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I am dissatisfied with the team responsible for Balance Patches.


My dissatisfaction is not with what has been change, right now, or with the seasonality in which this occurs, my problem is that it seems that the BalanceTeam has been making changes without testing and mainly based on the opinion or video of a streamer that does not represent even 1% of the players of this game/community. It's not why a streamer has a channel in the twitch or YT that means it should be heard at the time of changing or not something. Brainstorm together with the team and decide where the professions and specialization should go, then make the changes. It is unacceptable to have 2 or more re-works in the same specialization as you did in Scrapper, Chrono or Revenant. This only denotes how lost the Balance Team are or how much the watching the "complaing" streamers. And please if a streamer with 300 or less view say the mesmer should be deleted PLEASE do not listen to that.

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> @"Tomas.6092" said:

> Oh, just great, like chrono wasn't enough dog kitten already, even more nerfs.

> Mister Anet, when you guys come up with balance patches, do you take in consideration WvW too? I understand that WvW team you guys have, literally all they do is open tower and PPT with random builds they have, not understanding what's meta and what's not, or how WvW works, but do you ever think, whether generating clones during blob fights to activate F1 F2 F3 F4 will be easy or not? Clones die literally in less than 0.1 sec, try playing GS, for example. I mean I'm fine with that, I'll just going to macro Mirror Images utility to generate 2 clones + F4 to activate CS, since there's no way I'll be able to do it with my own hands, due to how fast clones die.

> But literally, all the nerfs towards chrono come from Pve, never bother seperating them from WvW. Nerf distortion share, nerf boonshare, destroy Signet of Inspiration, now completely destroy F skills...


Sad but so damn true. I dont even think anet really knows the gamemode. they never seem to put at least a little bit attention to it. they ruin their own game.

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This patch is in favor of Warriors and Thieves (WvW for Thief, mostly). My other favorite classes are now getting crushed.


- Rev OH 5 getting nerfed. Really? I understand in PvP, sure, but in PvE? You know that Chill and Slow on OH 5 helped with CC and quite a bit. Next time, they'll half the CC damage that Staff 5 does. I know it's coming. As for OH 4, When are you giving us the old casting time back, but only for PvE? Never? Gotcha, thanks. Let's not even get started on Mallyx. I'd rather not punch a wall. Oh, I see. You improved Icerazor's Ire...hahaha...wow. I mean, really. Why not just say you hate Revenant, delete it and be done with it. That's pretty much what you're telling us.


- Tempest changes...rofl. I can't even. Sure, it's good for healing, but offensive? Eesh.


- Reaper with Soul Eater. Yeah, thanks for ruining my champion soloing Reaper. Totally appreciate you completely destroying my Reaper's only function (which was fun for me to play doing that).


- Chronomancer. Ahaha, goodbye sweet prince. Excuse me while I tell Wiggles his Power Chrono build is pointless now. Might as well stick to Mirage Condi Staff Inf Horizon. At least my illusions can still be used for shatters rather than requiring clones.


The amount of care you put into class balance has finally made me and my gf snap. We watched the last few patches with winching displeasure, but we figured "Oh, it'll be fine. We can manage this. We'll be fine. They know what they're doing." Wow were we wrong. For once, we're skipping any gameplay until we see the next "balance" patch. if it's just as bad, then I'm sure we'll find something else that won't butcher our favorite classes to death.

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> @"HexRx.3968" said:

> After playing for so many years(6) this is the one that does me in. 100%...as soon as I'm done making this post I'm uninstalling. No more time from me, no more gems, no more business. The chrono changes have me so SO aggravated. This is a RPG...people invest a TON of time into it...re-inventing a class over and over and over again takes a toll on players. They think they have a good idea of what's going on, they settle on something they really like and boom, change all of you gear, re-learn how to play a spec, and a big ole middle finger to your fun. Well, this time was the last time for me. There are other great games out there that DON'T keep pulling the rug out from under you. Don't get me wrong I understand balance changes...sometimes things are too strong or too weak so they need to be toned up a bit or down a bit, but completely altering core mechanics of a spec that folks have been accustomed to is downright rude. My opinion doesn't really matter, I'm just a "casual" who had a lot of love for the game. No more.


You are not alone in these feelings, even if enough of the vocal people demand constant unrelenting changes. https://i.redd.it/p6p52hczqq931.png

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> While I'm fine with most professions change, I think that this thief's shadow art rework is the worst thing that could happen to thief. It's litteraly promoting the toxic gameplay that generate complaints about thiefs over and over. It's beyond dumb to push stealth attack power even further when their level of power is already an issue in itself. This change is bound to create issues.



None of the meta thief builds use the Shadow Arts traitline so they’d be forced to drop a traitline to take SA, meaning they’d be forced to lose out on damage or utility



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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > > @"Vissarion.6509" said:

> > > Yeah let's nerf Eles even more, great changes!!!

> > >

> > > Useless in PvP ✓

> > > Useless in WvW ✓

> > > Useless in PvE ✓

> > >

> > > I don't like where this is going really...

> >

> > Weaver useless in pve? what it has one ofthe highest benchmarks in pve lmao and will still be taken in raids

> >

> > PvP it's actually good but people sleep on it

> >

> > wvw is dead and a farm mode for keep rotation, nobody takes this seriously, for that matter nobody even takes pvp seriously

> >

> > the one game mode that is relevant in this game weaver has one of the highest benchmarks

> >

> > plus you got buffs lol i can't

> >

> > i mean youre complaining about diversity, every class has this problem not just ele.... this is kind of a common theme now with every class.


> Wrong Weaver only gets those high bench marks BECAUSE of other classes. If you don't arthritis your hands you are guaranteed to lose ten percent of the damage right off the bat. And if you actually read the ele mains commenting,with the constant shifting of fire traits, losing said power on the fire trait they are phasing out we losing ANOTHER ten percent.


> Weaver in PvP gets eaten by popular meta builds. Sure they get less counters NOW cause Holo are gone. But they still cry to thief, rev, Spellbreaker, scourge. Wow, man oh man.


> So no, these are not buffs we haven't gotten buffed since LAST YEAR, so I kindly suggest to actually read up on Ele before spewing that blalantly wrong nonsense. This is why ele always gets nerfed because people like this say the most bleach-worthy comments to get our damage nerfed in the first place.


Yes I understand the PvE changes, it's horrible and sorry for my confusion in that aspect.


For PvP though, scourge doesn't win against Weaver in 1v1 because essentially you would never really 1v1 to begin with, scourge is only good when coupled with firebrand and is one of the most unstoppable duos currently ATM so this against all classes in team fights not just Weaver and not a count of whether weaver is good or not.


For weaver vs thief, you will never 1v1 a thief lol ... Thief is a decapper and a +1'er , so your interactions with thief will be when you're fighting other people usually - so of course your view of thief will be "overpowered" because he's usually 1upping you... Good thieves at least.


Rev received a number of dmg shaves and no longer has chill and unblockables so it got hurt quite a bit actually, of course, you'll prob face rev the most in team fights and their weakness is condi if they're not getting it cleared constantly which is an obvious team factor, not rev factor.


Weaver is prob better than holo now honestly with the nerfs to toolbelt usage , spellbreaker escaped a rampage nerf and is still the same so it will be a top node fighter now so you're right in this respect, although weaver did see a few enhancements we'll have to see how it plays out for duelist weaver.


I don't think it's so much that weaver is weak, but rather some duo comps are overtuned (scourge+fb) and spellbreaker is an overtuned node fighter with rev being an intended team fighter. If anything if you nerfed that duo and spellbreaker, weaver automatically would confirm a meta spot.

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Why on earth would you make core necro faceroll aswell instead of nerfing the shit out the especs? Something like removing torment on scourge f1-f4 and pulsing quickness on reaper etc. are broken. No need to make core the same broken level. Nerf everything finally to make the game at least a bit interesting.

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> @"Patrick.2987" said:

> Why on earth would you make core necro faceroll aswell instead of nerfing the kitten out the especs? Something like removing torment on scourge f1-f4 and pulsing quickness on reaper etc. are broken. No need to make core the same broken level. Nerf everything finally to make the game at least a bit interesting.


Lmao seriously? If u were expecting a large significant nerf blanket effecting all classes than maybe but with reapers already low mobility nerfing reapers quickness pulse would wreck reaper making it a sitting duck and would significantly lower its dps. Why not just ask them to delete it? Cores already considered weak compared to most classes and u want its especs lowered to its level instead of it brought up to the especs level? Wow lmao. Scourge is a prob in wvw though but that's not so much cuz their OP as it is with how their mechanics function in wvw that makes them a issue.

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> @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > @"Grandark.8624" said:

> > So are all the F5 skills from elites removed while on scrapper or what?


> Sounds like it. Just like all F5s removed from elites on Holosmith.


Yeah, the level of bad that this is can only be described as obnoxious. Especially if you used those F5s in various build set ups. Engie got wrecked on this patch.

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Please reconsider the removal of the evade from Ancestral Grace. Here is why:


1) Druid is already underperforming in PvP and there are no other changes listed here that would do anything to make that otherwise, so this would just make that elite spec even less worth considering for that game type.


2) Druid is already a difficult role to play in raids and this will take away an important tool to filling that role.


The cooldown change proposed to this skill, however, makes sense and does not need to be reconsidered.

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The Soul Eater change is horrible.

I would be OK with a nerf if they only nerfed the normal healing. The healing should only apply to Reaper (shroud). It is Soul Eater after all, and the name itself give the impression that's when it would heal.


The big reason is Necromancers are already low (barely acceptable) in end game content. Fractals, Raids, PVP, WvW. The Soul Eater patch gave us a bandaid. This bandaid allowed me to play with a non hardcore group with less frustration. The frustration is because I can not get healed in the shroud. The shroud is a mandetory part of my DPS to be remotely competitive... Healers can not heal me during this. The heal soul eater provided was barely enough to make it acceptable enough with the group. I can care less about normal mode when I can actually get healed. It would nerf open world PVE if that's the goal without neutering all end game modes.


This balancing direction is just a flat out mistake. This mode is suppose to be used to get back in the game, but you can't get back in the game because you will instantly die when it's gone. You have no way to recover. I am at a loss.



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> @"Deniara Devious.3948" said:

> **Those engineer rifle nerfs make no sense**. Hip shot nerf would be huge (no tracking --> strafe left and right to avoid rifle) and Arenanet specifically allowed engineers to shoot net backwards with rifle #2.


> Core engineer hasn't been overpowered in any game mode. Tone down damage of holo and versatility of scrapper if you want to tone down engineers. Stop nerfing the core, in fact some core aspects are still pitifully weak (e.g. condi engineer is not viable).


These weren't nerfs they were fixes. All three of these rifle FIXES were necessary because they made no sense that they did what they used to do.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey all - the Elementalist notes were missing an entry from the initial posting:


* Power Overwhelming: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 150 bonus power while the elementalist has at least 10 stacks of might. This power bonus is doubled while attuned to fire.


Sorry about that - it was a change made early, but with the note coming in a bit late. That should be all the notes.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Hey all - the Elementalist notes were missing an entry from the initial posting:


> * Power Overwhelming: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 150 bonus power while the elementalist has at least 10 stacks of might. This power bonus is doubled while attuned to fire.


> Sorry about that - it was a change made early, but with the note coming in a bit late. That should be all the notes.


That realty important to know lol. Thank you.

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Here is a 2015 video of a heal Thief in wvw by this well played Thief player. Now times this by 10+more Thieves??

Now imagine endless resurrections in down-state with endless fights duration in wvw and pvp; can you imagine it?


Is this what Anet call 'balancing'? How does this promote healthy competition?



Thief already having (perma-stealth+will be able to heal...(perma-healing??), what do you get? Bad Design+Bad Balancing=Toxicity


(why revisit 2015 again??)


**'Yes, history will repeat itself when the Truth is ignored'**


Prepare Toxicity to take this Profession to the next level and to finally bring the game closer to its grave


**Heal Thief**

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This cannot be allowed to go live, with the exception of the much needed souldbeast nerfs which should never have made it into the game to begin with. This group needs to seriously regroup and start communicating with it's player base as a whole and not cherry pick their information sources or they'll be the direct cause of people leaving in droves.

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Hey all - the Elementalist notes were missing an entry from the initial posting:


> * Power Overwhelming: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 150 bonus power while the elementalist has at least 10 stacks of might. This power bonus is doubled while attuned to fire.


> Sorry about that - it was a change made early, but with the note coming in a bit late. That should be all the notes.


Hey Irenio,


Thanks for the relieving news - Ele is my secondary main and I am all about fire.

In't there a missing paragraph or three for Guardian, by any chance?


Just wondering. :blush:

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> @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

> Hey all - the Elementalist notes were missing an entry from the initial posting:


> * Power Overwhelming: This trait has been reworked. It now grants 150 bonus power while the elementalist has at least 10 stacks of might. This power bonus is doubled while attuned to fire.


> Sorry about that - it was a change made early, but with the note coming in a bit late. That should be all the notes.


Oh my god! Thank you so much!


Well! This patch is now all up for Ele :open_mouth:

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