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A feature to not load people on their skyscale while waiting for event.

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> @"dace.8019" said:

> Is this some ground dweller problem I'm too airborne to understand?


> @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> Ground peasants are disquiet again!


I immediately thought about Winglies from the Legend of Dragoon. Humans, in that game, were enslaved by Winglies who were winged humanoids with special powers. The humans could only fight back through human heroes who were recognized by dragon spirits and combined with them to become Dragoons.




On topic: I'm not a fan of skyscales at all even after maxing it out on the same day I got it and mastering how it moves. But I will use it AFK like everyone else is and will find even louder color combinations because I can. Since it is my AFK hovermount, I have no reason to buy or go after a chair. My chair equivalent is the skyscale hovering low.



They see me flying. They hating.

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I have my mount, and yes, it is pretty annoying. They aren't going to do anything about it, much like the effects blob that is every boss fight. No one even knows what any of the bosses look like (aside from the artwork) cause all you get is a blinding (possibly seizure-inducing) light show. Not sure if they didn't forsee this problem happening, or they just don't care because gem sales > anything else.

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The wing flaps are indeed a visual annoyance, I have to be very careful around them not to trigger my motion sickness (I find a landing spot for my own skyscale so the wings don't set me off when I'm just hovering). That's just me, though, and I can work around it.


I would say what's actually annoying me about flocks of people hovering on the skyscales is that they do it even after the fight has begun. When you're running back and forth with barrels of gunpowder to blow up Taidha's gate, it's rather vexing to see a bunch of leeches hanging out letting everyone else do the work to get them to their loot time. Not just at Taidha, they're doing it at a lot of world bosses and metas, and it's glaringly obvious of them during this special event. Though I guess if they really *want* to hang a big "I'm selfish" sign on themselves, this is just about the most clear cut, easy way to do it.


(Yes, one or two of them might have parked in the air and then had a kid spill a drink or a puppy have an accident, but when half a dozen or more are consistently doing it, it's on purpose).

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> it's rather vexing to see a bunch of leeches hanging out letting everyone else do the work to get them to their loot time. Not just at Taidha, they're doing it at a lot of world bosses and metas, and it's glaringly obvious of them during this special event. Though I guess if they really *want* to hang a big "I'm selfish" sign on themselves, this is just about the most clear cut, easy way to do it.


> (Yes, one or two of them might have parked in the air and then had a kid spill a drink or a puppy have an accident, but when half a dozen or more are consistently doing it, it's on purpose).


They were always there, you just didn't see them as easily. Not an issue with the sky scale, as people can afk on foot.

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Oh, I believe it, Turkeyspit. The point is that they're so blatant about it. Add in my queasiness at too much repetitive motion in my vision and they're both flaunting their selfishness and lessening my ability to look at the screen so I can be helpful in the fight.


Am I angry about it? No. Peeved, yes, though not to the level of reporting (not that it's even a reportable thing) or to blowing my stack. The only reason I mention it is in the vague hope that some of them will see this and realize that hey, maybe they could be a little more thoughtful. At least go flap over the perimeter rather than the center of the fight.

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> @"jhern.6097" said:

> I would appreciate it very much. It's gotten pretty annoying. I didn't mind it when people were showing off their griffon. I didn't mind it when people were showing off their roller beetle. Having a skyscale almost everywhere in the air has gotten annoying. The kitten wings flapping in the air sometimes get in the way and block my view.


Entitlement issues much?

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> The only reason I mention it is in the vague hope that some of them will see this and realize that hey, maybe they could be a little more thoughtful. At least go flap over the perimeter rather than the center of the fight.


If only. Sadly these days, thoughtfulness, like common sense, appear to be more of a super-power.



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Completely agree with the OP. I've started to hang out away from the spawn locations just to keep the flapping off of my screen, but since they're still there flapping their afk selves during whole events, except for the last 5 seconds of them, there's no way to avoid them.


Makes it easy to spot leeches and add them to your blocklist sure, but it's still seizure-inducing.

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I've seen it here and in map chats...the people who haven't yet acquired the Skyscale are called names that are derogatory. I even saw one person who was calling for separate instances for those who have and do not have the mount. Joking? Probably...but it goes to an elitist mentality that doesn't mesh with GW's community and the standards that we should be helpful to one another.


That same mentality is being shown by afk'ing at events and leeching.

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I was checking a dictionary





believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.


selfish adjective

self·​ish | \ ˈsel-fish \

Definition of selfish

1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

2 : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others




P. S. I too am requesting for the option to turn off the flapping of other skyscales on my screen.



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An option to hide other players mounts, infusions and glow effects in settings. I am all for that. Not only better for the eyes but also to reduce lag. You will still see your own "bling bling" and mounts. You may just see some players floating in the air tho (as they are technically on their mounts).


I don't like forced changes. It should be options.

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Maybe this is somewhat unknown by all the people complaining about not being able to see the sky, or the ground, or the trees, or the birds, or the insects, or the orchids:


Turn down character models limit to lowest and you will see less than 10 people on your screen. You will be able to proceed with your sky admiration with no issues.

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> @"casualkenny.9817" said:

> I was checking a dictionary


> entitled

> /ɪnˈtʌɪt(ə)ld/

> adjective

> believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.


> selfish adjective

> self·​ish | \ ˈsel-fish \

> Definition of selfish

> 1 : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others

> 2 : arising from concern with one's own welfare or advantage in disregard of others




> P. S. I too am requesting for the option to turn off the flapping of other skyscales on my screen.




So you are self-identifying as entitled and selfish? Not sure if that was the point you were trying to make, but that is what has happened.....

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I hover as high as possible when I AFK on my Skyscale, even try to find the highest elevation to set off on. Not because I don't want to bother the people on the ground because frankly I don't care. If other people's behavior bothers you, don't be around people. And if you do mingle you'll inevitably be confronted with people who will annoy you. Welcome to the world.


I hover as high as possible because I also don't want the clutter of low hovering skyscales on my screen. But instead of complaining about it, I see it as a non-existent problem. There is always a place you can stand where mounts don't clutter your screen. And in the case of this Skyscale rider, it just means hovering higher than anybody else and spreading out a bit. "Problem" solved.

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> @"kratan.4619" said:

> Honestly, I have yet to see a mass of Skyscales hovering anywhere, most I have seen in LA is like three at a time. I see a few here and there AFK in random areas.


It's pretty bad at many group events (world bosses, etc...) where people have to gather and wait for a spawn, or are all attacking the same boss.

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For the people that this will brood elistism and name-calling, do what I do.


Have a whole slew of insults ready for the other. Like, for example, tell me why you wanna call people ground-dwellers, but your mount looks like it punched twice in the face? Tell me why your shimmerwing skin looks like a knock off magic card, that is sold in the back of a dollar store? Tell me why your Skyscale look like a whole beta model to a ps2/Xbox game.


See? Now you're sitting there laughing to yourself and feeling better, while the other person gets to sit there grumpy, ignore you, or shuts up because they're awful at combacks. Also, you can be glad because they had to take almost four weeks to get a skyscale+gold being mad in their shorts the entire time, while you get to sit there happy as a clam. :^]

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> See? Now you're sitting there laughing to yourself and feeling better, while the other person gets to sit there grumpy, ignore you, or shuts up because they're awful at combacks. Also, you can be glad because they had to take almost four weeks to get a skyscale+gold being mad in their shorts the entire time, while you get to sit there happy as a clam. :^]


Or.....we could try....maturity? Because when has toxic behaviour been the solution to quell toxic behaviour? I mean, you all have ~~phones~~ Twitter, right?

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