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WvW Event Idea: "Keep Away Week" All Keeps are neutral territory and can't be controlled

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I call this event "Keep Away" but you can CA it whatever you want to.


The idea of this:


All Keeps are neutral territory that can't be owned or captured. There are no gate portals to enter keeps. Only way in is by destroying gate or wall. But since no faction owns it, these walls can't be repaired. So if you want to build a hideout outpost in one of these keeps, you do so at your own risk of strategy.


There is no keep waypoints. So all offensive strategy will have to make adjustments to their strategy since keeps won't be such a stable.

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I shared an idea like this a while back except it was for SMC instead of keeps. All walls, gates and NPC's are removed and SMC becomes free ground. To make up for the potential loss of points that could be had by owning SMC, any players killed within it's grounds grant triple world score. This could be a really fun spot to fight and with the added bonus of more score, it would likely draw a lot of action. With all the terrain available in SMC, especially without gates or walls, I imagine it would be a great place for guilds to succeed in wiping larger zergs thanks to having so many obstacles to play around.


The only major down side I could think of is that with it likely being a hot spot for activity, it would pretty much eliminate any potential for a fun place to roam. It might be possible for good Thieves and Mesmers to snipe zergs because they could port directly up or down floors to avoid being killed, but for many other classes it would probably be a death zone. During lower activity hours, it might be better however.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I call this event "Keep Away" but you can CA it whatever you want to.


> The idea of this:


> All Keeps are neutral territory that can't be owned or captured. There are no gate portals to enter keeps. Only way in is by destroying gate or wall. But since no faction owns it, these walls can't be repaired. So if you want to build a hideout outpost in one of these keeps, you do so at your own risk of strategy.


> There is no keep waypoints. So all offensive strategy will have to make adjustments to their strategy since keeps won't be such a stable.


I wouldn't be against an idea like this, but I do wonder exactly what this idea tries to accomplish ?


I mean, if the entire goal is just to take all keeps (and SMC?) out of the game for a week, and have players only fight over camps+towers, ok, but I suspect a lot of people would just get bored and do something else that week.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > I call this event "Keep Away" but you can CA it whatever you want to.

> >

> > The idea of this:

> >

> > All Keeps are neutral territory that can't be owned or captured. There are no gate portals to enter keeps. Only way in is by destroying gate or wall. But since no faction owns it, these walls can't be repaired. So if you want to build a hideout outpost in one of these keeps, you do so at your own risk of strategy.

> >

> > There is no keep waypoints. So all offensive strategy will have to make adjustments to their strategy since keeps won't be such a stable.


> I wouldn't be against an idea like this, but I do wonder exactly what this idea tries to accomplish ?


> I mean, if the entire goal is just to take all keeps (and SMC?) out of the game for a week, and have players only fight over camps+towers, ok, but I suspect a lot of people would just get bored and do something else that week.


goal is less places to take means more contested areas for conflict to capture and defend. Keeps are already less attacked than other structures, so this will lead to more big offensive/Defensive battles at other structures that are more often under attack but rarely defended.


Also no waypoint addition there.


Another thing is that since these structures are neutral, I can see some scouts and roamers using these locations to their advantage creating more roamer vs roamer conflicts.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > I call this event "Keep Away" but you can CA it whatever you want to.

> > >

> > > The idea of this:

> > >

> > > All Keeps are neutral territory that can't be owned or captured. There are no gate portals to enter keeps. Only way in is by destroying gate or wall. But since no faction owns it, these walls can't be repaired. So if you want to build a hideout outpost in one of these keeps, you do so at your own risk of strategy.

> > >

> > > There is no keep waypoints. So all offensive strategy will have to make adjustments to their strategy since keeps won't be such a stable.

> >

> > I wouldn't be against an idea like this, but I do wonder exactly what this idea tries to accomplish ?

> >

> > I mean, if the entire goal is just to take all keeps (and SMC?) out of the game for a week, and have players only fight over camps+towers, ok, but I suspect a lot of people would just get bored and do something else that week.


> goal is less places to take means more contested areas for conflict to capture and defend. Keeps are already less attacked than other structures, so this will lead to more big offensive/Defensive battles at other structures that are more often under attack but rarely defended.


> Also no waypoint addition there.


> Another thing is that since these structures are neutral, I can see some scouts and roamers using these locations to their advantage creating more roamer vs roamer conflicts.


Hmm, a lot of people also enjoy the mode for the large keep fights. I suspect these people would be bored with only Towers.


My guess would be that many people would get bored with just the towers (the towers have much less variety, differences, tactics/strategy involved, especially the alpine/ebg ones), and would likely just skip off that week. Less people also means less fair-weathers. So I'd expect numbers to go down in general.


This might actually create some interesting situations of smaller "zergs", possibly more 15-30 range. But at the same time, it's never a good thing to wish for less people in the game (for the games continual sake).


As such, I can't agree with the idea. It seems more likely to back-fire or do nothing at all, than to do something beneficial.


A variant that might work to create something similar, is a week event of no upgrades to keeps/smc. Or rather all paper keeps all week. This might create more action around those objectives, while leaving towers as the main defensive positions. Another alternative, remove the "automatic wall repair on capture" feature, that could also create some interesting situations with lot of action for zergs and roamers all.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> I call this event "Keep Away" but you can CA it whatever you want to.


> The idea of this:


> All Keeps are neutral territory that can't be owned or captured. There are no gate portals to enter keeps. Only way in is by destroying gate or wall. But since no faction owns it, these walls can't be repaired. So if you want to build a hideout outpost in one of these keeps, you do so at your own risk of strategy.


> There is no keep waypoints. So all offensive strategy will have to make adjustments to their strategy since keeps won't be such a stable.


So it can't be owned or captured, that means no points and no rewards, so no one will spend resources to get inside, as it would be pointless. Also since it can't be capped, once the gates or walls are opened, they will not be reset and will remain open for anyone to get inside, as you said, they can't be repaired either.....So what exactly is the point other than making sure keeps are not used or thought about for the week?

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> @"Crazy.6029" said:

> Why would anyone go to keep then? RP ?


because you can set up sieges still in that area to hit all structures but you defense would be lacking if you do since walls dont repair.


Also since Walls dont repair its pretty much always open and roamers can congregate there along side other enemy scouts.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Crazy.6029" said:

> > Why would anyone go to keep then? RP ?


> because you can set up sieges still in that area to hit all structures but you defense would be lacking if you do since walls dont repair.


> Also since Walls dont repair its pretty much always open and roamers can congregate there along side other enemy scouts.


Ok, that explains it . :s

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> Add in that siege can be built inside (to attack nearby towers and such) and its not an overly bad idea. Without that tho, almost seems pointless imo.


There will not be an "inside" very soon, all doors and walls will stay open till the end of the match once broken.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Add in that siege can be built inside (to attack nearby towers and such) and its not an overly bad idea. Without that tho, almost seems pointless imo.


> There will not be an "inside" very soon, all doors and walls will stay open till the end of the match once broken.


While that is true, some walls dont destroy and things can still be built on upper levels that can reach other towers.

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