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New Quest Rewards

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Im a sucker for the gem store, im a sucker for exclusives, im a sucker for cosmetics, sometimes my wallet hurts but I do like supporting this game. But.. can we pleease get some of these cool assets to be earnable in game. The contrast between the feeling of earning a new exotic weapon with a unique skin and handing over 400 gems is night and day. Crafting volcanus still remains to be one of my fondest memories in this game from years ago. A skin that I don't even use has a special place in my heart because of what it took for me to get it, the dungeon CoF means something to me because of that, and because of the armor that I farmed from it too. Somewhat recently there was the addition of the community made skins into the game via collection. The collections were a bit arbitrary and extremely easy but it was at least a meaningful experience with an interesting and valuable reward.


Guildwars sometimes struggles with retaining players because of its emphasis on self made goals, but imagine if there was an entire catalog of scattered quests throughout the world that rewarded players with the same things that would otherwise have players log on, buy gems, log off. One of my favorite parts of playing dark souls was looking through the wiki at the coolest weapons and armor that I didn't have and finding out how to get them. Admittedly it has a much longer history but WoW has so many skins that are awesome and are just from out there in the world somewhere, unless you are a real vet that has experienced all the content it is so easy to see something cool that you don't have any idea what it is. That type of cycle would be a huge boon for the game. I am a bit of a fashion collector in gw and I know the wardrobe pretty well, so maybe gw2 has more of that feeling for newer players than I give it credit for, but the fact remains that some of the coolest looking items in this game are meaningless premium currency sinks and it's a real shame.


Im curious to hear if people have any other memories equivalent to my volcanus one. And how might anet do more of this while still keeping themselves afloat financially? Would the good will, player retention, and word of mouth advertising resulting from more of this type of rewarding content be enough to compensate for the loss of potential gem store profits?

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It's good in theory, and I've mentioned how much I enjoyed the Caladbolg quests, but unless the collections really are extremely easy, what you're going to end up doing is removing the ability to get those skins from some players. The gemstore is basically the fairest option you've got since you can convert gold - earned however you want to in the game - into gems. Once you start placing obstacles like jumping puzzles or fractals or whatever in the way, you're locking out people who don't or can't do that content.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> It's good in theory, and I've mentioned how much I enjoyed the Caladbolg quests, but unless the collections really are extremely easy, what you're going to end up doing is removing the ability to get those skins from some players. The gemstore is basically the fairest option you've got since you can convert gold - earned however you want to in the game - into gems. Once you start placing obstacles like jumping puzzles or fractals or whatever in the way, you're locking out people who don't or can't do that content.


I totally disagree, or at least I disagree that that could be a bad thing. Currently anet has a fairness and unfailable at all cost mentality with so much. That approach to things is a huge detriment to the fun factor because nothing is ever at stake. Leveling a new character in zones 10 levels higher than your level is so much more fun than leveling him in a level appropriate zone. Imo anyway, but that sentiment is echoed frequently.


Saying that a player is locked out because it requires a jumping puzzle or a collection to obtain is laughable, what is the game then? There is no game, obstacles are what make a game. An obstacle course with no obstacles is just a walk.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> You're right.

> They should totally do this. They should call them "legendary weapons" , and they should release one with every LW episode.


> Great idea.



Lol, way to contribute nothing. Your snark is misplaced. Obviously the scale of legendary weapons and basic collections are miles apart. There is most definitely room for content in between legendary weapons and gem store items. One legendary weapon every few months is not a good standard for retaining the majority of their player base. You should talk with the guy above you if you think that legendary weapons should be the standard for content.

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> @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> There is no game, obstacles are what make a game.


To you. But there are [lots of people](https://www.salon.com/2017/11/11/a-brief-history-of-the-walking-simulator-gamings-most-detested-genre/ "walking sims") out there who [think differently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel "visual novels") about [what games should be](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/flower-review/1900-6415537/ "Flower"). Your fun is not everyone's fun.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > There is no game, obstacles are what make a game.


> To you. But there are [lots of people](https://www.salon.com/2017/11/11/a-brief-history-of-the-walking-simulator-gamings-most-detested-genre/ "walking sims") out there who [think differently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel "visual novels") about [what games should be](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/flower-review/1900-6415537/ "Flower"). Your fun is not everyone's fun.


Very true, and I can respect that line of though. But this is an mmo we are talking about, obstacles are the fundamentals. Quests are the bricks that make up the wall.

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The game just released a skin (with a Mount attached) that was a long and oft-criticized quest.

Right now, there are new weapons and backpacks able to be earned.

There are probably more weapons, gear and skins to be earned in-game than ever will be in the Gem Store. Many through collections, which are this games quests, often.

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It doesn't really sum up what he's asking for though does it? I mean I appreciate sarcasm as much as the next guy and I haven't been playing close to long enough to even consider going for Legendary weapons yet. However, from what I already know and everything I have seen others say since I started looking at threads, the legendary weapons collections are not the sorts of rewards he is talking about.


There is surely a large and fertile middle ground between gemstore bought (the-poor-cant-have-me) items and long form grindy collections. The OP mentions Dark Souls, a series of games that delivers great challenge but very rarely feels outright unfair, where you are often rewarded with new and cool gear for taking (often harder) optional paths. Something similar could easily be implemented here that allows players to gain useful (i.e. not necessarily immediately traded away) and cool items that come with an actual sense of achievement without outright being realistically unachievable by the vast majority of the player base.


If even a jumping puzzle has the effect of putting people off and making them feel excluded as the first commenter claims, then the legendary weapons are already doing this to an extreme degree, so why not introduce a middle ground option? Anyone who is put off by any challenge at all (and is already playing unaffected by the LW) will continue to be unaffected. Others have cool rewards (whatever these might be) to keep them interested and act as ladder to harder/more time consuming content.


As an aside I will say the challenge I. Talking about as regards LW's is time spent, which is often the biggest reason more casual players don't have or attempt certain things in any MMO. I don't know about the actual difficulty of it any of them, as again it's not something I am even contemplating just yet.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> You're right.

> They should totally do this. They should call them "legendary weapons" , and they should release one with every LW episode.


> Great idea.



Or they just do something similar to the Caladbolg "quests" and have it be Ascended weapons but with unique skins. You can't get those Caladbolg skins anywhere else, just as you can't get the Elite Specialization weapon skins (exotic and ascended versions) anywhere else other than from those Achievements. Same with the Elite Specialization armor pieces.


> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > There is no game, obstacles are what make a game.


> To you. But there are [lots of people](https://www.salon.com/2017/11/11/a-brief-history-of-the-walking-simulator-gamings-most-detested-genre/ "walking sims") out there who [think differently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel "visual novels") about [what games should be](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/flower-review/1900-6415537/ "Flower"). Your fun is not everyone's fun.


Not relevant. GW2 isn't any of those games, those fall into entirely different genres and if you're playing this genre expecting it to be one of those other genres...I have no words. Thats like going to an amusement park and expecting the lines to end at the DMV front desk.


> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> It's good in theory, and I've mentioned how much I enjoyed the Caladbolg quests, but unless the collections really are extremely easy, what you're going to end up doing is removing the ability to get those skins from some players. The gemstore is basically the fairest option you've got since you can convert gold - earned however you want to in the game - into gems. Once you start placing obstacles like jumping puzzles or fractals or whatever in the way, you're locking out people who don't or can't do that content.


You mean like how people complained that Sekiro was keeping disabled individuals from playing the game or even completing any of it? And then someone with an actual physical disability came out on record and said they play the game just fine and have completed many aspects of it despite his disability? Like how also [therealhandi](

"https://twitch.tv/therealhandi/videos") still games and can play at a pretty skilled level on CSGO despite having *no arms*?


That isn't a reason to not include "obstacles" with rewards for the sake of content for you players because you're looking to avoid "bothering" people who don't do that content, you're not making it for them...they won't play it anyway, and those who *can't* (i.e physically disabled) because maybe they'll find a way to do so...*exactly* like the people I mentioned above or they are completely fine with not being able to do so.


I don't view people not being willing to even slightly put in what little amount of effort it takes to complete those kinds of tasks as an excuse not to add more, or even more difficult ones, just because a section of the playerbase goes "oh I can't do it. Grrrrr!" So keep trying. If it frustrates them...come back to it later. If you're not failing at something you're trying to accomplish...you're not learning and therefore you're not growing. If all it takes is failing a few times at something on a video game for someone to just completely give up then they clearly didn't want that thing all that much to begin with.

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> @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > You're right.

> > They should totally do this. They should call them "legendary weapons" , and they should release one with every LW episode.

> >

> > Great idea.

> >


> Lol, way to contribute nothing. Your snark is misplaced. Obviously the scale of legendary weapons and basic collections are miles apart. There is most definitely room for content in between legendary weapons and gem store items. One legendary weapon every few months is not a good standard for retaining the majority of their player base. You should talk with the guy above you if you think that legendary weapons should be the standard for content.


The point is everything you are asking for is already in the game in varying degrees. Want collections that take you all over the map? Legendary collections do this. The griffon collection is the exact same thing you are talking about on your original post. Want to find some different of cool looking weapon or armor sets?... dungeon collections. How many backpack collections were added with Path of fire?

Last year the devs added three collections for exotic weapons based on community designs and made small single map collections for each.

Every armor set in S4 was unlocked via this kind of conent, Or the Funerary Weapons....or...or...or..

You can arm-chair dev about "retention rates" as a flex all you like. Everything you are asking for is in the game. It already forms the bulk of this game's content and reason for repeating things.

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War Eternal - the most recently living story episode - included:

* 3 new armour sets (one for each weight) with two variants earned by completing a series of achievements in the new map and then farming currency for the upgraded version.

* Corsair boots - a new piece for the set from S4 meta achievements.

* The Scion weapon set as a rare drop from the meta event in Dragonfall.

* A new legendary weapon created via a series of collections.

* Assorted mini pets, tonics and other items unlocked by playing on the new map.

* And of course the skyscale - people had been asking for a dragon skin for the griffon since PoF was released and we got not just a skin but a whole new mount earned by doing a series of collections (effectively quests) which tell the story of obtaining and hatching the egg and raising the hatchling to be your mount.


Is that not exactly what you're asking for? And it's not like that episode was an exception. All the others have included weapon and armour skins obtained by playing the episode, various other items bought with map currency or unlocked through collections. And then of course there's things like raid exclusive weapons and PvP and WvW reward tracks.


Yes there are also some skins which go into the gem store, but your post makes it sound like items and skins unlocked in-game are extremely rare and they haven't added any new ones for years. You say you know the wardrobe pretty well so I can't believe you're unaware of all these. But that leaves me wondering what you actually want - unless you mean there should be no weapon and armour skins in the gem store?

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Not relevant.


The OP said that "obstacles are what make a game." I was pointing out games in which that isn't true. How much it's true in _Guild Wars_ depends on the individual player and the ANet development team. And the development team is very clearly concerned about the amount and type of obstacles they put in players' paths on the way to various goals.


> That isn't a reason to not include "obstacles" with rewards for the sake of content for you players because you're looking to avoid "bothering" people who don't do that content, you're not making it for them...they won't play it anyway, and those who *can't* (i.e physically disabled) because maybe they'll find a way to do so...*exactly* like the people I mentioned above or they are completely fine with not being able to do so.


Did you do the skyscale collection? Did you notice all the things ANet put in place so people could bypass certain parts of it (like the jumping puzzles)? Did you notice the adjustment they made to the timer for the game of catch? They did their best to make that collection available to _everyone_. Are you saying they did the wrong thing?

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > You're right.

> > > They should totally do this. They should call them "legendary weapons" , and they should release one with every LW episode.

> > >

> > > Great idea.

> > >

> >

> > Lol, way to contribute nothing. Your snark is misplaced. Obviously the scale of legendary weapons and basic collections are miles apart. There is most definitely room for content in between legendary weapons and gem store items. One legendary weapon every few months is not a good standard for retaining the majority of their player base. You should talk with the guy above you if you think that legendary weapons should be the standard for content.


> The point is everything you are asking for is already in the game in varying degrees. Want collections that take you all over the map? Legendary collections do this. The griffon collection is the exact same thing you are talking about on your original post. Want to find some different of cool looking weapon or armor sets?... dungeon collections. How many backpack collections were added with Path of fire?

> Last year the devs added three collections for exotic weapons based on community designs and made small single map collections for each.

> Every armor set in S4 was unlocked via this kind of conent, Or the Funerary Weapons....or...or...or..

> You can arm-chair dev about "retention rates" as a flex all you like. Everything you are asking for is in the game. It already forms the bulk of this game's content and reason for repeating things.


Lol im not sure what gave you the impression that this was an attempted flex. If I felt like what I was looking for in the game was already in the game I wouldn't be making this post. I am well aware of all the things you listed, I mentioned briefly that I like to collect skins and know the contents of the wardrobe well. The example of volcanus was a cool weapon, with a unique skin, rewarded in isolation, that required a journey similar to but on a much smaller scale than legendary weapons. Funerary weapons are solely a grind, and if you don't like the style of the weapons to begin with, you probably won't buy any of them. And in this case one funerary weapon has no more or less value than the next, its not unless you have your character kitted out with three or four of them at one time that it might suggest that you put meaningful work into obtaining these. My observation is that there are many assets allocated to the gem store that would otherwise have the potential to be volcanuses. This is the kind of content that I prefer, hense my making a post about it. I am most definitely not saying that that the game is devoid of meaningful content.


All that said, I appreciate this second post much more than the first. Things like the funerary weapons are definitely worth bringing up in this conversation.

Upvoted your comment.

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GW2's design asks a lot of skins. They need to be a main reward since the game does not offer throw-away gear progression. They also need to shoulder at least some of the burden of funding the studio. In addition, armor in particular is burdened by complications in the original design of the game, resulting in the need to take more than half a year for an armor set (iirc, ANet at one point stated ~9 months). That's a lot to ask.


Given the voracious appetite of some MMO players for goals, there was always going to be a perception among some players that GW2 does not offer enough. In principle, creating more items to earn in game would be a good thing for some players. Others seem satisfied with what the game offers. However, I believe that ANet is adding rewards to the game, at a pace they can manage. Using some of the assets they currently sell as rewards would impact their ability to produce content, to some unknown degree. Power, rent, salaries, taxes, etc. all need to be paid.


I am far from the most traveled MMO player. However, in the ones I did play, the pace of release of rewards didn't seem much better. In fact, even though WoW drained $15/month from my wallet, the only character cosmetics I remember being regularly added were the skins attached to progression gear. Some of those skins were hideous, and there was no system to change one's appearance. In my limited experience, the release pace of such rewards in GW2 seems to be comparable. I can see people who play a lot thinking that it's too slow, but the same could be said for other games. MMO's cannot keep up with players who play multiple hours per day. The only way to do so is to make acquisition take a very long time, and when games do that, the complaints about "grind" will be incoming.

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I would agree with gen 1 and gen 2 legendary weapons applying but I would NOT consider gen2.5 to be weapons obtained through a series of collections. Some map completion, yes, but collections?


That said, there are a LOT of things out there available through collections and quests already. Heck, even the Dragon bash ones, while not collections per se, are definitely questish things.


What the OP seems to be asking for is something similiar, I believe, to the specialization collections. Go here, do this, get one unique weapon. Presumably they have completed all these already.


But whenever one weapon or even a few, is released, generally the outcry is "What, no love for the other weapons?" which I do kind of agree with.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I would agree with gen 1 and gen 2 legendary weapons applying but I would NOT consider gen2.5 to be weapons obtained through a series of collections. Some map completion, yes, but collections?


Valid. The 2.5 weapons are mostly a material/gold grind. That said, there's map completion, dungeon token grinding the need for a GoB ect.... these fufil the basic requirements.

They are however, not as rich a journey as the others, or the trinkets or mounts, no one would argue that they are.

>What the OP seems to be asking for is something similiar, I believe, to the specialization collections. Go here, do this, get one unique weapon. Presumably they have completed all these already.

So the 18 that are there don't count?

Or the community collections?

Again... there's a lot of this in the game already.

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A lot has come out in the gemstore recently that left me pretty annoyed about my financial situation, but then it hit me.

Gold to gem conversion was still a thing in Gw2 and with that in mind I raided my in game bank harder than a suger addict in a candy store and must have blown through years of stockpiled mystic coins, ecto and materials to make the crazy amount of gold I needed to buy a total of 3200 gems to get the Premium 2000 gem Skyscale skin and the recently released Skyscale mount pack (needed only 1200 gems for that as I had 800 on hand.

This was easily in terms of gold over 1100g into gems and all of it made by raiding my material storage.


Suffice to say each of the Skyscale skins I have now have far more value to me because I feel like in some way earned them rather than just outright bought them with no cost to my account.

If you're finding yourself less attached to certain gemstore skins then try grinding up the gold to buy them without real cash.

It'll make a difference :)

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > Not relevant.


> The OP said that "obstacles are what make a game." I was pointing out games in which that isn't true. How much it's true in _Guild Wars_ depends on the individual player and the ANet development team. And the development team is very clearly concerned about the amount and type of obstacles they put in players' paths on the way to various goals.


> > That isn't a reason to not include "obstacles" with rewards for the sake of content for you players because you're looking to avoid "bothering" people who don't do that content, you're not making it for them...they won't play it anyway, and those who *can't* (i.e physically disabled) because maybe they'll find a way to do so...*exactly* like the people I mentioned above or they are completely fine with not being able to do so.


> Did you do the skyscale collection? Did you notice all the things ANet put in place so people could bypass certain parts of it (like the jumping puzzles)? Did you notice the adjustment they made to the timer for the game of catch? They did their best to make that collection available to _everyone_. Are you saying they did the wrong thing?


No. I don't mind ArenaNet making things accessible, thats not the point. Actually my problem with the Skyscale initially was the unnecessary time gating they put in which they have since toned down.


I was responding to the position that adding additional "obstacles" in the way of new skins and such things, either something like jumping puzzles or Fractals, whatever else, would "lock" people out of getting them. You were trying to make this point of accessibility, which I don't mind to certain degrees, but that isn't a reason to *not* do something. You were saying they shouldn't add obstacles in the way of skins or other things that involves content people "don't" or "can't" do. Well for one they already have such things, Fractal skins, Raid weapon skins, Caladbolg skins, Elite Specialization weapon and armor skins. All of these are behind achievements or content that some players might not do or have no interest in doing, but that isn't a valid reason *not* to do more of that for the game.


Maybe some players "can't" because they are newer, don't know the game well enough, or they have some physical disability that limits what they can do in the game. I understand that, but the idea that a game developer shouldn't provide rewards behind obstacles for the sake of content longevity or just for the sake of interesting content isn't healthy for the game.


Imagine if the developers of Sekiro and the Dark Souls franchise had buckled to the outcries of people finding the game too difficult and they wanted some "easy mode" added to the game? Which they did quite a bit of shouting for when Sekiro came out, even some game journalists elected themselves to be the voice of gamers with disabilities and said that the developers should have added an easy mode for them to make it "more accessible" for them. I understand the sentiment, I really do, but as I pointed out in a previous post someone *with* a physical disability came out and said that if they added an "easy mode" to the game it would ruin the experience and it wouldn't be true to the developers vision and what makes their games so astoundingly amazing.


Accessibility is great and all, but using it as an excuse not to add *more* content like what was suggested to the game just...it doesn't help anything. Honestly I can't fathom why players wouldn't want more skins and such accessed through *playing the game* rather than purely purchasing them off the gem store.



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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Imagine if the developers of Sekiro and the Dark Souls franchise had buckled to the outcries of people finding the game too difficult and they wanted some "easy mode" added to the game?


Then... the game would've had two modes, easy and hard. Like all the other games out there with variable difficulty settings. If that's not what the devs wanted to do, it's their game and their right not to do it; but if they'd decided they _did_ want to do it, that also would've been their right. Just like it's ANet's right to decide how they want to set up the content in their game.


> Accessibility is great and all, but using it as an excuse not to add *more* content like what was suggested to the game just...it doesn't help anything. Honestly I can't fathom why players wouldn't want more skins and such accessed through *playing the game* rather than purely purchasing them off the gem store.


The OP seems to be arguing not for simply adding more content (which is already happening) but sacrificing gem store items to provide that content. If ANet wants to add items which are available both through the gem store and through gameplay, that would be fine, but I wouldn't like to see stuff I'd originally been able to purchase through the store suddenly removed and gated behind content I don't want to do. That's not fun.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> A lot has come out in the gemstore recently that left me pretty annoyed about my financial situation, but then it hit me.

> Gold to gem conversion was still a thing in Gw2 and with that in mind I raided my in game bank harder than a suger addict in a candy store and must have blown through years of stockpiled mystic coins, ecto and materials to make the crazy amount of gold I needed to buy a total of 3200 gems to get the Premium 2000 gem Skyscale skin and the recently released Skyscale mount pack (needed only 1200 gems for that as I had 800 on hand.

> This was easily in terms of gold over 1100g into gems and all of it made by raiding my material storage.


> Suffice to say each of the Skyscale skins I have now have far more value to me because I feel like in some way earned them rather than just outright bought them with no cost to my account.

> If you're finding yourself less attached to certain gemstore skins then try grinding up the gold to buy them without real cash.

> It'll make a difference :)


I like this, and you're right. I guess it just sucks that you would have to go out of your way to break the incentive structure in order to achieve a sense of accomplishment when buying a cool skin instead of that being the way it is ideally experienced in the first place.


Maybe, just a spitball, content like that should be both offered in the gem store as well as in game through some sort of quest progression. Old players who play actively and want the goal as well as the reward can earn it and save money while newer players who bought a lvl 80 boost and an expansion and have a wealth of goals already can buy it outright. This still takes away from the perceived prestige of the item, but possibly a middle ground.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > Not relevant.

> >

> > The OP said that "obstacles are what make a game." I was pointing out games in which that isn't true. How much it's true in _Guild Wars_ depends on the individual player and the ANet development team. And the development team is very clearly concerned about the amount and type of obstacles they put in players' paths on the way to various goals.

> >

> > > That isn't a reason to not include "obstacles" with rewards for the sake of content for you players because you're looking to avoid "bothering" people who don't do that content, you're not making it for them...they won't play it anyway, and those who *can't* (i.e physically disabled) because maybe they'll find a way to do so...*exactly* like the people I mentioned above or they are completely fine with not being able to do so.

> >

> > Did you do the skyscale collection? Did you notice all the things ANet put in place so people could bypass certain parts of it (like the jumping puzzles)? Did you notice the adjustment they made to the timer for the game of catch? They did their best to make that collection available to _everyone_. Are you saying they did the wrong thing?


> No. I don't mind ArenaNet making things accessible, thats not the point. Actually my problem with the Skyscale initially was the unnecessary time gating they put in which they have since toned down.


> I was responding to the position that adding additional "obstacles" in the way of new skins and such things, either something like jumping puzzles or Fractals, whatever else, would "lock" people out of getting them. You were trying to make this point of accessibility, which I don't mind to certain degrees, but that isn't a reason to *not* do something. You were saying they shouldn't add obstacles in the way of skins or other things that involves content people "don't" or "can't" do. Well for one they already have such things, Fractal skins, Raid weapon skins, Caladbolg skins, Elite Specialization weapon and armor skins. All of these are behind achievements or content that some players might not do or have no interest in doing, but that isn't a valid reason *not* to do more of that for the game.


> Maybe some players "can't" because they are newer, don't know the game well enough, or they have some physical disability that limits what they can do in the game. I understand that, but the idea that a game developer shouldn't provide rewards behind obstacles for the sake of content longevity or just for the sake of interesting content isn't healthy for the game.


> Imagine if the developers of Sekiro and the Dark Souls franchise had buckled to the outcries of people finding the game too difficult and they wanted some "easy mode" added to the game? Which they did quite a bit of shouting for when Sekiro came out, even some game journalists elected themselves to be the voice of gamers with disabilities and said that the developers should have added an easy mode for them to make it "more accessible" for them. I understand the sentiment, I really do, but as I pointed out in a previous post someone *with* a physical disability came out and said that if they added an "easy mode" to the game it would ruin the experience and it wouldn't be true to the developers vision and what makes their games so astoundingly amazing.


> Accessibility is great and all, but using it as an excuse not to add *more* content like what was suggested to the game just...it doesn't help anything. Honestly I can't fathom why players wouldn't want more skins and such accessed through *playing the game* rather than purely purchasing them off the gem store.




This last line nails it.


Also as far as some content being daunting to players, I have definitely had the experience of wanting to peruse a goal then looking up the process on the wiki or looking through the extent of the collection and being talked out of it because I don't understand, am not prepared for, or feel that it is disproportionate to the reward. And if someone echoed that feeling I would still understand. I have also grown in the game to use those experiences to push into the new content, learn about it, and overcome it. I am currently working on Aurora quite a while after it came out originally, not that living world season 3 maps are less relevant and at least not current content, and it's been quite motivating to see that I am able to still do these things that seem big, daunting, and undefined.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"Chingalling.1208" said:

> > There is no game, obstacles are what make a game.


> To you. But there are [lots of people](https://www.salon.com/2017/11/11/a-brief-history-of-the-walking-simulator-gamings-most-detested-genre/ "walking sims") out there who [think differently](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_novel "visual novels") about [what games should be](https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/flower-review/1900-6415537/ "Flower"). Your fun is not everyone's fun.


A nice concept, but while you say the gemstore makes it "fair" and avoids locking out players from certain rewards. You really should look at the examples you provided here, and look at what the rewards are, and how the player can obtain them.

It is obviously more abstract in a non-loot driven games, but the rewards are there. And once you see the rewards, you might even see the low-key "obstacles" that are put in the way of the player, towards their goals. At which point you might hopefully realize that the gemstore isn't a very compelling reward structure.


The game in GW2 could just be grinding ingame money if you wish, but it wouldn't be a very good game.


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The more content the merrier, although It may not be for everyone. Yes perhaps some may feel it's development time and resource wasted. I feel the same way about mini's, I have no interest in them, but in no way do I think others feel the same way.


If they added a new jumping puzzle, while it wouldn't interest me in by itself, if it's part of a quest, I do feel a sense of accomplishment. I like the OP's idea. There's always a balance to be met as no one likes a insanely difficult game where you can't do anything solo nor too easy, where you can sleep through it.


I've crafted quite a few Legendaries, got the skyscale, and while I always felt it was daunting at first, every time I finished it, it really was not that bad at all. I don't agree with having it both in gemstore and in game. It would diminish either or and should be either or.


There's nothing wrong with having items with more prestige.

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> @"Tarlonniel.6534" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > Imagine if the developers of Sekiro and the Dark Souls franchise had buckled to the outcries of people finding the game too difficult and they wanted some "easy mode" added to the game?


> Then... the game would've had two modes, easy and hard. Like all the other games out there with variable difficulty settings. If that's not what the devs wanted to do, it's their game and their right not to do it; but if they'd decided they _did_ want to do it, that also would've been their right. Just like it's ANet's right to decide how they want to set up the content in their game.


> > Accessibility is great and all, but using it as an excuse not to add *more* content like what was suggested to the game just...it doesn't help anything. Honestly I can't fathom why players wouldn't want more skins and such accessed through *playing the game* rather than purely purchasing them off the gem store.


> The OP seems to be arguing not for simply adding more content (which is already happening) but sacrificing gem store items to provide that content. If ANet wants to add items which are available both through the gem store and through gameplay, that would be fine, but I wouldn't like to see stuff I'd originally been able to purchase through the store suddenly removed and gated behind content I don't want to do. That's not fun.


Which is fine and I'm not suggesting they sacrifice gem store items, but offering more in the game itself through gameplay wouldn't be a terrible idea.


I dislike PvE in GW2, its boring, dull and probably some of the least challenging PvE I've encountered in an MMORPG in a long time yet I'm forced to do it so I can make any Legendaries I might want, especially Gen 2 Legendaries. I'm not out here making posts about how it should be changed, as I understand that its part of making the Legendary...its just a part of it that I don't enjoy all that much.

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