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You know mirage is the next...


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Considering how condition mirage can just safely sit back and barely do anything. Yeah it's more than likely. It's about time they work on that "Active" gameplay they so called for after the Phantasm to Clone update. It's quite stupid that destroying a Phantasm makes a Clone, there has to be drawbacks somewhere. They haven't got much since then.

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> @"Levetty.1279" said:

> Considering the double whammy of nerfing the duration of Mirage cloak and now removing super speed I'd say Mirage already has its drawback since its dodge can't actually be used for defence. Unfortunately yeah its probably going to get more.


so, you think a core mesmer is better than a mirage?

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Oh yeah it's pretty much certain at this point - later on this year Mirage should have its F skills changed etc.


> I just hope they take the opportunity to do it well and not half baked.


well i dont find "bad" what they want to do, not even with chrono, but seems a bit "too much backdraw" actually to be playable, just my opinion...

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Mirage has already been nerfed many, _many_ times already. Jaunt got hit, ambushes got hit, infinite horizon got hit, the trait that breaks stun on dodge got hit 3 times... those are the only ones I remember, but those were all pretty big changes. Mirage went from uncontested best dueling class to a minor nuisance because of those changes.

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> @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> you loosing your normal dodge is a drawback. If they add even more drawbacks then might aswell rework entire elite spec system from ground up for all classes.


It's not really a drawback because the new dodge is significantly better. It lets you dodge while casting and dodge while cc'ed.

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> @"Tapps.1479" said:

> > @"HyperLooser.2698" said:

> > you loosing your normal dodge is a drawback. If they add even more drawbacks then might aswell rework entire elite spec system from ground up for all classes.


> It's not really a drawback because the new dodge is significantly better. It lets you dodge while casting and dodge while cc'ed.


Yes that's the addition. The drawback is that its pretty terrible for avoiding damage.

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Not this again...

It is a drawback because MC doesn't allow to close and create gaps, distance traveled is trashtier comparing to a normal dodge.

To add to that casting while dodging doesn't exist anymore, all ambushes have half to 2/3 of cast outside MC.

You have to burn dodges to keep the pressure going.

The only thing making MC worth it is the while stunned bit.

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> @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Im just glad my build actually got buffed. Matter of time before it gets a nerf bat tho lol


> SHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

> (My build was buffed too <.< )


Havent played for months now (PC is on the fritz) however ive been dreaming about a glorious return and now my mirage is better. Hard to say how I will fare against other people with the last few updates (since march)

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Mirage has its drawback already by basically being unable to move out of AoEs because the dodge give 33% less movement speed so, yeah Mirage is already very different from core mesmer, even the mirage traits are based for dodge so I do not think another nerf would be " justified" if you still get killed by a mirage then it is your skill level and not the profession´s brokenness(?)

Not even talking about the ALL the traitlines are designed poorly and it is a big mess to use any build, each of its variants are annoying to even use because you either sacrefice damage for boons, or you have boons but way less damage, so now, people should really stop complaining about mesmer and mirage specifically, same for chrono, all the people were crying "omg chrono is so OP i can not go with my boon herald to raids" and things like this, well, now every niche class can go to raids

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Mirage has enough drawbacks: Mirages can't properly gain distance when dodging backwards or sidewards with mirage cloak. Also, Mirage has to use their endurenace offensively to put out damage which weakens their defense when they actually need to dodge an attack.

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> @"geist.4126" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"geist.4126" said:

> > > A mirage nerf would be great and at least justified. The way they nerfed Chrono is just lazy and very stupid.

> >

> > How is another mirage nerf justified ?


> Go into wvw. Play it, ask again.


If the nerfs are in wvw and not in pvp, why not.

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> @"geist.4126" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"geist.4126" said:

> > > A mirage nerf would be great and at least justified. The way they nerfed Chrono is just lazy and very stupid.

> >

> > How is another mirage nerf justified ?


> Go into wvw. Play it, ask again.




Mirage, the meta build in WvW for ages. You made a funny didn't you right?

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> @"geist.4126" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"geist.4126" said:

> > > A mirage nerf would be great and at least justified. The way they nerfed Chrono is just lazy and very stupid.

> >

> > How is another mirage nerf justified ?


> Go into wvw. Play it, ask again.


You're totally right. So sick of zergs FULL of Mirages! Gosh, those are awful. Also, those damn Mirages bursting you off your mount right into the downstate from 1800 range away in under 2 second! Grrrrr, so OP! /s


A more detailed description of what you're having trouble with would be helpful. Most people on here would be happy to help you learn how to counter whatever specific mechanics you're struggling against.


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> @"Mikkel.8427" said:

> > @"geist.4126" said:

> > > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > > @"geist.4126" said:

> > > > A mirage nerf would be great and at least justified. The way they nerfed Chrono is just lazy and very stupid.

> > >

> > > How is another mirage nerf justified ?

> >

> > Go into wvw. Play it, ask again.


> You're totally right. So sick of zergs FULL of Mirages! Gosh, those are awful. Also, those kitten Mirages bursting you off your mount right into the downstate from 1800 range away in under 2 second! Grrrrr, so OP! /s


> A more detailed description of what you're having trouble with would be helpful. Most people on here would be happy to help you learn how to counter whatever specific mechanics you're struggling against.



I love oneshotting people from 1.5k range, it feels so great, and also, I just need to change traits and some weapons and I have so much boons and defenses, not even talking about my permanent stealth ability, and well, if my team asks I go full support and provide all kind of boons for my squad not even talking about all those heals I can toss out to them, I just love how easy is to fill all the roles with only one spec...

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