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Personally curious about FB mains [Ranked]

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I'm the only one?




I guess I'll have a conversation with myself. I have a few questions (for myself):


1. How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?

2. Do you use Mace or prefer Sword with shield?

3. Do you use mantras? Like...do you use any of them? Like...ever?

4. Renewed Focus is OP?

5. Can you justify running anything other than shelter in this bursty meta?

6. What do you open a team fight with?

7. When do you engage the initial team fight?

8. When do you disengage a losing team fight?

9. How do you stop your scourge from roaming solo?

10. How do you stop your scourge from feeding a 1 v 3 at mid?


Bonus Questions:


11. Revenants, aren't they cute? How do you support them?

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> 1. How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?


I tend to link signet in team chat at the start of a match. I ask if there are any questions.


It doesn't help...


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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> I'm the only one?


> Ugh...Fine.


Ill help ya out mate ?

But im no pro or care to be..



> 1. How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?

Play with a duo or save it for classes that cant port.


> 2. Do you use Mace or prefer Sword with shield?

I prefer mace personally or sword for nhifel, temple and khylo.

> 3. Do you use mantras? Like...do you use any of them? Like...ever?

Cleansing on all builds.

> 4. Renewed Focus is OP?

I dont think it is, prefer elite mantra.

> 5. Can you justify running anything other than shelter in this bursty meta?

Shelter is nice but you can trait for aegis heals and use mantra heal.

> 6. What do you open a team fight with?

F1 tome skill 5.

> 7. When do you engage the initial team fight?

Strait away.

> 8. When do you disengage a losing team fight?

When im the last one standing and cant possibly hold on my own.

> 9. How do you stop your scourge from roaming solo?

By following him

> 10. How do you stop your scourge from feeding a 1 v 3 at mid?

By making it a 2v3 at mid.


> Bonus Questions:


> 11. Revenants, aren't they cute? How do you support them?

With a water/fire aura condition cleansing spam DD tempest build soldier runes. DD has the mobility to keep up and static auras help the rev get nice set ups.


That was fun ?

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> I'm the only one?


> Ugh...Fine.


> I guess I'll have a conversation with myself. I have a few questions (for myself):


> 1. How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?

Don't go for it on mesmers/thieves until after they port, keybind stow weapon to something easily accessible so you can cancel the cast if they get moved.

> 2. Do you use Mace or prefer Sword with shield?

Mace/sh and axe/f or staff. Always mace though, it's crazy not to use it

> 3. Do you use mantras? Like...do you use any of them? Like...ever?

Use the shit out of mantras, video linked at the bottom

> 4. Renewed Focus is OP?

It's situational, usually it's better to run mantra since it's 3 stun breaks and stab.

> 5. Can you justify running anything other than shelter in this bursty meta?

Yes, mantra of truth

> 6. What do you open a team fight with?


> 7. When do you engage the initial team fight?

When it feels right

> 8. When do you disengage a losing team fight?

I dont, most +1s are much faster than fb so its a matter of dying on point or off point. I only disengage when I absolutely have to and can cleanly get away.

> 9. How do you stop your scourge from roaming solo?

You can't

> 10. How do you stop your scourge from feeding a 1 v 3 at mid?

You can't


> Bonus Questions:


> 11. Revenants, aren't they cute? How do you support them?

You dont, just get ready to res if they need it. They'll catch your heals if you play aggressively with them and use your CC to secure kills



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I have not been playing ranked in a bit but here are a couple of things that can be useful:


1) for MH, it is between axe and mace. Mace has more sustain. Axe provides CC.

2) Do not run valor or RF. Both are a waste. The stability mantra is king. A big portion of your sustainability comes from honor. Both dodge and aegis should heal for a bit over 1k. FB/virtues/honor is the recommended setup.

3) Must use the heal mantra. That is a big part of FB support and a much better sustainability than shelter.

4) Opening team fight can vary, but I find ToC to be the biggest support boaster and range reflect. It is particularly effective if enemies are aggressive.

5) You cannot control your teammates. And unfortunately, there is not much you can do if allies play dumb. And you cannot carry as support. That is the down side of playing support.

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Ty guys! Nice to see more FBs out there.


I use shelter and Renewed Focus mostly to be selfish and sometimes to be aggressive and eat some of the enemy burst. They tend to focus me and I can deny so much with these two abilities.


Ever since the FB nerfs, I rarely try to 'out heal' a team fight, which is what turns me off mantras. I'll test them out again though as you ppl seem to be getting results.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> Ty guys! Nice to see more FBs out there.


> I use shelter and Renewed Focus mostly to be selfish and sometimes to be aggressive and eat some of the enemy burst. They tend to focus me and I can deny so much with these two abilities.


> Ever since the FB nerfs, I rarely try to 'out heal' a team fight, which is what turns me off mantras. I'll test them out again though as you ppl seem to be getting results.


Practice using mantra of truth and the heal mantra, you can use them to completely neuter most build's burst.


The only time you can out heal a team fight is if they are running low damage builds, you'll get better results by helping to secure kills and negate enemy burst before it can land. Gotta play proactively, not reactively like you would expect on a support.


Without elite and heal mantras it's very easy to lock a fb down, so you end up getting jumped by a rev, holo, or slb and it's gg

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> 1. How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?

Idk about NA playerbase but ye.. just don't pop it on classes with ports and stuff.. I'm a thief main and we are conditioned to either port towards mates or away to get out of combat for a short period and hope you'd cleave the downed guy next to me faster than I get cleaved.. so just anticipate the port if you are in range and prepare for manual healing, but thieves for example aren't really expecting to get rezzed anyway tbh.. but I'll comment the rest from a firebrand point of view since I have a bit of experience with fb in sPvP as well.

> 2. Do you use Mace or prefer Sword with shield?

If I can stay on point I prefer Mace, if I have to roam around with my team I'd take sword

> 3. Do you use mantras? Like...do you use any of them? Like...ever?

Yes, heal and elite.

> 4. Renewed Focus is OP?

Nah I don't think so. Renewed Focus is nice but it's not reactive enough in a teamfight imo. 3s in which you can't heal/support is just too long if the enemy is bursty enough (which is the case more often than not in this meta) and even for selfsustain on node.. it prevents node capture so not particularly good either.

So.. it's obviously not bad but I wouldn't say OP either. Most of who I know play with mantra anyway and it works actually better.

> 5. Can you justify running anything other than shelter in this bursty meta?

yes, the mantra.

> 6. What do you open a team fight with?

I don't, I'm support, I let others engage first.. The less I need to sustain myself the more I can focus on supporting them. Maybe pop staff5 wall to split the enemy team while engaging or stuff like this but other than that I try to stay out of focus as best as I can.

> 7. When do you engage the initial team fight?

When my mates are engaging. Also if 1 lonely guy decides to blindly rush on node while 2 others + me are still waiting for an opening, I don't overcommit just to save him tbh.

> 8. When do you disengage a losing team fight?

I don't, I follow my mates if they disengage but if they stay I will too. Because if I disengage and they don't immediately notice they'll die pretty fast and so will I when the enemy decides to chase me. But again.. if one lonely guy blindly stays on point while the other 2 are already trying to roam away I won't try and carry him unless I'm confident enough we can sustain and not waste our time/provide free kills.

> 9. How do you stop your scourge from roaming solo?

Follow him. I mean if he roams to far or something just ask him to stay mid/close because far is not the scourge's business anyway. But even then you should follow if that's the best option.

> 10. How do you stop your scourge from feeding a 1 v 3 at mid?

You don't, you should easily be able to 2v3 as fb+scourge on a node tbh, at least long enough to get +1'd. Unless one of you (or both) is garbage ofc.


> Bonus Questions:


> 11. Revenants, aren't they cute? How do you support them?

You don't. At least not if you have higher priority targets to focus heal like your scourge or maybe even Holo (works pretty well with FB support too).

If they stick around they will probably get some heal from your AoE heals and if they roam and port around you probably can't keep up anyway.

But you don't really want to stand in one point all the time so don't be afraid to roam into team fights if this makes sense.. ofc don't roam to a sidenoder on far when he's in a 1v1 but ye.. when there's like a 2v3 going on at far or something and mid is calm/can be held by a mate for the time you are roaming you could maybe support-gank far.

As with everything in GW2 sPvP you have to make some decisions. Just don't be afraid of opening your gameplay up (rotating around and such), especially in solo Q where you can't necessarily rely on your mates.

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> @"bladezero.9470" said:

> 1. How do you get the NA playerbase to receive healing signet res? They always blink/step/mist out of range in their downstate?


Wait until they've used their 2 skill before signet ressing. Generally I don't even try to support thieves. If they want heals, they'll pick them up themselves.


> 2. Do you use Mace or prefer Sword with shield?


Sword has a pretty specific use on a Firebrand, and it's used when there's no clear team fighters(holo, scourge) in the team. The idea is to get from point to point faster, often by bypassing obstacles through the z-axis.


> 3. Do you use mantras? Like...do you use any of them? Like...ever?


Heal and Elite as others already mentioned.


> 4. Renewed Focus is OP?


Honestly, if you do your job right as a firebrand and don't get majorly focused, you will never even need RF.

You'll always have use for the Elite Mantra.


> 5. Can you justify running anything other than shelter in this bursty meta?


You lose out on a lot of extra support by picking Shelter over the mantra.


> 6. What do you open a team fight with?


Depends. Sometimes it's a staff 5, sometimes F3's 5th skill... it's usually a 5 of some kind.


> 7. When do you engage the initial team fight?


When your team does. Don't try to take hits for them at the start by running in front of them or anything silly like that.


> 8. When do you disengage a losing team fight?


You probably don't. Firebrand is the slowest meta build, you're not outrunning anyone.


> 9. How do you stop your scourge from roaming solo?


Even if your scourge makes bad decisions, it's often the best course of action to follow them anyway. Atleast you'll wipe out anyone standing in your way if they don't suicide 2v5.


> 10. How do you stop your scourge from feeding a 1 v 3 at mid?


Communication is really the only way. Or just accompanying them. If there's no opposing fb/sc duo, you'll likely win anyway.


> 11. Revenants, aren't they cute? How do you support them?


Same as with thieves.

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> @"lovemghool.7613" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"lovemghool.7613" said:

> > > 12. Virtues vs Valor?

> >

> > Sages=virtues, menders=Valor imo


> Thanks

> is the sage build posted anywhere?




Runes depend on enemy comp. Traveller, resistance, balthazar, or mad king are all good options

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> @"lovemghool.7613" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > > @"lovemghool.7613" said:

> > > 12. Virtues vs Valor?

> >

> > Sages=virtues, menders=Valor imo


> Thanks

> is the sage build posted anywhere?


It was somewhere in guardian forums (probably not the first page). It is not a support build though, but a dps build.

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