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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.


So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")


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lots of people don't give two craps about WoW classic, and from those who do, many won't when they remember how it really was, without the pink glasses of nostalgia. it doesn't worry me at all. gw2 does needs constant updates to stay afloat, like any MMO, but nothing will happen because one other game releases an update, this has happened many times before.

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Despite still being very popular (esp compared to regular wow), have you even seen the drop in classic a week into their testing? People lost interest really quickly, most people didn't log back in.


I don't think these two games have the same audience anyway. Sure, you'll have a bunch of people check it out (again) and maybe play for a while, but they're not going to quit one for the other.

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Not an issue. Classic WoW is a very traditional MMO with heavy focus on vertical progression and traditional grinds. GW2 is basically the exact opposite. A player who enjoys GW2 probably wont have a shred of interest in classic wow. Players who are interested in classic wow aren't gonna like GW2 anyways and GW2 isnt new anymore and most MMO fans know what it is.

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Some people may go try WoW classic but how long will they stay to do the leveling quests and the dungeons that they could already do in the old game, and minus all the conveniences that the old game has added. And once they’ve done them, then what? Is Blizzard going to add expansions that covers the same lore that the old game already has covered?


Rose colored nostalgia goggles are rampant.

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I played WoW at Vanilla. No one I know, from old guildies to family members, who _actually played_ at vanilla are touching Classic. We know what it was like, we do not want to go back to that. The QoL list of improvements alone since Rise is longer than a Dickens novel. Give that up for old content and old everything? C'mon.


I was unsurprised when the test pop tanked. I will not be surprised when it turns out there is only a small subset of players that stick with Classic.

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GW2 community is absolutly nowhere close to WoW classic community. WoW classic, is a slow game, very close to IRL roleplay games. GW2 community just cries when they can't get something easily, that just won't be the case on Classic WoW. More than that, the whole roleplay aspect is essential to fully enjoy the game, the GW2 community is faaaar from that and they just won't enjoy the game.


The hype about classic is real but it won't last. When people are going to realise what the game is about they will simply leave it. However, there will be players that actually enjoy the immersion of the game and the whole roleplay aspect of it. These will be the players that stay on the game, not GW2 instantdopamine players.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.


> So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


> ![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")



It's almost the same exact post I see in other MMO forums with:

1) acting worrisome for the current game

2) praising the current game

3) comparing the current game to the "clearly" better content of the advertised one


There is a pattern and it may probably be just subtle advertisement.

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To me, WoW classic sounds like a cheap way to cash in on the players who lament what WoW has become and left as a result. The thing is, how many of those players are playing GW2, which is arguably even further from classic WoW than current WoW is? I am far from happy with GW2, but I wouldn't touch either WoW if it were the only game on the market. I suspect that there are a lot of Gw2 players who are here because they don't like either what WoW was -- or is.

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I don't see how WoW Classic is sustainable. Sure it will make a big splash on release and draw in a lot of players. But eventually everyone will hit max level, do end game content, and then what? I doubt there is going to be significant content releases (probably just annual WoW holidays), so eventually people will get bored with a static game and either go back to regular WoW or elsewhere. Sure it will likely maintain a small dedicated population, but outside of that WoW Classic has an expiration date IMHO.


As for GW2 itself. We COULD see LW Season 5 come out in August. That would be about 3 months after the release of War Eternal. I'm thinking that's a bit early though, and it will probably be another month or two until S5 (but if ANet pushes it much further than Sept/Oct it could be risky).


Personally I'm looking very much forward to LWS5. It will be the first major content release (that wasn't already deep in production) since the shake up at Anet, and I think will give us a good indication of where the game is headed in the future.

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> @"mikhail.3506" said:

> I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.


> So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?


> ![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")



Not so sure of any impact, been playing wow vanilla servers for years, and the game is aged, it's mainly to reminse, however the wow player base is so aggressive and trained to rush to end game, where 40 man raids await that requires dedicating huge swathes of time that's it is going to get old Fast.

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> @"Yugz.6925" said:

> GW2 community is absolutly nowhere close to WoW classic community. WoW classic, is a slow game, very close to IRL roleplay games. GW2 community just cries when they can't get something easily, that just won't be the case on Classic WoW. More than that, the whole roleplay aspect is essential to fully enjoy the game, the GW2 community is faaaar from that and they just won't enjoy the game.


> The hype about classic is real but it won't last. When people are going to realise what the game is about they will simply leave it. However, there will be players that actually enjoy the immersion of the game and the whole roleplay aspect of it. These will be the players that stay on the game, not GW2 instantdopamine players.


I think you mean people who have a life beside playing games rather than "instant dopamine players".



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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> I still remember how Bless Online killed GW 2.


WoW is a big difference than Bless was. There are a lot of wow players playing gw2, wow is a behemoth and yes people are going to play classic its included in the game one sub gets you regular game and classic. They have really upgraded the engine and performance of that game also. GW2 is a good game, you can play both if you have the time im going to try myself. I like wow i played it a very long time, longer than gw2 has been out, but i needed a break. I also intend to stay playing gw2 no matter what for the foreseeable future, there is no rule that says i cant play both, only my own time limits



> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > @"mikhail.3506" said:

> > I honestly Hooope nothing will happen to this game, it's a good game. But if we don't get a HUGE update like a new expansion/content come August there won't be anyone left playing this game. No players= no money = no content. It's gonna be a vicious cycle.

> >

> > So What new content are we getting in August, and will it be enough to stop people from going to WOW CLassic?

> >

> > ![](https://dvsgaming.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/ironforgewowclassic.jpg "")

> >


> Not so sure of any impact, been playing wow vanilla servers for years, and the game is aged, it's mainly to reminse, however the wow player base is so aggressive and trained to rush to end game, where 40 man raids await that requires dedicating huge swathes of time that's it is going to get old Fast.


You know people say it will get old fast, but really its no dif than any other mmo including this one. You run over the same ground no matter what game you play. WoW has a lot more zone content than just raids. What do you do in this game, huge swaths of time doing metas, zone completion, dailies, its only the type of content thats a bit different. I mean after all they are just games play them or dont. Neither is bad or good its just what kind of game you like and have fun in.

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