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Losing F5 on Scrapper is not worth it...


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Not a huge fan. Compared to Photon Forge, that's not a good trade-off (outside PvP/WvW). If _anything_, such a change should have warranted Gyros should have all became a kit (similar to Photon Forge).


Make note of the following:


Scrapper now loses the following **core** F5 elite skills:

1. [Toss Elixir X](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toss_Elixir_X "Toss Elixir X") (when using Elixir X)

2. [Med Pack Drop](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Med_Pack_Drop "Med Pack Drop") (when using Supply Crate)

3. [Orbital Strike](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Orbital_Strike "Orbital Strike") (when using Mortar Kit)


Scrapper loses the old Scrapper F5 elite skill when using Sneak Gyro

4. [Detection Pulse](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Detection_Pulse "Detection Pulse")


But hey...Scrapper gains:

* Function Gyro - Res up to 3 allies and/or finish up to 3 enemies every 30 (min) to 120 (max) seconds.



**Side Note:** _My last complaint on Engi changes was a little over a year ago... every other change in this patch was along the lines of the classic "Purity of Purpose". Welcome back, Engi. :)_

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