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More GW2 or GW3?

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We gained the Z-axis, and all that has come with it, for gameplay when we switched from GW1 to GW2. That was a great improvement in my opinion.


What can we expect to see as an improvement with a whole new game, other than better graphics and faster processors? I'm not talking about story-line items (new races, professions, lands to explore, etc.)

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> @"Tren.5120" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > GW3 would largely canabalize and hurt the franchise as too many people have devoted resources and time to this game. Id rather this game keep going as the graphics are still strong and the game is fine it just needs work. If they went into maitance mode right now and said Gw3 was next I wouldn't even look at it due to how this one came out, and how things have gone on and off over the years.

> >

> > We are not at a point where ending guild wars 2 is feesable money wise nor would it be good for business as it would take 7+ Years to develop and Im not sure if they have the funds considering the layoffs and all that has happened leading to this point. Plus there is no reason too as Guild wars 2 has proven its engine can be added too which was one of the reasons we went from Gw1 to Gw2 because the first games engine couldn't do some of the things they wanted to do so they had to build a new engine? What would be the reason to go to Gw3? If it is to escape some of the stigma among gamers for this game it won't work because all it would be to them is a sequel to a game they may not like which won't change their minds.

> >

> > Guild wars 2 should double down on what it is, and work to be better which I believe is what will happen going forward.

> > * More customization for character creation

> > * More nuisance and class customization

> > * PvP and WvW fixes (We know its coming)

> > * More customization in general (Appearances, since this game is fashion wars 2)

> > * more elite specs/classes (New never hurts.)

> > * New races

> > * Revamping of Core Tyria

> > * Focus on other races outside of sylvari/human

> >

> > All of this could bring player good will and good PR as it would show they listen, all of these things circle the forums at some way shape or form. So in the long game its good to give your playerbase what they are asking for. Cosmetics make a huge part of any game like this and making there more for people who either left, or haven't dived in yet to look at and go "Yea Ill try it why not!" Is good for business.

> >

> > They need to focus on retaining players and stop trying to be a theme-park and more of a world, give people a reason to care emotionally and even maybe grow attached to things in the world like you did in Guild wars 1, The only reason WoW has lived this long is because at some level they adhered to these ideals and now that they have discarded them in BfA look at how bad things have gotten for them? The proof is in the pudding, and I know you guys can fix this... its only a matter of time.


> You're assuming it isn't already in development, and hasn't already been in developing - probably for years - at this point.


> Honestly, where they messed up was the bad PvE content - especially in the Heart of Thorns expansion. I think TESO does a much better job at catering to both crowds. GW2 really just gave the middle finger to PvErs, for quite a while... and any discussion around that topic really brought the full force of its toxic community down upon you (we all remember the threads discussing dungeons and the problems with those in this game, from years ago).


> Heart of Thorns really put me off. Just running around those zones made me quit, and I didn't even bother finishing the masteries until PoFire had released (and will not buy that expansion... I just did it for HoT because I paid for it and wanted to get my money's worth out of it).


considering the state of things I highly doubt it was on the table, I highly doubt anyone at this company wants to make another MMO-rpg. There might be a Guild wars something that was and might still be in the works alongside or outside of Gw2 but we will never know of it.

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dont know about that really. a gw3 could bring a better engine with up to date technology but i doubt it will bring any better regarding anets business model of the ingame store and what they present as worthwile content.


alot people have put alot of time and cash into their accounts it could make these people not migrate into gw3 to start it all again from scratch.


and in gaming industry the "fresh meat" is rather playing games like Pubg or Fornite as young people nowadays are more not to spend time on lenghty grinding and item gear progression. they rather logon and push "start" button and go into action.


so if there was a gw3 it needs to deliver such great content that players from other mmos are like "woooooooow" and migrate over here. and content is exactly what anet does not want to spend ressources on as they rather pick the fast cash over the gemstore.


so it would also need anet philosophy to change, much likely not to happen as they found the easy way of life atm.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> For those people, who were able to have more than one character with legendary items in all gear slots, gw3 will just make them quit.


This is what I'm talking about for time and (possibly) money invested in the game.


I've crafted The Predator, Frostfang, Incinerator, Twilight, Nevermore, and the Binding of Ipos. I'm currently (slowly) working on Chuka and Champawat. I've grinded and sacrificed so all of my characters could have Ascended gear.


I know I'm not alone when it comes to outfitting characters.


I buy BL Keys every once in a while and get some decent skins, but I've never once thought I would come out ahead dollar-for-dollar on that 'investment.'


I would have to think hard and long about abandoning what it took years to accrue. I would switch if the story allowed for strong magic items (aka Legendaries) to survive and become available once the new characters reach the new max level.

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More gw2. There are plenty of room to improve it.


Game engine:

- photo booth, where you could take a screenshot of your character and friends in front of a freely choosed background (even greenscreen)

- At least a minimal VR support

- Underwater overhaul (again)

- Decoration in your home instance



- There are still a cuple of nasty dragons out there

- CHANTHA! I tried to fly there with my skyscale, but no luck yet :(

- I’m still waiting a single story line where an asura doesn’t kitten up everything

- More race specific holidays

- Etc.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> I want GW2.5, that is the game we have now with all the content, but with a more modern game engine.


We can dream. My PC is pretty beefy, but in metas that drops to like 20fps, which may not seem bad to some people but when I'm coasting around at 45-60fps most of the time... oh lawd, my eyes! In races as well this becomes an issue. I'd be happy with an adaptive settings option in the game that changes settings like player count for you to help improve FPS on the fly, a bit like how miniatures disappear when the population rises. It's kind of irritating having to venture into settings each time the proverbial shit hits the fan.


The skill spam cluttering the screen up is really irritating as well even with Effect LOD being ticked.


Edit: Also, I wouldn't buy GW3 if it came out, not at least for 3-5 years. Reason being... I'm still enjoying GW2. There's tons of stuff to do and of course I have invested tons of time (and money) into the game. I'm not dropping all of that prematurely. Also, wouldn't get GW3 unless it was written on a tweaked/new engine because of performance.

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> We gained the Z-axis, and all that has come with it, for gameplay when we switched from GW1 to GW2. That was a great improvement in my opinion.


> What can we expect to see as an improvement with a whole new game, other than better graphics and faster processors? I'm not talking about story-line items (new races, professions, lands to explore, etc.)


I will tell you what. Better class and skill system from the very start. GW2 was not meant to have healers and tanks, and that is why it has a skill system it has, and it worked, for a while...until they realized they can't make any good party/team-based fights. Then they started to add healers, tanks and supportive skills in expansions, and it is all kind of messy and problematic, especially for balance.


The skill system is too AoE based, cleave damage is too much, there is no much choice in how your skills will support your team because it is very dependable on their positioning. That is why a lot of players feel like in GW2 they are just bystanders, a passing body, singler-player oriented game.


Just doing this all over again, from scratch, with the real vision of game mechanics, gameplay and party-based content would be the very enough reason to start the new game.

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> @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> A good multicore optimized gw 3 would be my favorite.


Only if the game took place before GW1. I wouldn't play an even more futuristic GW than we already have, with all those strange design choices that constantly break immersion.


Edit: I'm still on team GW2, hoping that the game will get improvements, technical and content-wise.

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I definitely want a more modern engine, and while I can hope they may update the one for GW2, I more expect it would not happen unless they do a GW3.

However, I don't really think GW3 is viable option - MMO sequels are fairly uncommon. If the game is just like GW2, people are unlikely to move to GW3 (they'll just keep at GW2, since they have invested a lot of time & money in it). If GW3 is radically different from GW2, then a lot of GW2 players may not move.


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GW3 as a totally different game (like GW2 is different from GW1 - where GW1 was not a MMORPG): I'd prefer a MMOFPS-like game with fast deaths and main focus on players fighting each other. Damge could be dealt through melee as well (even thoug FPS means shooter). Something like Planetside.


Another MMORPG would just be boring when GW2 is already enough and offers a lot of stuff.

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I guess it's against the rules to be exited about a possible positive future without a certain company at the helm, but I wont bend that easily xD


> I want a (skilled group of individuals) to buy the guild wars IP and go nuts with it, single player hack and slash? (excitement!) Good old adventure game? (excitement!) Open world exploration game??? (EXCITEMENT!)


Come at me!

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> @"Tren.5120" said:


> No, I'm not misquoting. But, nice try, there. My reply applies to both Game of Bones and You, since you clearly agree with him.


> Account incentives basically don't matter when they don't affect gameplay, so I'm not sure whether or not one should really care about this - frankly. If it affects gameplay, then it will simply be called "Pay to Win."


> Being a long-time GW2 player doesn't mean you deserve any incentive in a completely different game. You can keep playing GW2 if you're that attached to your pixels. The fact that your time investment in an MMORPG is completely disposable has been common knowledge since the late 90s. It's the price we accept to be entertained. We don't even "own" the game :-P


Then I will simply say that though you have been playing games you have not paid attention to trends in the gaming business. ANet has already once followed this trend with their move from GW1 to GW2. Other games have also followed suit by offering discounts, early access, name preferences, unique skins to people that have purchased their prior games. Calling that pay-to-win is calling a spring shower a hurricane, I am not advising people to enter the game at max level and I think you translate GoB's statement directly. I took it more as things like retaining your player name, historical titles and home instances. The trend in kickstarters follow the same business practices. Tell me how locking down your character name or guild tag is pay-to-win exactly? I do not see any reason I would advise ANet not to encourage their current player base from continuing with the franchise. And I agree MMOs are giant time syncs, but I disagree that the time shouldn't have value.

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