quickly as possible , and the addition of mounts has just made this worse.

> > I cant see any solution.

> >


> This is the results of what happens when you remove roles.


> I like to do dammage but also beeing quite resilient. This is an extremely unpopular opinion and everyone call me "subpar" and "inneffective" but meh...


> To be honest though, the other stats are not very effective compared to Power, Precision, Ferocity. Those 3 have too much synergy between each other.


> Toughness doesn't scale well and having 2k or 3k toughness don't make a lot of difference against mobs (still getting hit for 5k dammage frome some mobs sometimes)


> Healing Power don't scale well with healing skills (passing from a skill that heals you from 2k to 3,5k with tons of healing power? Why?)


> Condition Dammage, this needs a total rework. It's really only great against ennemies that have huge health bar. Dammage like this could apply some "instant" dammage when you hit, and not a measly 200 burn dammage per second. Having precision to be useful with condition dammage would be very nice too.


> Ferocity needs to be greatly buffed but at the cost of having Precision significantly decreased in efficiency. Why? Well, why is it possible to have 100% critical chance? Of course this will be meta! In my opinion, only full Assassin stat with precision runes can someone have at least 80% critical chance (to make fury have some value).


Precision does actually help condition builds somewhat, since most professions have [a trait that causes (or has a chance to cause) a damaging condition on critical hits](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Critical_hit#Traits_that_trigger_on_critical_hits "a trait that causes (or has a chance to cause) a damaging condition on critical hits"). However, some of them have a cooldown, e.g. [incendiary Powder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Incendiary_Powder "Incendiary Powder"), which limits the value of increasing your critical hit frequency with extra precision. Most of them have no cooldown and a 33% chance to trigger, so extra precision genuinely does help with those. (Of course, Elementalist gets [one with](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Precision "one with") a cooldown, a 33% chance to trigger, and a pitifully short burning duration, because Elementalist can't have nice things.)


Otherwise I agree with your assessment of the stat system though.


> @"Ygdrasill.9135" said:

> I actually have a build for my Elementalist that is pure condition damage and toughness. When using it I have over 20k health. It's not fast, but I can make pretty much anything bleed/burn down well before they manage to kill me. There are builds for all the classes that don't revolve around Power/Precision/Ferocity. I've enjoyed trying some of them out since there's far less pressure to min/max in this game than the others I've played in the past and generally top level epic gear is still fairly inexpensive if you don't really care about it's appearance.


Sounds nice, any chance you could share the build? I tried something similar a while ago using double daggers with Trailblazer gear, but didn't have great results.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > > Oh yeah i forgot to mention, i think all the regular players assume everyone has been playing gw2 for a long time like them. So when a new player is lost and ask something in map chat they get shocked like..what are you new or something? Yeah i am i dont know anything about a lot of this game, esp when it comes to hot and pof stuff. I think people could be a bit more patient, we dont know all the stuff thats why we ask.

> > I've also noticed it and I don't like it either. I'm not a veteran player (started with HoT) but I remember that when I asked something in map chat, people kindly replied if they knew the asnwer. Now it's always "/wiki" or "yt", or "giyf" (this one not anymore). I mean, sure the wiki has almost always the answer, but I assume that if someone is asking, it's because he/she didn't find the info. If you're too lazy to reply, just don't reply at all.


> I think telling people how to use the "/wiki" function is the kindest thing a person can say or do in most situations. Why would people suggest something that they wouldn't be willing to do themselves? The wiki editors do great work, and anyone can access it anytime with an in-game chat command... so long as you can spell what you're looking for.


Its really not though, its antisocial and kinda rude, in the way that this is an mmorpg you are supposed to help one another and interact. When someone ask a simple question it takes nothing to type a 2 second answer, instead its wiki it. How cold and impersonal is that, if i know the answer i will tell them. For some people its a hassle to alt tab for a simple answer, maybe they dont run 2 monitors, or their pc isnt the fastest , its still not a big deal to be polite and type the answer. Gee the next person that comes down my street lost looking for an address im just going to tell them to google it. Im sure that will go over well, its the same deal ingame its just not very nice or polite to do to someone. Community yeah?

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the dungeons need to need be reworked to give lvl 80s an incentive to do them with the new players.

the casual players are discouraged on how they get the mounts. imo, you will not see them again.

there is a sense of selfishness between the players that got mounts and the players struggling to get mounts. there is no incentive to help them.

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> @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > > > Oh yeah i forgot to mention, i think all the regular players assume everyone has been playing gw2 for a long time like them. So when a new player is lost and ask something in map chat they get shocked like..what are you new or something? Yeah i am i dont know anything about a lot of this game, esp when it comes to hot and pof stuff. I think people could be a bit more patient, we dont know all the stuff thats why we ask.

> > > I've also noticed it and I don't like it either. I'm not a veteran player (started with HoT) but I remember that when I asked something in map chat, people kindly replied if they knew the asnwer. Now it's always "/wiki" or "yt", or "giyf" (this one not anymore). I mean, sure the wiki has almost always the answer, but I assume that if someone is asking, it's because he/she didn't find the info. If you're too lazy to reply, just don't reply at all.

> >

> > I think telling people how to use the "/wiki" function is the kindest thing a person can say or do in most situations. Why would people suggest something that they wouldn't be willing to do themselves? The wiki editors do great work, and anyone can access it anytime with an in-game chat command... so long as you can spell what you're looking for.


> Its really not though, its antisocial and kinda rude, in the way that this is an mmorpg you are supposed to help one another and interact. When someone ask a simple question it takes nothing to type a 2 second answer, instead its wiki it. How cold and impersonal is that, if i know the answer i will tell them. For some people its a hassle to alt tab for a simple answer, maybe they dont run 2 monitors, or their pc isnt the fastest , its still not a big deal to be polite and type the answer. Gee the next person that comes down my street lost looking for an address im just going to tell them to google it. Im sure that will go over well, its the same deal ingame its just not very nice or polite to do to someone. Community yeah?


I think it would be the how it is said. If it's just "go /wiki it" then yea, that's rude. But if it's "Have you tried using /wiki" or "Are you aware you can /wiki" then I wouldn't call that rude. There will be times when no one is on who knows the answer. And if a new player isn't aware that they can actually /wiki something then they would be worse off than someone who does know about that function.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> I guess I qualify, then, since I started playing about two weeks after PoF released. And though it has occasionally been frustrating, for the most part it's been enjoyable - or I wouldn't still be here ;) This is one of the few MMORPGs I've stuck with for more than a few months.


> I don't think I'm very representative of new players, though. In fact, according to the guy who recommended the game to me, I don't even play it! I don't do raids, fractals, dungeons, WvW, or PvP. Very rarely do I even participate in a meta. But believe it or not, I've done _way_ more group content in this game than in any other MMO I've played. That's because of the nature of GW2's map events. I don't need to find and join a group; I can just pop in as I'm meandering across the map, heal a little, rez a little, _maybe_ do some damage (but man, I suck at combat), and then drift away after a few minutes when I get bored or real life interferes. It's perfect for my playstyle.


> Most of the cool, shiny, legendary-type stuff is out of my reach, but whatever. There are enough pretty things available to keep me happy, and lots to explore, and some decent stories. That's all I need.


That sounds almost exactly like how I play. :) I was/am a GW1 player and I've been playing GW2 since the start, but I still spend most of my time doing open-world PvE, often doing map completion on low level characters and I'm more likely to play with whoever happens to be on the same map doing the same stuff as me than with an organised group. I am in 2 active guilds, but I mainly chat to them while playing rather than play with them.


I wouldn't assume legendaries and other long-term goals are out of your reach as a result of that - I've made 3 legendary weapons at various points. It took me about 14 months to make the first one, about 7 months to make the most recent one, but it took so long because I was taking my time with it and not pressuring myself to do more than I actually wanted to. Of course one of the nice things about GW2 is you don't need legendaries or anything like that if you don't want it, so if you're not interested there's no reason to go for it, but don't assume you can't have it just because you're a casual player - it just means its spread over a longer time period.


> @"Urud.4925" said:

> > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > Oh yeah i forgot to mention, i think all the regular players assume everyone has been playing gw2 for a long time like them. So when a new player is lost and ask something in map chat they get shocked like..what are you new or something? Yeah i am i dont know anything about a lot of this game, esp when it comes to hot and pof stuff. I think people could be a bit more patient, we dont know all the stuff thats why we ask.

> I've also noticed it and I don't like it either. I'm not a veteran player (started with HoT) but I remember that when I asked something in map chat, people kindly replied if they knew the asnwer. Now it's always "/wiki" or "yt", or "giyf" (this one not anymore). I mean, sure the wiki has almost always the answer, but I assume that if someone is asking, it's because he/she didn't find the info. If you're too lazy to reply, just don't reply at all.


Of course a lot depends on context - _how_ something is said can make a big difference, but someone directing you to the Wiki doesn't always means they're too lazy to reply, it might be genuinely the best way to get the info. Especially if someone is asking a seemingly simple question which actually needs a complicated answer to make any sense - you can either try to type as much as you can remember on the spot into map chat, and hope they'll be able to pick it out of all the other discussion going on and other people's answers, or direct them to a page with all the info already written out.


For example if a new player asks what key farming is I can either say it's repeating the level 10 story for the black lion key reward, then follow that up with explaining that yes you need to make a new character each time, and yes you need a way to level them but if you know what you're doing it doesn't take long, and maybe throw out a couple of examples of how to level quickly and mention that there are items called Tomes of Knowledge which level a character instantly and when you've been playing for a while you'll probably have enough to spare, all while trying to fight or stopping what I'm doing to answer...or I can direct them to the Wiki page which has it all laid out in a logical order with links to things like the ToK page to explain what they are and how they're obtained so it will hopefully answer all their questions. Plus they can then read it in their own time instead of having to stop what they're doing to try and catch my answers in map chat.


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > > @"Zuldari.3940" said:

> > > Oh yeah i forgot to mention, i think all the regular players assume everyone has been playing gw2 for a long time like them. So when a new player is lost and ask something in map chat they get shocked like..what are you new or something? Yeah i am i dont know anything about a lot of this game, esp when it comes to hot and pof stuff. I think people could be a bit more patient, we dont know all the stuff thats why we ask.

> > I've also noticed it and I don't like it either. I'm not a veteran player (started with HoT) but I remember that when I asked something in map chat, people kindly replied if they knew the asnwer. Now it's always "/wiki" or "yt", or "giyf" (this one not anymore). I mean, sure the wiki has almost always the answer, but I assume that if someone is asking, it's because he/she didn't find the info. If you're too lazy to reply, just don't reply at all.


> I think telling people how to use the "/wiki" function is the kindest thing a person can say or do in most situations. Why would people suggest something that they wouldn't be willing to do themselves? The wiki editors do great work, and anyone can access it anytime with an in-game chat command... so long as you can spell what you're looking for.


And if you can't spell what you're looking for (which I often can't) you can open the Wiki via another method and then start typing in the search box - which will offer suggestions based on what you put in and often it only takes 3 or 4 letters to get the one you want...or to realise you've already made a mistake and need to try a different spelling. Alternatively search for a related page. For example I can never remember how to spell Difluorite Crystal or Olmakhan, so if I need to look up either I search for Sandswept Isles and find it on that page.

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I’m not a completely new player (almost a year into this game), but I think I can share my impression of the game from the first few months since I’m newer than players who have been playing for years. Basically, my impression with the game started going down the drain shortly after buying.


I played GW1 from the start. I didn’t like how Anet often ignored major community gripes and abandoned GW1. I didn’t jump to GW2 at launch because I was cautious of AbandonNet. My friend kept trying to get me into this game and after spending a few days on a Core account he bought me, it seemed like GW2 didn’t have the issues I had with WoW (I was looking for a replacement MMO after quitting WoW). The whole no-sub game with more focus on open world exploration instead of repetitive instances, not too many forced fights in open world, and not trying to slow the player down at every corner sounded great. In GW2, I was rarely forced into fights when I didn’t want to fight and I really liked the pacing. Unfortunately...


1) After spending $100 on the PoF Ultimate collection plus HoT, finding out I need to buy LWS sucked,

2) Finding out the game is extremely inconvenient for new players as they really need QoL items such as the Copper-fed, infinite gathering tools, shared inventory, bank tab, etc. And as an altoholic, 5 character slots weren’t enough.


I think the 2 issues above are very inconvenient for new players. Anyway, fast forward a few months...


3) Visual clutter turns the game into mindless rotation spam fest since I can’t see jack and combat becomes boring.

4) The spam of flashing effects that hurt my eyes. I can’t even play Holosmith and I don’t dare to use legendary weapons.

5) Ridiculous aggro range resulting in frequent chain of aggro makes PoF absolute garbage for players who want less focus on frequent combat and more focus on **exploring** open world doing a variety of things. This is NOT what I experienced before buying the game. I felt very deceived. If I wanted more focus on frequent fights, I’d play more instances. The reason I don’t do instances much any more, is because frequent repetitive combat is boring.


Needless to say, I am very disappointed in this game and Anet. Issues 3~5 that are completely abandoned/ignored by Anet is a perfect example why I avoided GW2 for years. I just didn’t trust Anet. I am done buying any more games from Anet, or even spending any more money in GW2. Going by WoW’s $15 sub fee, I would need to play for another year or so before I can quit with some peace of mind that I got my money’s worth.


It’s not that their games are no good. They make some excellent designs, but they sprinkle some terrible or incompetent decisions that completely ruin the experience and then often just abandon/ignore the community if we have major gripes. While Anet seems like they do try to address player concerns more than they have in the past, it’s not enough for me, since my top 3 issues with the game (issues 3~5) are completely ignored.


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I'm confused; if you were around long enough to have to pay for Core, why would you have to pay for Living World Seasons? Unless, of course, it was your choice to forego the opportunity to acquire them for no cost? Also, if around that long, why would one have to pay for those optional items, when there is the Gold-to-Gem feature? It's not like Veterans started out with those items; in fact, most weren't even available as an option.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> I tried to follow a pretty linear path through the story (Personal story -> LWS2 -> HoT -> LWS3 -> PoF -> LWS4) and the only major roadblock I hit, besides being very confused for most of LWS2, was the difficulty spike when starting HoT. I had to give up and skip ahead at that point. After finishing PoF and getting the mounts plus some better equipment, I went back to finish the first expansion.


I did the same thing, although for me my skipping point was the end of PoF. I couldn't finish the final battle so I skipped ahead to S4 and then came back. HoT was extremely difficult for me in spots but I managed to get through it eventually.


I just started doing S2 again to try for the mastery points, and it's a lot more interesting now that I know so much more about all the S1 stuff that I wasn't around for. (I watched a lot of videos that showed the story for those who missed it at the time).


I still have trouble with jumping puzzles though. I am working on Zepher's Ascent now and failing miserably so far. The one saving grace is that replaying the story to get all the mobs cleared is a lot easier for me this time around. :)


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