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Rata Sum: Where Have All The Good Times Gone?

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There are very few things that ever disappoint me about GW2, I have considered it to be the best mmorpg overall by far as long as I've been playing it. I think Anet is a brilliant company, and I do not fault them for this in any way...


But WTF happened to Rata Sum lately? It's my home in the game (not just because most of my characters are asura), and it used to be the funnest place to just be goofy. We had groups of people playing music regularly and just had a good time for doing absolutely nothing in a game. Also it was MUCH better than going to the politics capital of the game (Lion's Arch), which still always has plenty of people. Just throwing it out there, even though I'm just one person and my opinion doesn't matter... but damn, it would be nice to see Rata Sum be fun again! Come back, my fun peoples!


Yours truly, streaking choya.

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A few months back I got a little impromptu jail party going. We had a keg, some

food, one guy brought instruments and some kind of stereo I think. I busted out a stack of ruminant tonics so I could be a dancing moose, people messed around with my conjured weapons, we started a chicken cult, etc.


Eventually a mesmer portaled us out, then we hung around doing jailbreaks every time someone popped into the cell, as long as they promised to join the revolution.


That was a fun day. I've tried to pull it off again, but no one ever stays with me. Somehow we were all just a special kind of silly that day I guess.

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> But kitten happened to Rata Sum lately? It's my home in the game (not just because most of my characters are asura), and it used to be the funnest place to just be goofy. We had groups of people playing music regularly and just had a good time for doing absolutely nothing in a game.

That still goes on. This month, the Dragon Bash brings people to Hoelbrak, so that's where I'd expect the crowd to go.

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I usually have a character in Rata Sum because I find it the most convenient home instance for gathering and I only noticed a drop off in people when the Dragon Bash festival started. I suspect a lot of people moved to Hoelbrak because of the festival, and aren't visiting other cities as much because all the services are the same. They'll probably go back after the festival is over.

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The good times rolled. Down the ramps, after which they unfortunately bounced off course and fell into the depths of the pit under the city, whereupon they proceeded to break into many tiny pieces and make quite the mess.


In hindsight, this all probably could have been avoided if they had just walked instead. We never should have let the good times roll.

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> @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> The good times rolled. Down the ramps, after which they unfortunately bounced off course and fell into the depths of the pit under the city, whereupon they proceeded to break into many tiny pieces and make quite the mess.


> In hindsight, this all probably could have been avoided if they had just walked instead. We never should have let the good times roll.


Next time, try letting the good times role play.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935" said:

> > The good times rolled. Down the ramps, after which they unfortunately bounced off course and fell into the depths of the pit under the city, whereupon they proceeded to break into many tiny pieces and make quite the mess.

> >

> > In hindsight, this all probably could have been avoided if they had just walked instead. We never should have let the good times roll.


> Next time, try letting the good times role play.


But then that would involve letting them knock me around, and I really don't feel like dealing with that on my weekend.

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