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Gw2 for ps4/xbox

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Not with the kind of pacing and number of high demand keys needed for this game's combat system. They would have to fork the entire game play design, with its own team, and redesign the combat and control system to work under the heavily restricted nature of controllers. To an extent, even Blizzard, with all their resources, are regretting their console development branch, because half of their hero mechanics have almost completely opposite behavior between PC and consoles. And trying to back port a KBM control scheme to Controller is nightmarish compared to designing a Controller based control scheme, and porting it to KBM.

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The game's controls really don't work that well on controller. Yes, people use controllers. No, it's not nearly as good as a real KBM.


Also, the current generation consoles are just weak PCs, and their CPUs are incredibly low-end. This game would barely even run on them.

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Everyone owns a PC... in fact more people play games on PCs and smart phones because it is more convenient and accessible since everyone needs it for school and work. If people want to play GW2 they can just simply download it right now and play. Not everyone owns a console, which is a dedicated gaming device, just to play a game. PC is the best platform and cost less. You also don't need a gaming PC to play GW2... I can play this game on my Surface Tablet just fine. I think ArenaNet should focus on adding more content. Remaking the game for console is just not worth the investment in my opinion.



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> @DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

> Everyone owns a PC... in fact more people play games on PCs and smart phones because it is more convenient and accessible since everyone needs it for school and work. If people want to play GW2 they can just simply download it right now and play. Not everyone owns a console, which is a dedicated gaming device, just to play a game. PC is the best platform and cost less. You also don't need a gaming PC to play GW2... I can play this game on my Surface Tablet just fine. I think ArenaNet should focus on adding more content. Remaking the game for console is just not worth the investment in my opinion.




A) No, not everyone has a PC, and B ) not everyone with a PC has one that can run GW2. I had to completely rehaul and buy something that was made in the past two years that can stand gw2's heavy requirements on medium settings. The game is very resource intensive in it's basic format. Yes, computers are typically cheaper than say an xbox or playstation, but to say it is the best platform is relative and is it not a valid reason by itself to deny console versions. The biggest issues would be communicating with other users without a keyboard and potentially not having cross-platform play.

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> @Zeivu.3615 said:

> > @DreamyAbaddon.3265 said:

> > Everyone owns a PC... in fact more people play games on PCs and smart phones because it is more convenient and accessible since everyone needs it for school and work. If people want to play GW2 they can just simply download it right now and play. Not everyone owns a console, which is a dedicated gaming device, just to play a game. PC is the best platform and cost less. You also don't need a gaming PC to play GW2... I can play this game on my Surface Tablet just fine. I think ArenaNet should focus on adding more content. Remaking the game for console is just not worth the investment in my opinion.

> >

> >


> A) No, not everyone has a PC, and B ) not everyone with a PC has one that can run GW2. I had to completely rehaul and buy something that was made in the past two years that can stand gw2's heavy requirements on medium settings. The game is very resource intensive in it's basic format. Yes, computers are typically cheaper than say an xbox or playstation, but to say it is the best platform is relative and is it not a valid reason by itself to deny console versions. The biggest issues would be communicating with other users without a keyboard and potentially not having cross-platform play.


Uh yes... Everybody who has a console already does own a computer. A console is a luxury device not necessary for productivity while a PC in the 1st world country is necessary for productivity.. Also if my tablet can run GW2 then a laptop or a desktop can too. You dont need to play GW2 in medium settings. My tablet performs this game fine in Low settings. Most people own a laptop for school and work. In fact I never met ANYONE who does not own a computer while owning a console. You don't need a gaming PC to play this game and you certainly dont need to play it im medium or high settings to enjoy it either.


If you want to play the game just download it on your computer that you use for work or school and play. It is that simple. Even a simple Mac can play GW2 just fine. You dont even need Windows.


Also it cost devs time and money to remake this game for consoles when that money is better spent on making more content for all of us to enjoy.

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> @Nilkemia.8507 said:

> Another "port GW2 to consoles" thread. Sigh. No. Stop it. This horse was beaten to death in the old forums already....I think.




It won't ever happen. People need to step away from this fantasy and get real.


The reasons are far beyond performance only and tie into monetisation (Sony and MS want a cut off of every transaction, not great for buy to play games with cash shop), development restrictions (to long to summerise, read up on what burdens digital content has on both consols), new server infrastructure, specific design for console controlls, more staff and a butload of other issues which I'm to lazy to list.

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> @Zeivu.3615 said:

> B ) not everyone with a PC has one that can run GW2. I had to completely rehaul and buy something that was made in the past two years that can stand gw2's heavy requirements on medium settings.


That's nonsense. Except for my graphics card, which I upgraded in 2015, all of my hardware is 2009/2010. You could have bought a high-quality used rig like that and would have been able to play GW2 just fine.


By the way, I play on the highest settings, go figure.

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Arenanet already commented about this. They were actually going to. But they said no. Xbox and PlayStation are different then PC. Arenanet never did console before so there will be bugs. That's not the reason why arenanet said no. Arenanet said no because each time you send a patch to Xbox or Playstation it's forking over money. Knowing arenanet they do patches each time a whole bunch of people complain. Or a whole bunch of things are buggy. Which so far on POF arenanet did close to 10 patches already within 3 weeks of POF launch. So arenanet would lose money. The only way arenanet would use console is if they made everyone a subscription. But I bet you most of the people of gw2 would leave. Therefore no console platforms.

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Xbox has 1,75ghz cpu. Even with more than 4ghz this game runs like crap, in big blobs. So imagine how it would run on a console. Not to mention all the issues that come with releasing on consoles, like having every update approved my ms/sony. amd having to pay them each time you want to update your game. You would see massive delays in content, bugs would take weeks to fix.

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This has been discussed and talked about again and again since release. ArenaNet has already stated the thousands of reasons why bringing GW2 to consoles would be a terrible idea. Not only is it a terrible idea, it would also be impossible. I don't think that you've noticed, but have you see the amount of "builds" that we get per week? It's several. These would count as patches for a console, and that means money. ANet is already struggling with budget. Why would they bring a dying genre to consoles only to see it flop?

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With the addition of the action camera I have played this game many hours using a Xbox one controller. It can be done and is very enjoyable. I have used the steam link and played gw2 on my tv kicking back on the couch. Even works with the Xbox chatpad so you can chat in game.


I too have thought how well this would do in the console market. I feel it would do very well. An Xbox one should be able to play it. We are talking about a 8 year old game here.

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