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Skyscale - some positive feedback

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I'm in the middle of working on my skyscale, now I'm just waiting for the reset for the map-currency collection. I saw a lot of people unhappy with the collection (too much of a grind etc) and just want to give some feedback myself. Personally, I loved the collections and effort put into this mount. It seems to me like a lot of thought went into it and I really appreciate this. In the beginning, I tried to get it quickly, but that was impossible with the time gated collections. Now (and with the reduced timegating) I treat it as a journey and it's so much fun. This being said, I loved the tamagotchi aspect of feeding it, cleaning the nest, getting it a ball and blankets and also playing ball and catch with the skyscale. It's so adorable. I also loved Gorrik's letter when he "lost" my skyscale. I was genuinely laughing out loud when I read it. Don't worry, I won't tell Taimi. The whole journey of us discovering the skyscales and their problem, getting medicine for them and trying to solve the problem is really great in my opinion.

I guess I just want to say thank you to Anet for this awesome mount collection :)

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> @"calb.3128" said:

> I completely agree! The map currency part is the most jarring, and is the biggest time hurdle for those playing with limited time. I fully bought in to every other step and enjoyed the narrative much more than that of the Roller Beetle.


Agreed, the map currency portion of this mount is the biggest time gate in its design, assuming you work 40+ hours a week and have other responsibilities outside of guild wars 2.

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First off another mount is sweet, the skyscale alone can make a big difference getting around with flight. The one thing ok let me rephrase that, the achievements/quest u need to do in order to get the mount is way to much. The griffon wasn't nearly as long but yea it was way more costly gold wise.

All i am saying is Anet added to much crap in order for ua to have another mount. Few quest ok i can deal with that but not like this, this was complete and total bs for just a mount.

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Keep going. It's worth it once you have it and really not too bad if you know about the map currency part early on as most would by this point. total cost in gold was less than the griffon, but not by a huge margin. if you don't craft or even if you do and didn't have a few of the time gated ingredients saved up, it got spendy in parts. I had considered bypassing all of Finding Skyscales, but decided to do as many of the jump puzzles as I could and see where I stood. As it turned out, I only needed to buy two of the pungent treats in addition to the one I was given at the start of that chain. I'll also say that it would have been much more difficult to gain the Skyscale If I hadn't already had the Griffon. Possible, just much harder. I will say the Skyscale is about the limit of what I'd go through to get a mount so I hope if they add new ones in the future they go back to being inline with the story content.

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