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I'm worried about this game, When WOW classic Comes out.

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> @"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:

> Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way.


Hmm better mount mechanic, player share loot/nodes with each other, buy to play not sub. Sorry but i don't agree with this bias comment, GW 2 is very different from WoW so "X is better than Y" doesn't really work here, i don't hate WoW but it isn't my cup of tea.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> If they release BC I give it a try. Loved that expansion and it is great nostalgia. But I still don't know whether I can play it without a subscription, be cause I don't want to play the normal game.


Earlier in the thread, multiple posters commented that the same sub fee will access both current and Classic WoW.

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > @"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:

> > Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way.


> Hmm better mount mechanic, player share loot/nodes with each other, buy to play not sub. Sorry but i don't agree with this bias comment, GW 2 is very different from WoW so "X is better than Y" doesn't really work here, i don't hate WoW but it isn't my cup of tea.


Nice and cute opinions and stuff but wow makes a whole lotta money and gw2 doesn't, thats all that matters. Sure gw2 does a lot of things better than wow, it would be kinda dumb to release a game that barely holds up to an aging competitor :x but many thousands of people are still throwing sub money at wow, so much even that it could spend entire teams of devs to rebuild the entire game from the ground up AGAIN! And the masses are loving it. And I'm pretty sure gw2 could rival that but not with the current people sitting at the top waiting for money to suddenly happen.


Also you can play wow by paying once and then earning game time by playing, it's actually very easy, but ofc no one really wants to admit its good points.

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> @"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > > @"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:

> > > Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way.

> >

> > Hmm better mount mechanic, player share loot/nodes with each other, buy to play not sub. Sorry but i don't agree with this bias comment, GW 2 is very different from WoW so "X is better than Y" doesn't really work here, i don't hate WoW but it isn't my cup of tea.


> Nice and cute opinions and stuff but wow makes a whole lotta money and gw2 doesn't, thats all that matters. Sure gw2 does a lot of things better than wow, it would be kinda dumb to release a game that barely holds up to an aging competitor :x but many thousands of people are still throwing sub money at wow, so much even that it could spend entire teams of devs to rebuild the entire game from the ground up AGAIN! And the masses are loving it. And I'm pretty sure gw2 could rival that but not with the current people sitting at the top waiting for money to suddenly happen.


> Also you can play wow by paying once and then earning game time by playing, it's actually very easy, but ofc no one really wants to admit its good points.


Saying "lotta money" don't alway speak of the game quality and it only matter to the company not the player. WoW was made when mmo was still a big thing and by BLIZZARD no less, what really matter is the gameplay and this apply to every mmo out there, doesn't matter if the player can play for free or pay once or sub, if the player find this mmo too boring/stale/slow/way too grindy then they're not gonna stick around. I won't deny WoW has good points but you think "wow is better than gw2 in every single way" simply because "wow makes a whole lotta money, thats all that matters" is what i disagree with your argument.

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > > > @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > > > > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > > > > You should be more worried about ffxiv

> > > > >

> > > > > apparantly , the expansion is great, but the levelling experience is atrocious.

> > > > > never made it past 20, the story is awful, and has more backtracking , than ANY other mmo

> > > >

> > > > There are apparently 16 million people that would disagree. With that said, many says it’s a bit slow in the beginning but all seem to agree that the story is awesome and one of the strongpoints of the game (if you can read). If you never played past lvl 20 you haven’t experienced the game.

> > >

> > > 16 mio players made it to endgame? in your dreams, i doubt even wow can boast that number

> > > 16 mio ACCOUNTS..different story

> > > this game has around 12 mio. last wow number i heard was around 50 mio, and that is quite a few years ago

> > > and if the good parts only starts after 20, then that is a very poor design decision, since NEW players dont get that experience

> > > if the first mouthful tastes like kitten, do i really want to eat the rest?

> >

> > This.

> >

> > Ive tried, and failed, to get into ffxiv as well. Those early levels are just mindless drudgery.


> You are missing the point! It’s not about YOU. It’s about a game that has exploded in popularity and currently are ”stealing” players from both wow and gw2. Wheter you understand this or not is besides the point. Anet needs to take action or many more will follow.


No one is stealing players. It offers a different experience that Guild Wars 2, certainly, and some people like that experience better. It's partly exploding because it's on console though. Numbers have gone up due to a console release. If Guild Wars 2 was on console, over all, it would have more players, because there are plenty of people who don't game on computers. Consoles have a lower barrier to entry for gaming and so lots of people use them.


I played FF XIV and didn't like it. Some people do like it. Some people come here from there and like this better, because it's different. It's okay either way.

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > @"Kattenpootjes.4291" said:

> > Guys stop pretending wow isn't better than gw2 in every single way.


> Hmm better mount mechanic, player share loot/nodes with each other, buy to play not sub. Sorry but i don't agree with this bias comment, GW 2 is very different from WoW so "X is better than Y" doesn't really work here, i don't hate WoW but it isn't my cup of tea.


retail wow has copied the loot/node mechanics from here too

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > If they release BC I give it a try. Loved that expansion and it is great nostalgia. But I still don't know whether I can play it without a subscription, be cause I don't want to play the normal game.


> Earlier in the thread, multiple posters commented that the same sub fee will access both current and Classic WoW.


Yeah I know that, but is it possible to ONLY play the classic? Be cause I expect to be either cheaper or buy to play (yeah, dreamin).

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Wow vanilla will breakdown after 1 month, because the only way to progress is tier 1-2-2.5 gear and that requires a stable guild that can do 40 man raids 3 times a week, and you need to farm for pots and mats heavily on top. Raiding guilds will also have commitments to retail wow, so time is split and priority on core members. boils down to a gear race that you can never be competitive unless you commit large swathes of time to both flavours of wow.

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WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > If they release BC I give it a try. Loved that expansion and it is great nostalgia. But I still don't know whether I can play it without a subscription, be cause I don't want to play the normal game.

> >

> > Earlier in the thread, multiple posters commented that the same sub fee will access both current and Classic WoW.


> Yeah I know that, but is it possible to ONLY play the classic? Be cause I expect to be either cheaper or buy to play (yeah, dreamin).


You would certainly be able to _only_ play classic, but I wouldn't expect it to be cheaper either. So, yeah, dreaming. I expect that the only reason WoW Classic will exist will be to extract sub fees from nostalgia players who no longer pay to play the mutated version. Picture an Actibliz exec in a staff meeting saying, "We're losing market share. We need a way to bring back subs who left because they don't like the direction we've been taking."

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > If they release BC I give it a try. Loved that expansion and it is great nostalgia. But I still don't know whether I can play it without a subscription, be cause I don't want to play the normal game.

> >

> > Earlier in the thread, multiple posters commented that the same sub fee will access both current and Classic WoW.


> Yeah I know that, but is it possible to ONLY play the classic? Be cause I expect to be either cheaper or buy to play (yeah, dreamin).


They said its gonna be legacy wow+ current wow for the same sub. No other options.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > If they release BC I give it a try. Loved that expansion and it is great nostalgia. But I still don't know whether I can play it without a subscription, be cause I don't want to play the normal game.

> > >

> > > Earlier in the thread, multiple posters commented that the same sub fee will access both current and Classic WoW.

> >

> > Yeah I know that, but is it possible to ONLY play the classic? Be cause I expect to be either cheaper or buy to play (yeah, dreamin).


> They said its gonna be legacy wow+ current wow for the same sub. No other options.


That's what I feared, but hey, now I don't have to worry about it anymore.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.


When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its ass since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> You must be joking.


> WoW classic will remind players of all the things they hated in older versions of WoW, and all the QoL changes they got over the years, and make them more likely to leave for GW2.


It's funny because it's true.


People complain about GW2 PvP: lack of balance, people being blown up, issues with server coverage, no build diversity.


And they are moving to a game that, in WoW's history, had the worst balance, the worst combat mechanics, the poorest diversity, and with contemporary thinking, could result in terrible server coverage for players who choose Alliance, as most PvP players prefer Horde, but Alliance racials were very good in Vanilla, so hard to tell.


But yeah, wait until the complaints about getting corpse camped 2-1 by Horde players, or Priests getting 100%-0% inside a stun by a Thief attacking from stealth, or getting 1-shot by a random Windfury Proc from a 2H enhancement shaman.......and then you will get the PvE complaints, about how the only tanks will be Warriors, if you want to be a Paladin, Druid, or Priest you get to heal, forget about tanking or DPS, just as Warriors won't be allowed to DPS, and how Mages and Warlocks will fill the bulk of the spots while Rangers struggle to deal with a broken mana and ammo system.


I could go on and on.


Hey, some may find it fun...but history shows the evidence that most players preferred the changes made after Vanilla ended, right up to the 3rd expansions. Then things went downhill and players want the 'good old days back'.


Truth be, if they released a Burning Crusade or Wrath of Lich King version, I would seriously consider it. But Vanilla? Yeah, it was used as a "at least 'x' is better now than it was in Vanilla".

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.


> When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

> GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

> Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.


Part of GW2’s appeal is that it _doesn’t_ have an endless vertical “progression” — run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. As you said, most MMO’s have that so anyone who likes to grind for what will be made irrelevant can go play any one of those. GW2 is for people who’d prefer to work toward fun things, horizontal expansion — gliding, mounts, etc.

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> @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

> >

> > When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

> > GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

> > Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.


> Part of GW2’s appeal is that it _doesn’t_ have an endless vertical “progression” — run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. As you said, most MMO’s have that so you and everyone else who likes to grind for what will be made irrelevant can go play any one of those. GW2 is for people who’d prefer to work toward fun things, horizontal expansion — gliding, mounts, etc.


Are you mentally challanged?

I'm on a GW2 forum, playing GW2.... clearly I dont like the way most MMOs (especially wow) do progression and I prefer GW2.

When I get the itch for a game with good itemization I go for Grim Dawn/ PoE

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"VDAC.2137" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > > WoW classic is a fad that will likely only last for those who are stuck in the past. It is a completely different style of gaming which was one of the main reason GW2 was successful and why many people sought out GW2 in the first place so why would we leave to go to something we had little interest in to begin with? Some will try it out and remember just how much of a horrible grinding experience it was and come tearing back here.

> > >

> > > When was GW2 successful? Especially compared to something colossal like WoW.

> > > GW2 launched as the "next gen mmo experience" and it just fell flat on its kitten since it doesn't have any sort of vertical progression which is one the core concepts of almost any rpg. GW2 is a very weird beast that appeals to a very specific niche market.

> > > Anyways, GW2 and Classic WoW dont compete over the same players for the most part.

> >

> > Part of GW2’s appeal is that it _doesn’t_ have an endless vertical “progression” — run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. As you said, most MMO’s have that so you and everyone else who likes to grind for what will be made irrelevant can go play any one of those. GW2 is for people who’d prefer to work toward fun things, horizontal expansion — gliding, mounts, etc.


> Are you mentally challanged?

> I'm on a GW2 forum, playing GW2.... clearly I dont like the way most MMOs (especially wow) do progression and I prefer GW2.

> When I get the itch for a game with good itemization I go for Grim Dawn/ PoE


I suppose I might be before I’ve had my morning coffee. :o I had read your post as a criticism of GW2 for not having vertical progression, which I’m tired of seeing along with all the doom threads of late, and just posted on reaction against that, sorry. (You’ll have to concede that posting on the GW2 forum does not, in fact, mean that you like or even currently play the game, going by some of the other threads posted, but I did jump to an assumption).

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