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Extra Ley-Line Essences questions

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So, what's everyone doing with the essences after completing the shiny and/or extra shiny weapon sets? Is everyone buying more Djinn Energy Clusters in hopes of getting the infusion?

Are the Clusters drop chances improved by increased magic find? Last I checked, the drop rate list in the wiki shows no infusions received yet....

Anyone come up with any different MF recipes that use the essences beside the conversion recipe?

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> @"Tumult.2578" said:

> So, what's everyone doing with the essences after completing the shiny and/or extra shiny weapon sets?

After the event is over, you can trade them for the Djinn Energy Clusters in the Aerodrome.


> Is everyone buying more Djinn Energy Clusters in hopes of getting the infusion?

As @"Khisanth.2948" wrote, sell the clusters to fund a purchase of an infusion on the TP.


Market price right now is hovering around 500 gold for the infusion and the DEC are going for roughly 1g each, so selling 600 DECs will be enough. In contrast, [the drop rate is probably worse than 1000:1](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Djinn_Energy_Cluster/Drop_rate), so owning 600 DECs would not guarantee you an infusion.


> Are the Clusters drop chances improved by increased magic find?


_New_ containers are not affected by magic find unless (a) they explicitly state so or (b) they are a PvP|WvW reward track box named after a foe (those are supposed to mimic the actual drops from killing that foe). (There remain some oddball exceptions from the original HoT loot tables that might or might not have been fixed since; it's impossible to tell since we lack sufficient data.)


> Last I checked, the drop rate list in the wiki shows no infusions received yet....

Someone added one recently. Regardless, the wiki hasn't even recorded 2000 drops, not enough to determine a rate.


> Anyone come up with any different MF recipes that use the essences beside the conversion recipe?

There are unlikely to be any.


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