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General Lore questions! (Spoilers of War Eternal!)


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Despite being a fan of Guild wars since it's release I've never paid as much attention to the story as I have now, reason being is mostly age. So I've been re-playing the old expansions for some lore understanding. As well as watching a number of YouTube Videos and read through the books/wiki. Though the story of Guild Wars is extremely rich.. so I had some questions that I've not really found the answers to, perhaps looking at the wrong place!


First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5.. at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3. I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.


So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?


If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?


Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?


Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?


Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?


Sorry for the large amount of writing, i'm genuinely curious about the lore, eager to see peoples replies on this! Warning though I'll likely have follow-up questions!

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..


Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.


It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.


> at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.


> I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.


The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.


There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).


> Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.


The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.


> So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?


To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.


> If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?


At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.


> Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?


Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.


And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.


> Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?


The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.


> Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?


No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.


What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).


Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.

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These points are so interesting, and extremely helpful in understanding the lore behind Guild Wars so thank you.


> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> Just a thought on why the gods left. Perhaps they knew something was about to happen that could jeopardize the realms. Just think if they had been in their realms when Kralkatorrik had arrived. It could have proven disastrous for all of the world.


Could be the case, or coincidence really, but an interesting thought no doubt.



Another question I had regards the mists was spirits, as I'm a little confused with death in this story.


Do all spirits enter the mists when they die?


Glint has a place in the mists as a spirit but other dragons don't, was kind of hoping to see more of Vlast even speak with other Elder Dragons in the mists?


In the PoF story line we as a player die and go to the mists, but we end up in the Underworld, Grenth's servants are watching over the place whilst he is away, is that correct?


Sorry for the spam of questions but these are just things I'm not able to find answers for or they're not really defined.

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There is no direct link between the Elder Dragons and the Gods no.. but there may be a currently unconfirmed link between their places in the world or Eternal Alchemy.


We know the Elder Dragons have important roles in the balance of the world but we don't fully understand it.

It's not to much of a stretch to think that the Gods who are equal too if not greater forces than the Elder Dragons also share some important role in that universal balance.


Kormir made it abundantly clear that the Gods decision to leave Tyria and not get involved in either the war against the Dragons and the Campaign against Balthazar was due to witnessing the cataclysmic destruction caused when they choose to get involved and fight Abaddon many centuries ago.

The fallout from such colossal powers clashing is just to big to justify direct action.. this is exactly why the other Gods stripped Balthazar of his divinity and sealed him away in the mists in the first place.

The Elder Dragons much like Gods are to big a force for a God to take direct action against without massive conciquences, so it seems very likely that if the Elder Dragons are important to the balance of the world then so are the Gods in some way.

Destroying either of them has proved to be a very bad idea.. and them destroying each other would likely be nothing short of an apocalypse scenario.


Palawa Joko in his pre death (and Brilliant) monologue highlighted the "monumental stupidity" of killing both Elder Dragons and a "God to boot" suggesting he was aware of things we were not.


Thinking back to Abaddon again, after his defeat he was much like Balthzar sealed away rather than killed because like Elder Dragons.. his power could not be destroyed.

This is why upon death both Elder Dragons and Gods pretty much explode and release massive amounts of magic onto the world where they fell.

We didn't see this with Zhaitan but we did see the after effects such as Tequatls power up and the other Elder Dragons growing more powerful and inheriting Zhaitans traits.

We did see this with Mordremoth which lead to Aurine hatching shortly after.

And We did see this again with Balthazar who despite being depowered still accumilated a massive amount of magic which was passed on to Aurine and Kralkatorrik.


Who knows how much the Cystal Desert would have been screwed if Kralkatorrik had not been there to consume Balthazars magic upon death.

To put that in perspective.. think back to Bloodstone fen, Remember how badly that whole area was obliterated when the Bloodstone exploded.

It was Balthazar who contained that destruction by absorbing the unleashed magic.. and he later got another massive power boost when he merged with Taimi's machine to channel Primordus and Jormags magic against each other which he later absorbed after we broke the machine.

Suffice to say Balthazar was a walking weapon of mass destruction by the time PoF rolled around.. and we basically fed all of it to Kralkatorrik who has been rampaging through Tyria and the Mists since causing god knows how much damage, and now Aurine has it.


So yeah, while there is no direct link between Gods and Dragons as previously believed.. there's still a good chance that they share some importance to the stability of the world, something we've yet to see or understand.

They're far too similar for there not to be something, there were 6 of each, they share many similar traits such as fire, death, ice, water, nature etc, both are colossal powers, both are immortal, both requiring essential replacements if they are to be destroyed or the world goes bye bye.


The Dragons maybe pillars for the world.. the gods pillars for the mists.. who knows, but i'm certainly interested in finding out someday.

And Since Aurine is at the moment seemingly the only being with the power of both Elder Dragons and a God she'll be a interesting character to keep and eye on and learn more about now that she's ascended and become an Elder Dragon.

Then again Kormir's words linger on and the warnings of colossal destruction should such powers ever clash again.. with Aurine now an Elder Dragon, she may not be able to take direct action again so.. who knows how it will play out from here.

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See this right here is what I meant by connection, they seem like a more primal form of the gods, not related per say. I'm very interested to say the least, though as for Aurene, whilst I like her character, I fear her more than anything else. There is a lot riding on her, and the risk is so high. There is no contingency plan if things go pear shaped, if it happens thats it.


With us as the players destroying pillars of the world, i.e. Elder Dragons it's such an interesting concept, we are our own demise..


The story is so damn interesting though one of my old friends said she quit because of some retcons Anet made? I've not really found anything on these and we're not exactly on speaking terms so never really asked more on it.



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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> See this right here is what I meant by connection, they seem like a more primal form of the gods, not related per say. I'm very interested to say the least, though as for Aurene, whilst I like her character, I fear her more than anything else. There is a lot riding on her, and the risk is so high. There is no contingency plan if things go pear shaped, if it happens thats it.


> With us as the players destroying pillars of the world, i.e. Elder Dragons it's such an interesting concept, we are our own demise..


> The story is so kitten interesting though one of my old friends said she quit because of some retcons Anet made? I've not really found anything on these and we're not exactly on speaking terms so never really asked more on it.




The number of retcons is large - but the scale of them tends to vary. Many are small enough that most players would never notice them without being overtly pointed out.


It's an unfortunate part of MMO storytelling and not one confined to GW2. WoW does it, Elder Scrolls does it. In part it is due to revolving teams - new writers don't like being confined by writing they had no say over and want to tell something else so rewrite what exists. Personally I find that inexcusable - the lore exists, write with it and enhance it, don't write over it. Ever.


The other way they get round it is using the "unreliable narrator" technique, which is more justifiable, but comes off as a bit cheap when overused. And GW2 is guilty of overusing it.


I'm a little more jaded though since from my point of view the potential of the story has been so utterly wasted over the years, we're in a position that I'm not convinced the story can be salvaged from. A classic example of this is the breaking of Jormags Tooth. Something that had real potential for an arc was wasted in a cutscene and then went nowhere anyway. That potential is now lost forever and can never be restored.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > See this right here is what I meant by connection, they seem like a more primal form of the gods, not related per say. I'm very interested to say the least, though as for Aurene, whilst I like her character, I fear her more than anything else. There is a lot riding on her, and the risk is so high. There is no contingency plan if things go pear shaped, if it happens thats it.

> >

> > With us as the players destroying pillars of the world, i.e. Elder Dragons it's such an interesting concept, we are our own demise..

> >

> > The story is so kitten interesting though one of my old friends said she quit because of some retcons Anet made? I've not really found anything on these and we're not exactly on speaking terms so never really asked more on it.

> >

> >


> The number of retcons is large - but the scale of them tends to vary. Many are small enough that most players would never notice them without being overtly pointed out.


> It's an unfortunate part of MMO storytelling and not one confined to GW2. WoW does it, Elder Scrolls does it. In part it is due to revolving teams - new writers don't like being confined by writing they had no say over and want to tell something else so rewrite what exists. Personally I find that inexcusable - the lore exists, write with it and enhance it, don't write over it. Ever.


> The other way they get round it is using the "unreliable narrator" technique, which is more justifiable, but comes off as a bit cheap when overused. And GW2 is guilty of overusing it.


> I'm a little more jaded though since from my point of view the potential of the story has been so utterly wasted over the years, we're in a position that I'm not convinced the story can be salvaged from. A classic example of this is the breaking of Jormags Tooth. Something that had real potential for an arc was wasted in a cutscene and then went nowhere anyway. That potential is now lost forever and can never be restored.


Wait they retconned the tooth?

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > See this right here is what I meant by connection, they seem like a more primal form of the gods, not related per say. I'm very interested to say the least, though as for Aurene, whilst I like her character, I fear her more than anything else. There is a lot riding on her, and the risk is so high. There is no contingency plan if things go pear shaped, if it happens thats it.

> > >

> > > With us as the players destroying pillars of the world, i.e. Elder Dragons it's such an interesting concept, we are our own demise..

> > >

> > > The story is so kitten interesting though one of my old friends said she quit because of some retcons Anet made? I've not really found anything on these and we're not exactly on speaking terms so never really asked more on it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The number of retcons is large - but the scale of them tends to vary. Many are small enough that most players would never notice them without being overtly pointed out.

> >

> > It's an unfortunate part of MMO storytelling and not one confined to GW2. WoW does it, Elder Scrolls does it. In part it is due to revolving teams - new writers don't like being confined by writing they had no say over and want to tell something else so rewrite what exists. Personally I find that inexcusable - the lore exists, write with it and enhance it, don't write over it. Ever.

> >

> > The other way they get round it is using the "unreliable narrator" technique, which is more justifiable, but comes off as a bit cheap when overused. And GW2 is guilty of overusing it.

> >

> > I'm a little more jaded though since from my point of view the potential of the story has been so utterly wasted over the years, we're in a position that I'm not convinced the story can be salvaged from. A classic example of this is the breaking of Jormags Tooth. Something that had real potential for an arc was wasted in a cutscene and then went nowhere anyway. That potential is now lost forever and can never be restored.


> Wait they retconned the tooth?


No, sorry I admit I went off a separate tangent there as my rant mode activated, but they ruined the story of it in Season 3. I was just highlighting wasteful storylines

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > > See this right here is what I meant by connection, they seem like a more primal form of the gods, not related per say. I'm very interested to say the least, though as for Aurene, whilst I like her character, I fear her more than anything else. There is a lot riding on her, and the risk is so high. There is no contingency plan if things go pear shaped, if it happens thats it.

> > > >

> > > > With us as the players destroying pillars of the world, i.e. Elder Dragons it's such an interesting concept, we are our own demise..

> > > >

> > > > The story is so kitten interesting though one of my old friends said she quit because of some retcons Anet made? I've not really found anything on these and we're not exactly on speaking terms so never really asked more on it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > The number of retcons is large - but the scale of them tends to vary. Many are small enough that most players would never notice them without being overtly pointed out.

> > >

> > > It's an unfortunate part of MMO storytelling and not one confined to GW2. WoW does it, Elder Scrolls does it. In part it is due to revolving teams - new writers don't like being confined by writing they had no say over and want to tell something else so rewrite what exists. Personally I find that inexcusable - the lore exists, write with it and enhance it, don't write over it. Ever.

> > >

> > > The other way they get round it is using the "unreliable narrator" technique, which is more justifiable, but comes off as a bit cheap when overused. And GW2 is guilty of overusing it.

> > >

> > > I'm a little more jaded though since from my point of view the potential of the story has been so utterly wasted over the years, we're in a position that I'm not convinced the story can be salvaged from. A classic example of this is the breaking of Jormags Tooth. Something that had real potential for an arc was wasted in a cutscene and then went nowhere anyway. That potential is now lost forever and can never be restored.

> >

> > Wait they retconned the tooth?


> No, sorry I admit I went off a separate tangent there as my rant mode activated, but they ruined the story of it in Season 3. I was just highlighting wasteful storylines


Ah right! It's fine, that is a shame to be honest I've only done the story of Season 3 once, I'm in the process of doing it again on another Character. I've not been made aware of those retcons and other things as I wasn't present on Season 2, HoT, and Season 3 on release but after, so I've always felt there were gaps. I've completed the story but it's post story that I actually want to dig in a bit more, I'll look out for those.


One I think I was confused by was the first place the gods stood on Tyria which in the main story it said Orr, but Elona, and Cantha are seemingly earlier so I was confused by that statement.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> Another question I had regards the mists was spirits, as I'm a little confused with death in this story.


> Do all spirits enter the mists when they die?


> Glint has a place in the mists as a spirit but other dragons don't, was kind of hoping to see more of Vlast even speak with other Elder Dragons in the mists?


> In the PoF story line we as a player die and go to the mists, but we end up in the Underworld, Grenth's servants are watching over the place whilst he is away, is that correct?


* They're meant to, but some remain in Tyria due to various circumstances.

* We don't really know that other dragons don't; we barely touched the god realms we did visit, and that was only half of the realms. There also may be more afterlives than the six god realms, too (not talking about the Rift either).

* We go to a small portion of the Underworld, yes; the Domain of the Lost, where those who lose themselves when they die due to trauma go.


> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> This is why upon death both Elder Dragons and Gods pretty much explode and release massive amounts of magic onto the world where they fell.


It should be noted that the Elder Dragons don't really "explode". They release their magic all at once, and there's a burst of light, but there is no actual explosion, unlike with Abaddon's and Balthazar's deaths.


> Who knows how much the Cystal Desert would have been screwed if Kralkatorrik had not been there to consume Balthazars magic upon death.

> To put that in perspective.. think back to Bloodstone fen, Remember how badly that whole area was obliterated when the Bloodstone exploded.

> It was Balthazar who contained that destruction by absorbing the unleashed magic.. and he later got another massive power boost when he merged with Taimi's machine to channel Primordus and Jormags magic against each other which he later absorbed after we broke the machine.

> Suffice to say Balthazar was a walking weapon of mass destruction by the time PoF rolled around.. and we basically fed all of it to Kralkatorrik who has been rampaging through Tyria and the Mists since causing god knows how much damage, and now Aurine has it.


Almorra claims the blast of the Bloodstone would have hit Lion's Arch (this means DR was in its path too). Not quite sure of the validity of that claim (always seems a bit off given how small the explosion actually was for Bennet's team to have not been hit), but it does lead to some question. In the cinematic of Balthazar's death, I believe we see pretty much the entire eastern half of Domain of Vabbi engulfed in that hurricane of magic before Kralk consumes it (double to triple the size of the explosion for Bloodstone Fen's epicenter to where Bennet is).


> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> The story is so kitten interesting though one of my old friends said she quit because of some retcons Anet made? I've not really found anything on these and we're not exactly on speaking terms so never really asked more on it.


As Randulf said, the number of retcons are all over the place. They're all done via unreliable narrator, so when you see them, they'll often come in the form of "this person lied, was lied to and told us what they thought to be the truth, or came to a false conclusion despite having all the evidence before them because suddenly there's new evidence that came out of thin air" for the sake of new plot twist.


One of the major examples being the Bloodstone's origin and the source of magic.


There's also some cases where they constantly go back and forth. Season 3 has this issue, where they go back and forth on the shown (not told) notion of Zhaitan and Mordremoths' magics being opposites.


> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> One I think I was confused by was the first place the gods stood on Tyria which in the main story it said Orr, but Elona, and Cantha are seemingly earlier so I was confused by that statement.


They arrived at Orr at an unknown point in time, bringing humans with them there. They took humans elsewhere in the world (again, unknown time); humans then traveled to Cantha via boat (first recorded human history with a date), and then centuries later sailed to Orr and Elona in 205 BE.


The gods arriving in the world at Orr with humanity is another one of those retcons. While we never knew where it was, it was always "not Tyria, Elona, or Cantha" until GW2.

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One common factor does seem to be the repeated significance of the number 6.


It's possible that this number represents the minimum number of entities required to maintain the balance of a world's magic in a stable manner, as long as they share the magic (rather than hoarding it as the previous generation of Elder Dragons do). With less than that number, it simply might not be possible for the entities in question to keep the world's magic below the level at which magic overload problems start without also containing enough within themselves to affect their sanity.


(It's worth noting here that it tends to be the more powerful gods that become unstable - Abaddon was the strongest at the time of his fall, and Balthazar claimed to be the mightiest during his tantrum before the other gods ganged up on him.)


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:


> It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.


There is also the possibility that Zintl, Ameyalli, and Mellaggan are still ultimately based on human gods (Koda and the Great Dwarf both seem to predate the arrival of the gods). The quaggan claim that Mellaggan is distinct from Melandru, but of course, they would... but the similarities are there, and the quaggan do seem to link shrines of Melandru with Mellaggan. It could be that the quaggan are the unreliable narrator in this case.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> One common factor does seem to be the repeated significance of the number 6.


> It's possible that this number represents the minimum number of entities required to maintain the balance of a world's magic in a stable manner, as long as they share the magic (rather than hoarding it as the previous generation of Elder Dragons do). With less than that number, it simply might not be possible for the entities in question to keep the world's magic below the level at which magic overload problems start without also containing enough within themselves to affect their sanity.


> (It's worth noting here that it tends to be the more powerful gods that become unstable - Abaddon was the strongest at the time of his fall, and Balthazar claimed to be the mightiest during his tantrum before the other gods ganged up on him.)


> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> >

> > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.


> There is also the possibility that Zintl, Ameyalli, and Mellaggan are still ultimately based on human gods (Koda and the Great Dwarf both seem to predate the arrival of the gods). The quaggan claim that Mellaggan is distinct from Melandru, but of course, they would... but the similarities are there, and the quaggan do seem to link shrines of Melandru with Mellaggan. It could be that the quaggan are the unreliable narrator in this case.


It would be interesting to get more focus and detail on those other gods at some point in Gw2.

The concept of a God tends to be questionable in the Guildwars franchise in general, Sons of Svanir consider Dragon a god to some extent yet we know Jormag is no divine being.

The human Gods while appearing Divine are known to other races as just exceptionally powerful beings from the mists.. the White Mantle worshipped the Murzaat (Unseen Gods) who were just very powerful spellcasters.

Then there are other entities like Dhuum who were once percieved as Gods and siblings of Gods.. Menzies who's status as a God is questionable and unclear.

date back to Gw2 and both Titans and Destroyers were seen as Gods by the Flame Legion, now proven false Gods of course ^^

And that's just main races lol

I don't even know where to start on Hylek Gods, Itzel Gods, Quaggan Gods, Krait Gods, The Great Dwarf etc

Each race seems to have their own religion based around some powerful being or entitiy that we know little about, but what are those beings really?.. what are all Gods in Guildwars really?

Genuinly divine beings or just exceptionally powerful creatures who took advantage of a lesser races naivety and superstition.. much like what Joko did to enslave the Elonians.. again he was no god but he was an exceptionally powerful Lich who could pull off the act.


I'd like Anet to play with this more ^^ give us some answers there.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..


> Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.


> It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.


> > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.


> > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.


> The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.


> There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).


> > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.


> The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.


> > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?


> To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.


> > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?


> At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.


> > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?


> Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.


> And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.


> > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?


> The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.


> > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?


> No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.


> What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).


> Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.


One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> >

> > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> >

> > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> >

> > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> >

> > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> >

> > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> >

> > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> >

> > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> >

> > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> >

> > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> >

> > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> >

> > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> >

> > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> >

> > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> >

> > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> >

> > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> >

> > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> >

> > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> >

> > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> >

> > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> >

> > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> >

> > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.


> One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.


That would be an interesting turn of events, but I'm hoping not for a long while. I'd much rather enjoy some low scale villains for now, less on Elder Dragons/Gods more on Tyrian Politics, working on solidifying relations between Races of Tyria, working on other smaller threats.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> > >

> > > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> > >

> > > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> > >

> > > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> > >

> > > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> > >

> > > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> > >

> > > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> > >

> > > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> > >

> > > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> > >

> > > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> > >

> > > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> > >

> > > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> > >

> > > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> > >

> > > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> > >

> > > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> > >

> > > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> > >

> > > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> > >

> > > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> > >

> > > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> > >

> > > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> > >

> > > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> > >

> > > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.

> >

> > One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.


> That would be an interesting turn of events, but I'm hoping not for a long while. I'd much rather enjoy some low scale villains for now, less on Elder Dragons/Gods more on Tyrian Politics, working on solidifying relations between Races of Tyria, working on other smaller threats.


I absolutely agree, an like you stated their is good reason to believe it won't happen in a while.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> >

> > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> >

> > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> >

> > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> >

> > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> >

> > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> >

> > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> >

> > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> >

> > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> >

> > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> >

> > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> >

> > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> >

> > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> >

> > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> >

> > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> >

> > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> >

> > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> >

> > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> >

> > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> >

> > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> >

> > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> >

> > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.


> One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.


I look forward to ending her

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> > >

> > > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> > >

> > > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> > >

> > > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> > >

> > > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> > >

> > > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> > >

> > > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> > >

> > > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> > >

> > > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> > >

> > > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> > >

> > > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> > >

> > > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> > >

> > > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> > >

> > > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> > >

> > > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> > >

> > > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> > >

> > > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> > >

> > > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> > >

> > > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> > >

> > > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> > >

> > > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> > >

> > > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.

> >

> > One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.


> I look forward to ending her


Damn that's dark. A cool storyline indeed but so dark.


Ofcourse their is the possibility of transfer

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> > > >

> > > > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> > > >

> > > > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> > > >

> > > > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > > > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> > > >

> > > > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > > > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> > > >

> > > > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> > > >

> > > > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> > > >

> > > > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> > > >

> > > > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> > > >

> > > > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> > > >

> > > > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> > > >

> > > > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> > > >

> > > > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> > > >

> > > > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> > > >

> > > > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> > > >

> > > > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> > > >

> > > > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> > > >

> > > > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> > > >

> > > > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> > > >

> > > > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> > > >

> > > > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> > > >

> > > > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.

> > >

> > > One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.

> >

> > I look forward to ending her


> kitten that's dark. A cool storyline indeed but so dark.


> Ofcourse their is the possibility of transfer


Dark story lines tend to be the most interesting.. they just need to be executed properly.

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> @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > > > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> > > > >

> > > > > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> > > > >

> > > > > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> > > > >

> > > > > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > > > > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> > > > >

> > > > > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > > > > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> > > > >

> > > > > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> > > > >

> > > > > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> > > > >

> > > > > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> > > > >

> > > > > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> > > > >

> > > > > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> > > > >

> > > > > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> > > > >

> > > > > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> > > > >

> > > > > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> > > > >

> > > > > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> > > > >

> > > > > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> > > > >

> > > > > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> > > > >

> > > > > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> > > > >

> > > > > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> > > > >

> > > > > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> > > > >

> > > > > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> > > > >

> > > > > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.

> > > >

> > > > One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.

> > >

> > > I look forward to ending her

> >

> > kitten that's dark. A cool storyline indeed but so dark.

> >

> > Ofcourse their is the possibility of transfer


> Dark story lines tend to be the most interesting.. they just need to be executed properly.


I actually disagree, in the sense that I think nuanced storyline are the most interesting. For example most horror stories are extremely dark but I wouldn't consider them interesting.


I agree on the fact that stories need to be executed properly.

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> @"yann.1946" said:

> > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > > @"yann.1946" said:

> > > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > > > > @"Zeike.7469" said:

> > > > > > > First I wanted to understand more about the Gods, so we know there were 6 Gods, now 5..

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Balthazar was stripped of his divinity before we killed him. Based on the events of Nightfall, a god's power must always be contained, and since they didn't strip Abaddon of his power to put it in some device, it's implied that it must be contained within a sapient being capable of becoming a god. Kormir still refers to the group as The Six, despite knowing them as "The Five" most of her mortal life (when knowledge of Abaddon was hidden). As such, it's pretty heavily implied, though indirectly, that there are still six gods among the Six Gods group.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It should be noted that there are gods not related to the Six Gods - Koda, Zintl, Ameyalli, Mellaggan, and the Great Dwarf. Whether or not these are truly gods or not has never been clarified.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > at the same time there were also 6 Dragons, now of course 3.

> > > > > > Four. Aurene's an Elder Dragon now.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > I've seen a lot of comments talking about how the Gods and the Dragons were connected and.. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested.

> > > > > > They're not related. The Elder Dragons have been part of Tyria as long as has been known. The Six Gods came to Tyria, as gods, from another world.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The notion they may be related in some way has been thoroughly debunked, repeatedly.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > There is, however, the standing theory that the Six Gods may have played a similar role that the Elder Dragons do for their own homeworld which is suggested to be destroyed now (and why the Six Gods came to Tyria with humans as refugees in the first place).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Looking up more into this I found in GW1 there was a Quest line from an Asura that wants to learn about the human Gods and asks players to defeat Facets of these deities. The weird thing is though, these are in the shapes of Dragons.. not to go into the quest that much as it's in relation to another continent by the sounds of it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Path to Revelations was in Central Tyria, not another continent. It took place in the Tarnished Coast and Far Shiverpeaks. That said, the reason why the facets appear draconian is stated that they're connected to the Forgotten (who in turn is connected to Glint; the facets during this quest share appearances with Glint's facets from GW1; in GW2, they've crumbled due to her death, and are now bipedal creatures). There was a dev comment suggesting the facets are tied to power the gods tapped into - and it's been revealed they siphoned power from Zhaitan while messing with the world's magic and the Bloodstones before they departed during the Exodus of the Gods in Year 0.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > So my question to do with the Gods/Dragons here, is are there more hints about their relationship?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > To reiterate in an isolated manner: they're not related.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > If connected why would Balthazar try and kill the dragons?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > At first, Balthazar was bored from idleness and wanted a challenging fight. When the other gods disagreed, he went spoiled angry manchild on them, and in turn they stripped him of his divinity and imprisoned him; after this, he sought to kill the Elder Dragons so as to take their magic, empowering himself, so that he could then take revenge on the other gods.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sub questions I have regarding this topic, is there any information on how Aurene can juggle the powers of 2 other Elder dragons and a God, as well as having her own Elder dragon powers within her?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Her connection to mortals. It's explained in All or Nothing's first story instance. Unlike the other Elder Dragons, she has a connection to mortals and is willing to share the burden of magic. She doesn't hog it all for herself, and as such, she's able to withstand the harmfulness of that power.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And it has nothing to do with power of two Elder Dragons and a former god. Just a huge amount of magic is harmful to the Elder Dragons - Kralkatorrik's Torment didn't form from Zhaitan's, Mordremoth's, and Balthazar's magic. It formed eons ago.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Speaking with Kormir: From my understanding the Gods left Tyria long ago, Kormir last to join the circle of Gods left to join them. But in PoF we speak with her, and she's preparing to leave, why has it taken her so long to leave, or was she leaving the mists?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The Six Gods left the world of Tyria to reside in the bordering Mists (the afterlives, also called god realms because that's where they resided for a thousand years). Kormir resided in Abaddon's former realm, the Realm of Torment. With Primordus' and the other Elder Dragons' rise, the Six Gods departed from their realms in search of a new world without an Elder Dragon-level threat. They didn't depart all together this time, but one by one; Kormir was the last to leave the god realms as she still held attatchment to Tyria.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > Has Kralk practically destroyed the mists?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No. The Mists is literally the incorporation of all existence. It is the multiverse itself. A combination of a perpetual big bang, outer space, and the afterlife.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What Kralkatorrik ravaged was the Mists bordering Tyria - the afterlives aka god realms. Those were devastated by Kralkatorrik's actions. By all appearances, Kralkatorrik's ravaging didn't even reach the borderlands that connects Tyria to other versions of Tyria (aka WvW maps).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Had Kralkatorrik been left unchecked, eventually - over centuries - he would have consumed and destroyed more and more, eventually becoming an unstoppable force until he had become the sole thing in existence.

> > > > >

> > > > > One the topic of Aurene. It's entirely within the realm of possibility that she will go crazy eventually.

> > > >

> > > > I look forward to ending her

> > >

> > > kitten that's dark. A cool storyline indeed but so dark.

> > >

> > > Ofcourse their is the possibility of transfer

> >

> > Dark story lines tend to be the most interesting.. they just need to be executed properly.


> I actually disagree, in the sense that I think nuanced storyline are the most interesting. For example most horror stories are extremely dark but I wouldn't consider them interesting.


> I agree on the fact that stories need to be executed properly.


Perhaps I've used the meanings incorrectly, saying 'Dark' is pretty vague. Like I really enjoyed when we found out why there are ghosts of Ascalonians, like thats what King Adelburne did to his own people. It's dark but damn is that interesting in my eyes.



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