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report in game is not working against bots

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It's not always easy to tell what's happened as a result of a report, for a few reasons:


Firstly the report function is not automated. It sends a notification to Anet, then a real person needs to look at the report, review the situation and decide what to do before any action is taken so it can take a while for anything to happen. Secondly they might decide the person isn't actually a bot and won't do anything (I've heard they will do things like whisper the person and ask for a response, or teleport them to a new location and watch to see if they react or keep repeating the same actions to test if they're an actual bot or just someone playing like one).


Even if they are a bot the person reviewing the report might decide to give them a warning or a temporary ban if it's a first offense for that account, and then they might be back in the game next time you get the opportunity to check.


I've also heard that they will sometimes save up reports of bots and then ban them all in one go rather than doing it one at a time, because it makes it harder for the people running them to work out how they got caught and adjust their other bot accounts to avoid that if they lose them all together.

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To be honest imo the botting / afk farming situation has gone on so long it is clear there is no genuine motivation to act on the issue except for their annual "look we banned a 1000 arbitrary accounts cos ".. then ignore the wider issue again until next year.

So many maps have large plague areas of necro and engi farms and if you manually farm rich nodes etc enough when getting your mats for things you will see the node haxters pop up from one node to the next. Some have grown so bold,safe in the knowledge that nothing will happen, they name their toons "x bot" and sit there 24/7/365 - nothing like hiding in plain sight while your watching Netflix.. all day of course, every day.

Lets not even bother talking about PvP and WvW (though in fairness I have seen less of late in WvW.. perhaps cos there are less playing the mode these days or maybe it's not lucrative enough once they have their achievs completed etc)

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> ##### Policy

> As a general policy, any form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2 . This includes:


> * The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

> * The use of a macro to automate character skills while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

> * The use of a macro to farm repeatable events or activities for rewards while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.

> * The use of a third-party program to automate or create a "bot" that performs autonomous actions in the game.


> Note that this does not mean that you cannot be away from your computer (AFK) while you are online. Idling in a city or even in the open world is not prohibited, though your character should not perform actions, participate in content, or otherwise engage with the world while you are away from your computer.


> ##### Conduct Breaches & Outcomes

> Failing to observe the above guidelines may result in the suspension or termination of a game account. ArenaNet reserves the right to suspend or terminate any account that is involved in "botting."


> In addition to this, any behavior that violates the Guild Wars 2 User Agreement or the Guild Wars 2 Rules of Conduct may result in disciplinary action as determined by the ArenaNet team.


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Can concur here.

I log on to Crystalwept Groves, Iron March just to see - 3 AFK farmers, 2 Bots, all long time offender here.


Definitely not passive farmers, and patterns what these bot programs use is just all too familiar, if anyone still in doubt, watch the bot stuck on certain terran, or trying to shoot a target through wall for minutes, then WP away to reset its position on timeouts.


Tried reporting PLUS e-mailing customer support on this site, taking screenshots on another two bots in Blazeridge Steppes on throughout March/April, two GMs told me "they will look into it in their own procedure, but makes no guarantee", and guess what - they are still active to this day.


Due to the rising price of low tier mats, Automatic farming/Bot Farming has becoming the highest gold/day income in this game, surpassing Fractal/LS Map/Raid/Dunegon or any in-game contents. When you can have 200 gold/day/account on multiple alts off some Asian forums selling for cheap, the economy suddenly become a joke. What really frustrate me is how SAFE it has become.

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> @"Vilin.8056" said:


> Definitely not passive farmers, and patterns what these bot programs use is just all too familiar, if anyone still in doubt, watch the bot stuck on certain terran, or trying to shoot a target through wall for minutes, then WP away to reset its position on timeouts.

None of can definitively state whether a particular character is being run by a bot or a player. ANet's made it clear what their protocol is and it's entirely up to them, not any of us, whether someone is or isn't botting.


> Tried reporting PLUS e-mailing customer support on this site, taking screenshots on another two bots in Blazeridge Steppes on throughout March/April, two GMs told me "they will look into it in their own procedure, but makes no guarantee",

That's correct: if they told you, then botters could self-report (from other accounts) to see what gets past ANet's detection methods and what does not.


> and guess what - they are still active to this day.

Could be any of these reasons:

* ANet didn't agree that they were botting

* ANet agreed and is waiting to suspend several accounts at once, to further complicate reverse engineering of their methods

* ANet agreed and is watching the account to see where the items/coin go, leaving them as a sort of "honey pot" to uncover otherwise hard-to-detect shenanigans



> Due to the rising price of low tier mats, Automatic farming/Bot Farming has becoming the highest gold/day income in this game, surpassing Fractal/LS Map/Raid/Dunegon or any in-game contents.

This is incorrect. There is no way that AFK farming is generating the same amount of income as participating in events or Fractals.


> When you can have 200 gold/day/account on multiple alts off some Asian forums selling for cheap, the economy suddenly become a joke.

200 gold per day is over 8g/hour. A lot of people struggle to do that playing actively. If such farms were that readily available, a lot more people would go after them (and thus drive down the prices, reducing the value of the farm).


> What really frustrate me is how SAFE it has become.

You'd have to show some sort of evidence that AFK farming is worse than it has been in the past. ANet has said it's less of a problem now, because stealing accounts has turned out to be easier and more lucrative.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> None of can definitively state whether a particular character is being run by a bot or a player. ANet's made it clear what their protocol is and it's entirely up to them, not any of us, whether someone is or isn't botting.

Yet it is up to players to decide whether they wish to bot, or afk farm.

When enforcement of rules are not taken or being ineffective, other players will simply follow.

Bot movement, skill sets has becoming so widely abused that there's no point for further explanation here.


> That's correct: if they told you, then botters could self-report (from other accounts) to see what gets past ANet's detection methods and what does not.

Or does not take action, which is what's occurring here.


> Could be any of these reasons:

> * ANet didn't agree that they were botting

> * ANet agreed and is waiting to suspend several accounts at once, to further complicate reverse engineering of their methods

> * ANet agreed and is watching the account to see where the items/coin go, leaving them as a sort of "honey pot" to uncover otherwise hard-to-detect shenanigans

I'm not sure what are you trying to speculate here, or what does it help in the situation.

The reality is report has being made for months, actions weren't taken.


> This is incorrect. There is no way that AFK farming is generating the same amount of income as participating in events or Fractals.

1. Bot farming does.

2. AFK farming can be, and has been done on multiple accounts, which multiplies the gain.


> 200 gold per day is over 8g/hour. A lot of people struggle to do that playing actively. If such farms were that readily available, a lot more people would go after them (and thus drive down the prices, reducing the value of the farm).

9 silver/dust, 1g/5 minutes, 12g/hour, 240g/20 hours. Easily over 400g/day with 2 accounts.

People who active go farming these maps face difficulty competing with bots and boredom.


> You'd have to show some sort of evidence that AFK farming is worse than it has been in the past. ANet has said it's less of a problem now, because stealing accounts has turned out to be easier and more lucrative.

Are we not connected to the same server? If you would spend an hour to see what's happening over these mentioned areas rather than speculating, it's not difficult to catch the obvious. I'm not sure how account stealing has something to do with this, that is a different issue.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> @"Selient.6018" & @"romainette.2369": could you be more specific about the actions you're reporting?

> A lot of people report passive farmers as bots. ANet won't act because, by their definition, that's allowed.




I can only describe otherwise this thread will be deleted due to "witch-hunting-is-not-allowed".

Unlike other afk reapers, this one cast multiple skills on cooldown automatically, even there is NO MOBS NEARBY,

it farm few hours everyday to prevent obvious action against ToS.

If this guy is not bot, or this guy is not using programs,

then he can cast at least 2 skills both 20 seconds on cooldown 8 hours a day, (2 * 8 * 60 * 60 / 20) = 2880 times press on keyboard.


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> @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > None of can definitively state whether a particular character is being run by a bot or a player. ANet's made it clear what their protocol is and it's entirely up to them, not any of us, whether someone is or isn't botting.

> Yet it is up to players to decide whether they wish to bot, or afk farm.

> When enforcement of rules are not taken or being ineffective, other players will simply follow.

> Bot movement, skill sets has becoming so widely abused that there's no point for further explanation here.


> > That's correct: if they told you, then botters could self-report (from other accounts) to see what gets past ANet's detection methods and what does not.

> Or does not take action, which is what's occurring here.


> > Could be any of these reasons:

> > * ANet didn't agree that they were botting

> > * ANet agreed and is waiting to suspend several accounts at once, to further complicate reverse engineering of their methods

> > * ANet agreed and is watching the account to see where the items/coin go, leaving them as a sort of "honey pot" to uncover otherwise hard-to-detect shenanigans

> I'm not sure what are you trying to speculate here, or what does it help in the situation.

> The reality is report has being made for months, actions weren't taken.


> > This is incorrect. There is no way that AFK farming is generating the same amount of income as participating in events or Fractals.

> 1. Bot farming does.

> 2. AFK farming can be, and has been done on multiple accounts, which multiplies the gain.


> > 200 gold per day is over 8g/hour. A lot of people struggle to do that playing actively. If such farms were that readily available, a lot more people would go after them (and thus drive down the prices, reducing the value of the farm).

> 9 silver/dust, 1g/5 minutes, 12g/hour, 240g/20 hours. Easily over 400g/day with 2 accounts.

> People who active go farming these maps face difficulty competing with bots and boredom.


> > You'd have to show some sort of evidence that AFK farming is worse than it has been in the past. ANet has said it's less of a problem now, because stealing accounts has turned out to be easier and more lucrative.

> Are we not connected to the same server? If you would spend an hour to see what's happening over these mentioned areas rather than speculating, it's not difficult to catch the obvious. I'm not sure how account stealing has something to do with this, that is a different issue.


One can acquire 2-3 'dust' per minute when experiencing DR? Then how much 'dust' does one acquire per minute without DR?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> One can acquire 2-3 'dust' per minute when experiencing DR? Then how much 'dust' does one acquire per minute without DR?

There is no diminishing return in dust farming, according to my experience of doing active farming for 2 hours straight for the past week.

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