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Could we please get a "cast on self"-hotkey option or a similar solution?

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Action camera is still very annoying to use for classes with lots of Ground Target AoEs (_cough_ Chrono _cough_), because there's two ways to play with Action camera currently.


Either you use the Snap to Target option, where you can't place GTAoEs freely, but **can** place them on yourself (by turning your camera as vertical as possible), or you don't use Snap to Target where you can't place GTAoEs on top of you but can place them freely.


I'd really like to have both, the only way to do that currently is to bind the "Snap Ground Target" to something like an extra mouse button, but then I still have to turn the camera to look directly at the ground in front of me _while_ pressing the hotkey, which is incredibly annoying.


Non-action camera doesn't have that problem, but I'd rather keep playing with the action camera, it's one of my favorite features of the game.


So here are the possible solutions:

* Give us a "cast-on-self" hotkey, that, while pressed, automatically puts all GTAoEs on top of you, regardless of where your targeting reticule is currently pointing

* Allow us to rotate the camera directly above our character so that we can just freely place GTAoEs anywhere, including right below us (you could also make this an optional thing)

* Give us an option, that always casts GTAoEs at your feet if your camera is looking down as much as possible (like it does now when you have Snap to Target activated) without having to use Snap to Target


Sincerely, an annoyed action-camera-using Chrono Main

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> This is the one time mouse clicking is superior.


> Clicking the skill and then either:

> * clicking it again without moving or

> * moving to your HP globe


> Will center ground target skills on yourself.


I know. I just really dislike the normal camera mode; I'd probably not play the game without action camera at all.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> This is the one time mouse clicking is superior.


> Clicking the skill and then either:

> * clicking it again without moving or

> * moving to your HP globe


> Will center ground target skills on yourself.


having your cursor on top of any of the UI panels(minimap, chatbox, skillbar, inventory, etc.) will do that no matter how you activate your skills


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> @"yusayu.3629" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > This is the one time mouse clicking is superior.

> >

> > Clicking the skill and then either:

> > * clicking it again without moving or

> > * moving to your HP globe

> >

> > Will center ground target skills on yourself.


> I know. I just really dislike the normal camera mode; I'd probably not play the game without action camera at all.


You're not alone. I play the game exclusively in action camera and I don't want to go back to the default camera ever. Action cam is just too fun.


I would also love to see more improvements to Action Camera, especially in regards to ground targeted abilities.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> I don't have an issue with using snap to target either? If I really wanted to place an aoe at my feet, I know to quickly move the camera upwards.


> Maybe learning how to be more proficient in moving the camera is enough?


When tanking on several bosses, you are frequently on the other side of the boss and if you're playing with Snap-To-Target, you can't place the wells underneath your group, just the boss. Most of those bosses (like PQadim, Deimos or when having a red circle on Cairn for example) also have massive hitboxes, so placing the wells below the boss means that your squad won't be hit. You can switch target to a player in your squad, but that's coincidentally very annoying to do with action camera.


When playing supp or tank on bosses that tend to move around a lot (Largos etc.), snap to target causes your wells to not be placed on top of each other if the boss moves around while I'm casting. Sure, I can cancel my cast, but now my shit is on cancel-CD and I've completely lost my rotation.


Snap-to-target is just very subobtimal on various bosses, esp. in raids.


Not to mention, that there are some raid mechanics where snap-to-target does literally not work. You literally cannot put the bubble at Xera underneath your feet with snap-to-target. It just doesn't work.

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