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[Roleplayers] Dear A-Net, pls bring back some beautiful rp-spots!

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Hi there, people!


Guild Wars 2 is a great game with a beautiful world and a great lore - no surprise that there are many roleplayers out there in the game. Yeah, I'm totally aware of the fact that gw2 is primary a MMO for PvE, PvP and stuff, so roleplayers might not be an important player target audience for a-net and maybe they won't prioritize their needs very high... but there are still some things a-net could do for us roleplayers without much effort:


Since gw2 has no housing system and guild halls cost a lot of gold to capture and decorate, roleplayers depend on finding their own spots on the maps to play (and hope that they won't be disturbed by aggressive mobs or players that don't understand roleplay). But there ARE so many spots that roleplayers would love to use and it won't hurt or disturb anyone or give them any other advantage than just have a beautiful place for their kind of enjoying the game. In former times, many of that places could be reached by using some map glitches and stuff. But since mounts came to tyria (and for sure, mounts are great, I love them) many of that spots have been closed.


**So here, we come to the core of this thread:

Dear a-net, please re-open und bring back some of that beautiful spots for us to do our roleplaying thing.**

Some of them could be made accessible so easy and roleplayers could make use of them, since you've already put so much effort in designing them, sometimes just for one little story part and nothing more. For some examples, see the bottom of this post.


**And for all the other roleplayers:**

Please feel free to collect and post any spot you'd like to become more accessible for roleplay again (maybe with a suggestion how it could be done as easily as possible for the devs), or - if you like the idea of this thread - simply support it ;)






So here some examples for spots I'd like to become accessible again:


**The secret Asura Lab in Wizard's Fief**

A small secret asurian laboratory, located underneath an open house in town. It is used in a part of the personal story.

In former times you could get there by using the log in / logg off glitch near the cliff. Since that doesn't work anymore, I can't post a screen of the lab itself.


![](https://i.ibb.co/cChLXt5/gw419.jpg "")


Suggestion to make it accessible:

Maybe make that door leading to the lab in the personal story an interactable object that can be opened / closed or ports character behind the door by using it. If one want it more secretly, you could hide an interactable button to open / close the door for example on one of the asura consoles in the top level of the house.




**Home of the Herbalist - Shaemoor**

A small house in Shaemoor, fully furnitured on the inside. It is used in a part of the human personal story.

Before the mounts came, you could get there by glitching trough the roof.


![](https://i.ibb.co/TWpwyyP/gw420.jpg "")


Suggestion to make it accessible:

Just open the door or make it openable / interactable.



... and many more!



p.s. sorry for my bad english and love to you all ;)



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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I wish they would put a time crystal in LA that takes you back to old LA. I only seen it in videos but wow it had an atmosphere to it that the new town just dont.


> You can visit it in the Personal Story. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Setting_the_Stage


Yes all you get is a short cgi on the event. Nice but still would like to be able to interact with old LA. I widsh they wouldnt remove huge chunks of the lore and story from the game. It feels really disjointed for new players not being able to play through the events that got us to this point.


And i agree with the op to some extent, would like to see areas from the game you cant get to now, opened up.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You can visit it in the Personal Story. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Setting_the_Stage


You can visit _parts_ of it in _several_ Personal Story instances, not just "Setting the Stage", each providing access to a different part of the city, one even to the sewers. Still, it's not the same as being able to explore the whole town whenever you feel like it. You can't ask role-players to all create new characters, play the exact same path and stop at the same story step only so they can revisit a specific part of old LA in a story instance in a five-player group - that's just ridiculous.

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You know what? I always wondered why story instances aren't available to revisit as empty instances for exploration or RP goals. Many of those instances are an one time and after that it's "forget about them". Story can't be replayed compared to ls. You need to recreate a toon, but why when no more slots/not wanting to delete one? I guess the first simple solution to add is making personnal story steps replayable, even if already 80.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whats wrong with any of the cities such as Divinity's Reach, Black Citadel, Hoelbrack, Rata Sum, The Grove, Lion's Arch Vigil Keep, Durmond Priory(yes I know that's probably a reach but still, its peaceful) the many little outposts scattered throughout that has vendors, sometimes walls, and/or quests as well as plenty of beautiful yet isolated spots? That village in The Last Exile northwest from Hoelbrack, certain spots of forest in the Charr lands, and I am sure there are many more spots, but probably just not named or have a Waypoint to.


I would be interested in seeing more RP action by the players and the world seems full of little hidey holes and spots perfect for it, even if you must stretch the imagination a little more. Killing monsters all over gets boring after awhile!

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> My RP friends and I RP in the Open World sometimes. Sure, we attract mobs, and the occasional anti-RP troll, but we do it all the same. I like to think that it gives some immersive flavor to passers by.


Which server are you on? Maybe we could start a RP guild and see if we could get something big started?

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  • 2 months later...

> @"Mil.3562" said:

> What exactly do you do as a roleplayer in a MMO? A roleplaying guild? Aren't we all roleplaying now? o.o


Nah, most people are just clicking their skills, rushing through contents, checking wikis and dps.



Role players become a part of the world they are in, they get into character. They tell their own story among other role players.


Their story is not only the one you have present and play through for achievements.


Sometimes they are getting wasted at the tavern, discussing prior adventures, and sometimes you can find the travelling, finding little nooks that most of the players overlook and are unaware of.


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Dont forget about the hidden cerebro dungeon in celadon forest!


lovely place honestly, and some interesting scenery you really dont see anywhere else.


> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> where do the roleplayers hang out at? I been looking for them


we hide with the exception of the ones in DR, and BC, due to trolls.


Most RPRS have started doing stuff in private squads from what ive seen.

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  • 1 year later...

I think it's a shame that we roleplayers have to hide to avoid harassment. Wouldn't it be better to have a designated RP server? I'm currently on Gate of Madness with my main account, but I would love to connect with other roleplayers anywhere. Is there a server that has, by player coordination, become an RP server?

Also, I'd like to add that I enjoy creating storylines with a lot more action than just sitting in taverns talking. I start stories involving bounty hunts and open world fighting, and I am trying to use the WvW area to duel, if possible. I have an RP guild called Royal Purple (RP) - I chose the name for the RP tag as well as other story reasons. Feel free to contact me here or in game.

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I think it would be awesome to have the option to be able to enter dungeons that we have completed all paths on, and have them be completely devoid of enemies. Just big, open instances that we can spend time wandering around and enjoying the no-doubt countless hours of work the teams put into decorating them that otherwise gets ignored in favor of speed clears.

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Good topic, Skey! Would love to see some love to roleplayers from time to time. Some new maps had quite a lot of nice spots (Drittlewood not so much though except that central region), but why not simply opening up some of those doors? Or, as was suggested already, enable the Personal Story to be replayed?


And to those asking for contacts to RP-communities: There are usually forums, where you can easily get in contact. There is one in English and one in German at least, not sure about French and others. Just use a regular seach engine, we're very happy to welcome interested players! :smile:

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> @"Tavalah.1985" said:

> I think it's a shame that we roleplayers have to hide to avoid harassment.


There are times that many players feel they have to regardless of being RP or not. It shouldn’t happen in the game however, it’s one of the largest negatives in an MMO.


In sPvP & WvW trolls are there and are mostly just more vocal. Yes, with RP it can be disruptive to the experience, but honestly, I doubt (having a dedicated RO server) would stop the trolls. With megaservers, unless your server has enough people on a map, others will get in.


Add to that some of your more dedicated trolls would select your dedicated server and use that opportunity to troll. It happens in WvW currently.


> Wouldn't it be better to have a designated RP server? I'm currently on Gate of Madness with my main account, but I would love to connect with other roleplayers anywhere. Is there a server that has, by player coordination, become an RP server?


Not sure if you had followed the Alliances thread, but believe it or not, that was considered to be a large concern/benefit of alliances though details on how to carve out RP players was challenging.





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