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I forgot just how many buttons I had to press to operate core condi engi. Cheers to you ANet, you've gotten me the build I played for nearly 3 years straight through HoT. Carpal tunnel, here I come!


([This build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Engineer_-_Condi_DPS "This build"), in case anybody is wondering.)


[Never forget this thread](

"Never forget this thread"):


> Engie is literally in a league of its own. It almost isn’t even fair to compare the complexity of engie to other classes. It has the most actions per minute AND has to manage hidden cool downs along with endurance management. It simply isn’t playing the same game as the other professions. If you take Engie out of the list, they all seem a lot closer together, though it should be said the gap between the lowest APM and largest non-engie is almost 50%. Anyone who can pull off strong parses on engie in actual raids is without a doubt an objectively good player.

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Which is why I fell in love with the original scrapper, before the gyro nerf. Just 5 gyros. Very viable in WvW/PvP with zero kit spam. So, so very satisfying. I always liked the engineer (first main at release) but it didnt take long to become... less than enthusiastic... over the amount of work one had to put in. Well except that one time where you could just run around facetanking mobs by spamming bombs.



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> @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> I'd rather have engaging combat with complex rotations than playing a boring run-of-the-mill melee class. There's plenty of professions about that provide a streamlined experience. We don't need more of that. Core Engineer is amazing. I hope it gets all the love it deserves.


Core engy will never get that "love", because the powercreep and nonsense like "purity of purpose" have rendered the original class concept obsolete.


Originally the engy worked because in return for "playing the piano", in one build you could do a lot of little things that when combined were roughly what a more standard class could do more easily (and more efficiently), but the payout for that was a level of versatility that other classes did not have (ele did to an extent).


But then they powercreeped the game and every class was able to do nearly everything in a single build and that basically made core engy and the versatility obsolete.

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playing condi core pve engi was always fun to me. pve holo is just boring but performs a lot better with less effort.

Holo has high dps and can maintain a lot might, fury and some quickness by itself. Condi core cant really do that without tradeoffs.

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> > I'd rather have engaging combat with complex rotations than playing a boring run-of-the-mill melee class. There's plenty of professions about that provide a streamlined experience. We don't need more of that. Core Engineer is amazing. I hope it gets all the love it deserves.


> Core engy will never get that "love", because the powercreep and nonsense like "purity of purpose" have rendered the original class concept obsolete.


> Originally the engy worked because in return for "playing the piano", in one build you could do a lot of little things that when combined were roughly what a more standard class could do more easily (and more efficiently), but the payout for that was a level of versatility that other classes did not have (ele did to an extent).


> But then they powercreeped the game and every class was able to do nearly everything in a single build and that basically made core engy and the versatility obsolete.


Agree. Old kit engi was the very essence of the combo system in gw2. You had access to allmost every combo field and you could cycle through finishers. But why put down a fire field and waste a lot of blastfinishers, when you can go Holo and press literally one button in forge mode, to get 10 stacks of might plus stability plus damage? Or why blast smoke fields when you can just go Scrapper and press one button to get like 20 seconds of stealth? I regularly switch to core kit builds when I am bored of holo/scrapper and it just feels like the Indiana Jones gif. You are going completely nuts on your keyboard and the other dude just casually shoots you in the face.

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The only reason it is outdated is because the traits and abilities saw nerfs or changes that removed important synergies. The very few improvements did not match the rampant power creep. Changing said traits and abilities in a meaningful way and adding a little extra (now possible with the unique F5 ability) restores the playstyle. Will it ever be on par with elite specialisations? No, and it doesn't have to. It only needs to provide a viable (aka not a guaranteed loss) alternative.

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> @"mov.1246" said:

> playing condi core pve engi was always fun to me. pve holo is just boring but performs a lot better with less effort.

> Holo has high dps and can maintain a lot might, fury and some quickness by itself. Condi core cant really do that without tradeoffs.


And even should you now somehow manage to get maxed might on core it doesn't have anything that scales well enough with it to make good use of the boost. Look at our kits and base weapons. We've just been left behind.

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I don't care if it takes ArenaNet 3 months or 3 years to buff core engineer in order to make it viable in PvP/WvW. Core engineer especially in PvE still remains the best profession that I've played since 2013 and still do to this day. Holosmith is so boring to play, I'm offended that ArenaNet would treat us like this, all the work the very few good core engineers put in only to shatter it by releasing a simpler to play, but more powerful build.


Never quit playing core engineer @"Vagrant.7206". It never gets old playing 3-4 kit builds. No matter how well you execute your rotations, combos and cooldown memorization, you're still motivated to keep practicing them and perfect them.

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