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Feedback on daily's

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i have said/asked this before and i will do so again. Please for the love of god change daily's back to the old system or alteast find something better then this.... Having to do ranked or unranked pvp as a daily requirement is just ridiculous. Are there people who actually like this besides harcore pvpers? The requirement to actually win a game or have top stats is just stupid. The Pve daily's are mostly easy but thats only 2 tasks out of 3. The third is mostly something where you either gotta wait a long time to do it or just takes a long time to do... How the daily system works now it takes easily an hour or more to do a daily. Yeah sometimes its easy depending on the daily's but most of the times they are WAY too time consuming. Most days i can't even do the daily cause of the shitty tasks.


Anyone else feel like this? I know i can't be the only one that thinks this...

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> @Blackwolfmetal.3640 said:

>How the daily system works now it takes easily an hour or more to do a daily.



Lol what? PvE dailies take max 15mins, and that's on a "long" day when they involve a HoT challenge or LA activity. The only ones you would have to wait for would be a world boss one, but the 3 alternatives to it would mean never having to wait and do that one.


Of course a WvW daily could be done instead as often some of those are easily done in a couple of minutes to.

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i feel like WvW and PvP dailies are balanced in what to do and the ability to do them. PvE dailies are all over the place. 6 catagories for living world dailies, fractal dailies and the dailies in the daily tab. personally i think there should be more PvE dailies need to be less random, fractal dailies are pretty good where they are at, and the living story dailies should add a "completion reward" like normal dailies have.

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Anet should bring back Monthly Achievements with their own AP Cap of say 10k Points, and completely rework the Daily achievement System into a Weekly Achievement System, which has an increased AP Cap to 20000 point,s instead of 15000 and Weeklies should give for doing them 100AP per Week, instead of the currentlx system, that gives 10 Ap per day (70), so that we earn 30 AP a week quicker than now, so that we will reach the caps also slightly quicker and weekly active players will catch up quicker)


Doing a Weekly then successful,y should earn the player then instead of 14G ove the time then 20G, so that players also gain bis this increase a slightly more incentive to play over the week activewly enough to earnthis gold at the end of the week, or eventualyl already sooner, of you fulfill all weekly tasks among the various game modes already before the week is over, this this will incentivice eople maybe also more to play more also in the other game modes to earn the weekly reward this way quicker.


People which complain that theres no AP to gain anymore would also receive then again some more room to breathe and gain for some time again more Ap, until they reach the new cap. 5000 Points with 100 Points per Week means 50 Weeks of having to do Weeklies, until players that have now the cap, would hit the new cap again ,thats basically 1 year of having somethign to do and beign busy to keep the hardcore active AP hunters quiet for some time, while Anet can work on new content.

And much more time, if anet lets Monthlies return with its own 10K Cap. Most active playes had like 1,5 to maybe 2k Monthly AP, before Anet removed them.

If fulfilling a Monthly gives like 500 AP, then this new Cap would be reached for most players in like 12 to 13 Months as well, so also in like a constant year of fulfilling each month the Monthlies and in fact it surely will take most players longer, because for sure not everyone will do them every sinmgle month eventually successfully due to not beign active ebough to fullfill all goals in time. Naet just has to rework the Monthilies, because of of them were done in like 4 days already back when monthlies were a thing in GW2 like 4 years ago. if they brign them back, then the taskas should require of the players also more efforts, and not, that you are done with the Monthly already in 4 days

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I've always felt dailies need to be less specific. Daily rewards should be about rewarding players for just playing the game that day. Why have a Lornar's Pass Events daily? Why not just complete 5-10 events anywhere you want? Orr Miner daily? How about gather 50 of anything anywhere you want. Dailies worked like this a long time ago and it was great. Let people play the game how they want and not be herded to areas they don't want to visit that day.

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Agreed, if you need 3 missions to "clear" the daily requirements, then they need to offer at least 6 PvE options per day. It's also a bit annoying that the PoF ones are so specific, like "do a bounty on a specific map," rather than just "do a bounty." Usually in a given day I have specific goals I want to work on, on specific maps.


My personal habit is that I look over the list, if it's a Vista, I do it, if it's a harvesting, I do it, if it's a JP, I might do it, if it's WvW Big Spender, I convert some of my old currency into badges at the Guild Hall (I haven't actually entered the WvW maps since they took away the crafting stations), and if PvP reward is up then I burn a couple of my PvP vials I've got saved up (I also haven't entered a PvP match in about six months, but I still have about a stack and a half of reward vials from when I was getting The Ascension). If I can't figure out three of those worth doing, then I often don't even bother with the other two if they're out of my way.

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Why did you blatantly leave out the WvW options in the original post discussion? PvE + WvW options are going to make dailies utterly trivial. I mean -- among others -- "take a sentry" or "kill 5 guards" in WvW are going to be faster than eating a piece of toast. I'm not even sure those are the fastest WvW dailies...

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  • 2 weeks later...

PVP dailies just need to be changed.


The ranked win daily forces PVE players into ranked games.. Surely that is not good for the pvp focused players?

The tourney daily is the biggest pain as the timing rarely match up when onlime and again forces pve players into the tourneys which makes the early rounds generally one sided affairs.


The old system was better for all as it self policed the 2 communities.


The old system could be easily farmed in custom arenas and therefore kept pve players out of the ranked games and away from serious pvp players. Always amused me to find so called real pvp'ers griefing the farm maps. So what if they are farming the map? What does it matter to you.


Now before all the pvp'ers jump on my back PvP reward potions are required for PVE content such as building Guildhalls. Just let the PVE'ers have their farming maps and move on and go play in the ranked maps.


So can we please have more realistic PVP dailies or at least get rid of tourney daily.



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> @killermanjaro.5670 said:

> > @Blackwolfmetal.3640 said:

> >How the daily system works now it takes easily an hour or more to do a daily.



> Lol what? PvE dailies take max 15mins, and that's on a "long" day when they involve a HoT challenge or LA activity. The only ones you would have to wait for would be a world boss one, but the 3 alternatives to it would mean never having to wait and do that one.


> Of course a WvW daily could be done instead as often some of those are easily done in a couple of minutes to.


If you win it takes 15 minutes only.... Sometimes you can go hours without a win. Don't give bs counter arguements

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> Why did you blatantly leave out the WvW options in the original post discussion? PvE + WvW options are going to make dailies utterly trivial. I mean -- among others -- "take a sentry" or "kill 5 guards" in WvW are going to be faster than eating a piece of toast. I'm not even sure those are the fastest WvW dailies...


Cause i'm not talking about WVW.... I'm a PVE player and there are way to few options for that. hence i'm forced to go PVP. WVW is even worse, if you go solo you get ganked all the time cause you are solo. Hurrrraaaaay so fun....

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For the hell of it, today i tried to do WVW again to get daily. on 2 borderlands they kept spawnraping us and the the third borderland we had almost everything. YEAH lets do wvw to get daily's done..... Even less of an option then PVP. So any PVE person that wants to do daily's is screwed... Fix this please, its ridiculous....!!!

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> I am primarily a PvE player and my dailies rarely take more than ten minutes.

...how. Just traveling takes longer than that in PvE.

I average about an hour for dailies, though today has been especially bad thanks to constant failures in WvW. Master of Monuments used to be easy, but I've now spent 45 mins on that. Because every ruin is either held by my world, or re-captured before I get there in time.


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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > I am primarily a PvE player and my dailies rarely take more than ten minutes.

> ...how. Just traveling takes longer than that in PvE.

> I average about an hour for dailies, though today has been especially bad thanks to constant failures in WvW. Master of Monuments used to be easy, but I've now spent 45 mins on that. Because every ruin is either held by my world, or re-captured before I get there in time.



Have you just looked on the map, or did you go there?


The monuments were changed, so that the territory always belongs to the server who has bloodlust. So on the map you may see all ruins in one color, but when you go to them they are neutral.

BTW you can also capture one of the shrines on the DBL.

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I don't do dailies unless it takes me less than 5 minutes each.

* Everyone reaches a max amount of AP from dailies; one day or two lost won't matter.

* 2g/15 minutes is acceptable to me. 2g/20 minutes is not.

* As it turns out, I almost never skip because I can almost always manage them in under 15 minutes total.


I used to do as many as I could, back when there was extra AP and no coin. Then I realized: that takes a lot of time and the novelty has worn off. So I've refined my efforts to compromise between habit, fun, gold, and effort.


tl;dr if you find the dailies too dull or onerous, skip them. There will be new dailies tomorrow.

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> @Blackwolfmetal.3640 said:

> i have said/asked this before and i will do so again. Please for the love of god change daily's back to the old system or alteast find something better then this.... Having to do ranked or unranked pvp as a daily requirement is just ridiculous. Are there people who actually like this besides harcore pvpers? The requirement to actually win a game or have top stats is just stupid. The Pve daily's are mostly easy but thats only 2 tasks out of 3. The third is mostly something where you either gotta wait a long time to do it or just takes a long time to do... How the daily system works now it takes easily an hour or more to do a daily. Yeah sometimes its easy depending on the daily's but most of the times they are WAY too time consuming. Most days i can't even do the daily cause of the kitten tasks.


> Anyone else feel like this? I know i can't be the only one that thinks this...


PVE dailys have never taken me any longer than 15 minutes should there be an "do events on this map" daily .... otherwise 10 or so minutes. Im not sure what youre doing lol but maybe you need to regroup and try again?

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> @Rhiannon.1726 said:

> The monuments were changed, so that the territory always belongs to the server who has bloodlust. So on the map you may see all ruins in one color, but when you go to them they are neutral.

Ah, thanks. I misunderstood how this new system works. Thought that I couldn't capture it if it's already held by my world, so I didn't try vising those.


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