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Will Fallout 5 be the end of Gw2?

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Super Mario Party: Fallout 5 MMORPG will be the end of the world and the death of all other MMOs. It will have three balance updates per day. It will have a new expansion every week, with a new playable race and three solid months of content. It will have challenging group content, instanced hard mode, proper GvG, and meaningful rewards. All the enemies will have zero aggro range. Every class will be able to use every weapon and every elite spec simultaneously. Combat will be optional and jumping puzzles will be mandatory. SAB will be available all year round and all other content will be only available in April. Most importantly, it will have build templates!

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> **Will Fallout 5 be the end of Gw2?**


Sheesh, can you keep up with the news please? It's WoW Classic that's gonna kill GW2. Uhm...er...no, Teapot is gonna kill it. Wait, no - it's divination! All the divine signs say its the end of the world as we know it because the whole world is NOT playing GW2 Or...the horrible state of pvp/wvw/pve. Or...the terrible balance updates. Or...Anet doesn't talk to us enough. Or...(insert your own preferred Harbinger of Doom!) Woe is us!!!


(Here's my own personal favorite harbinger of doom but apparently you have to go to youtube to actually watch it. Enjoy.)



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