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Closer. and closer..and closer

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Hello all.

Just a progress report. My baby Skyscale is almost a teenager. I have one more round of feeding and then I play two games, hit the jumping puzzles, get a saddle, and hover over rifts.


Wish me luck :)


Lisa-Leaves the thread with her pockets overflowing with TP bought Skyscale Extra-Pungent Treats.



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First of all, thank you for the luck! I COMPLETED both Skyscale games!!!!!!!!




I also attempted all the Jumping puzzles.


I followed a video done by someone who could have been my doppelganger back in highschool, TiffyMissWiffy. Same pale skin tone, same body build, same color hair, length and style, the same color and shape of the glasses...it was uncanny.


While I was was cool down state, I brought a different alt to each jumping puzzle, and, by watching the Video, tried to complete it.


When I got to a spot I thought I should be. I left the alt parked there.


I confess there were some Jumping Puzzles where my eyes bugged out, and I started trembling.


Cries in Griffonrook Run, Goemm's lab, and especially, City Above Flats.


Then I remembered the extra-pungent skyscale treats, and I felt my whole self relax.


I can't express the joy I felt the next day when I logged in my first Jumping Puzzle alt and I was right in front of the Skyscale.


And that was the sight I got when I logged in the rest of my alts. I was either right in front of the critter, or a stone throw away !


Anet, I have no idea if you are reading this, but a big thank you for allowing the treats.


The games....With the Ball, it took me a while to catch on, but once I did I was able to finish...barely.


I really liked Hide and Seek. I loved the fact that there was not a time limit, and was rather sad when it was completed :)


So, that is where I am now :)


Lisa-Praying that all the Rifts will be doable...again, wish me luck.

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The rifts are super doable. You just go to the indicated waypoint (on the guide on Reddit), borrow a skyscale, and go hover in a sparkly ball in the air.


Two of them are hard to find, iirc, in Sandswept you have to do some staged Skyscale hops over towards the docks where the race is, it's way over there. And in Dragonfall head towards the airship and look left along the prow, it's down *below* the plateau level a bit in front of the ship. I think the rest were simple enough.


The best guide I've seen for it I found via a Reddit link, here it is for you, scroll towards the bottom for the rifts part: https://www.ayinmaiden.com/skyscale


You are so close!

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Update to the update...I am having a lot of fun with these rifts.


I got a good night's sleep, woke up early, grabbed a bottle of Dr. Pepper (Ice Cold caffeine), padded downstairs, brought up the Wiki page, brought up Guildwars2, opened my notebook, and it was show time.


About my notebook, after writing down all the jumping puzzles info..which of my alts was at which puzzle, I also, using the Wiki, wrote down all the waypoints for the Rifts so all I had to do was take a glance at my notebook to know where I was going next.


I opened the Wiki this morning for just in case I needed help.


Big, wide, Texas sized grin. I wanted to find the rifts myself.


My next stop is Dragonfall, but I probably will not be coming back online until about 10:00 Central. Even though it is only 5:43 AM, I have tons of real life stuffs to do, which, sadly, have priority over games.


My Skyscale is becoming real :)


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