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Let's talk Blackgate


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> @"psychomagnet.2670" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > Rise isn't on BG.

> > They're a link hopper.


> which goes back to OP's point, guilds dedicated to staying on BG


They've transferred twice.

You're dedicated to tooting your horn, regardless of facts.


Feel free to tout that XvX tho

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Let's talk BG is like saying "let's talk about why everyone's shit in WvW". We all know good players like to be surrounded by good players, and all the elitist players who can back their shit up went to T1 and T2 (before the linking days). You can't join guilds if you're not worth your salt in these tiers either. Just like if you're a shit guild, you get boo'd out for getting carried. It's true, no one likes carrying dead guilds and bad players, but that's what makes any of those servers good. Their communities and guilds don't take shit and only welcome the best. Want to be top tier? Don't be shit. Plain and simple.

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> @"acdspydar.8920" said:

> Let's talk BG is like saying "let's talk about why everyone's kitten in WvW". We all know good players like to be surrounded by good players, and all the elitist players who can back their kitten up went to T1 and T2 (before the linking days). You can't join guilds if you're not worth your salt in these tiers either. Just like if you're a kitten guild, you get boo'd out for getting carried. It's true, no one likes carrying dead guilds and bad players, but that's what makes any of those servers good. Their communities and guilds don't take kitten and only welcome the best. Want to be top tier? Don't be kitten. Plain and simple.



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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

> > Let's talk BG is like saying "let's talk about why everyone's kitten in WvW". We all know good players like to be surrounded by good players, and all the elitist players who can back their kitten up went to T1 and T2 (before the linking days). You can't join guilds if you're not worth your salt in these tiers either. Just like if you're a kitten guild, you get boo'd out for getting carried. It's true, no one likes carrying dead guilds and bad players, but that's what makes any of those servers good. Their communities and guilds don't take kitten and only welcome the best. Want to be top tier? Don't be kitten. Plain and simple.




Lol. In all seriousness, I never understood why top tier fights were a thing. It really comes down to who can blob your ass down the fastest. After all, isn't that why it's always been low tier guilds had that 10 or 15 (ya know, like when tournaments were a thing), and they were considered dangerous in bronze tier, but let a massive server tank into silver and undoubtedly crush everyone with numbers alone.


Mechanics even backup that after a certain number of players you just can't do anymore damage to a player. Literally... 10 auto attacks at 3k each, assuming you don't get hit by anything else... But that's boring, why does that matter? It kinda doesn't bc blob group doesn't always equate to skill. So, why do players stack servers/tiers?


The world may never know why so many players are so insecure without their perfect GvG comp, lol.


Thanks for playing along

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My question is why the BGna players stand around doing nothing all prime-time unless a pin shows up, yet think they've won by virtue of their own actions?


I've been on the server twice now and it's the most boring experience.. And there's tons of people there who have no idea that the game doesn't have to be like that.


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> My question is why the BGna players stand around doing nothing all prime-time unless a pin shows up, yet think they've won by virtue of their own actions?


> I've been on the server twice now and it's the most boring experience.. And there's tons of people there who have no idea that the game doesn't have to be like that.



One can only hope they'll finally experience what the rest of us know when World Restructuring drops.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > My question is why the BGna players stand around doing nothing all prime-time unless a pin shows up, yet think they've won by virtue of their own actions?

> >

> > I've been on the server twice now and it's the most boring experience.. And there's tons of people there who have no idea that the game doesn't have to be like that.

> >


> One can only hope they'll finally experience what the rest of us know when World Restructuring drops.


What will they do when loiter-to-glory dies?

What will they do

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1. **STOP** jumping ship and bandwagoning to a new server every few weeks/months. Pick a server, stay there, and call it home. Then rally/build people up on that server. Every time this bandwagon happens, you're basically destroying the server's populace. So when the bandwagon server becomes a host and not a link (then falls in the Tiers), don't move, stay there, grow as a community, then maybe more players will join.


2. Play outside of your guild raid times, not just the raids. When all the bandwagoning happens, many of these guilds play 2-3x a week then simply vanish, then wonder why they're losing (no coverage). Then scream whatever server has more players than they do, when in actuality, they don't. They just play more because many of these players play outside their raid times. It gets so bad at times I often wonder if these guilds left the server because there isn't a player in site.. then days later, bam 40 guild tags. Try playing outside your raid times


3. The more you blob, the worse at fighting you get. So blobbing up and running over smaller groups, or even worse, losing to an even group then logging because it's no longer easy, is only going to work against you. Many of these bandwagoners don't seem to realize just how bad they get at fighting 1.5 to 2x the number of their enemies. Probably far better off separating all these guilds across all servers so they learn to get better by fighting unevenly, or even fighting each other.

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A few thoughts on the server...

1. Absolutely the best PPT server in NA

2. Great at scouting and actually defending objectives.

3. Many other servers are afraid to fight them. Look at the situation in T2 where guilds purposely tank to avoid them.


They should be commended. That said, I hope that ANET get a bit smarter on the relinks this time around. BG should not have a link. Nothing against BG itself, but if multiple other servers are tanking to avoid them, that means people aren't playing. Less people playing is bad for the game. Hopefully ANET is able to figure that out.

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> @"acdspydar.8920" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > @"acdspydar.8920" said:

> > > @matchup_thread time to guillotine this BG talk

> >

> > like the thread itself feels like ego stroking.


> That's all this is.


to claim to be the best though they need to out ppt sos. =p


sos years ago was the best then jq then bg. seems like before relinking it will be sos again. :) unless bg does something. and it is dragon bash. nostalgia might fight against them

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