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Cut down the might uptime and gain for Holo and Spellbreaker

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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > > > > > > @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > > > > > > > @"ZhouX.8742" said:

> > > > > > > > So with rev's ability to 1up holo/spellbreaker and kill faster than thief, you also want to nerf the duelist class on top of it?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Stop, rev needed some shaves and nerfing other classes outside of your role won't revert them or make you feel better about it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > How can you say Rev can't have 25 might but you're allowing Holo and Spellbreaker to confidently have 25 might and literally do as much damage as Rev does? Whilst they have far superior sustain?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It's funny that everyone is up for reducing powercreep and nerfing might uptime but when it's focused on their class they suddenly don't want it anymore. Your whole post smells biased, get a grip.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > because rev puts out the necessary dmg for it's role fine without it , and it is more mobile than both classes put together ... rev is literally insanely balanced now and has a condi counter so there's a trade off

> > > > > >

> > > > > > it can basically replace thief in higher levels but with a downside of less sustain vs condi classes vs thief's higher sustain across the board (why it's taken generally for it's role as a decapper).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > yet you're complaining about dmg that needed to be shaved on rev

> > > > >

> > > > > i'm complaining about might generation Holo and Spellbreaker has, I'm not complaining about Revenant. If you could read you'd have figured out that by yourself.

> > > >

> > > > I understand completely what you're crying about , don't worry.

> > >

> > > Good, what are you sour about then? You think Holo and Spellbreaker able to sustain 25 might is balanced? You don't want your precious class to get nerfed because you won't be able to stay in Gold anymore? Get out.

> >

> > Not sour about anything, you're the one complaining about classes because your rev class got nerfed not me.

> >

> > SB is fine (rampage is kitten though), maybe holo can use some dmg shaves.

> >

> > I don't main either , I play everything really and don't really align myself with a specific class - whatever fits the role against the matchup I'm facing.


> This post has zero things to do with me playing Rev, I didn't mind the Rev nerfs at all they're very good and balanced. However now that Rev gotten his balance treatment it's now the turn of other classes like Holosmith and Spellbreaker to get some balance treatments aswel, starting with shaving off the Might generation they have.


> You think it's fine that Spellbreaker(dueler, sidenoder) lands 8-10k Arcing slices against heavy armor and an average of 6-7k per every other skill they have because they're able to stack might so easily PLUS they get more benefit from might? Don't forget that most Warrior skills have low CD too.


> Warrior has become extremely scary to face because of its insane damage potential going parallel with the DPS classes out there. Not only do they have an extended kit to avoid damage and to regenerate health to sustain fights, but if you get caught by one of their many CC's without a stunbreak you can get 100 to 0 really quick. It's absolutely absurd that they do this amount of damage.


> For Holosmith it's literally the same joke, a high mobile, high sustain, high CC capable class that is able to confidently stack 25 might to do insane dps that can 100 to 0 anyone really fast.




This ^

Nothing more fun than being knocked down and burst 100-0 while on the ground unable to do anything but watch the cheese. And warriors kno it, it's been the strategy I've seen every warrior do over and over every fight. If ur a class with low access to stability it's even worse case scenario.

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Fully agree.

Being able to solo-stack 25 might on any class should either a) require massive trait, gear (rune/sigil) and even utility investment or not b) be doable at all.

A good part of why PoF specs are so insanely powercrept has to do with the amount of steroids they have access to.

with 750 extra power / condition dmg (1000 for some classes) and a few damage modifiers on top, literally everything hits like a truck.....even skills that have not been a problem for years ......Rampage being THE prime example of this.


Warrior i.e. can get up to 1465 extra power without any active contribution from the player. OneThousandFourHundredSixtyFive!

1000 from might, 240 from wielding a greatsword and another 225 from attackers insight (and its not uncommon to see all those fully stacked on a war at some point)

A bunch of bonus ferocity and damage modifiers on top of that just for good measure ...talk about inflated damage.


Holo on the other hand - at least in my opinion - is fine when it comes to mightstacking .....BUT has other tools that inflate it's damage.

Between Elixir U (with HGH) and Kinetic Battery, they have way too much quickness uptime.

On top of that they have weaver-level sustain, without any investment into healing power whatsoever.

Access to essentially perma vigor and swiftness, plus insane CC.

And after all that they also have probably the best utility in the current meta with Elixir S (which not only is an on-demand invuln but also basically a mass-invis on a lower CD), a non-channeled 3s block (which means they can still pound away at their target) that can deal massive damage and really good condition cleanse.

This class literally has it all. Jack of all trades, master of all.


And before anybody jumps onto this and goes "BuT WhAt ABouT WeAvEr ....", let me tell you, that I wouldn't bat an eye if they removed pyromancer's puissance from the game without compensation. It's a stupid trait with bad design and it's bad for the health of the game.



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> @"Snellibee.2761" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > LoL kitten? People complaining about warriors when there are weavers and mirages out there. Do you even play pvp??


> Do you play PvP? Above gold? Since when are Weavers powercrept? Warriors are far superior than Weavers


Still they one-shot people. Hmm maybe this game has other balance problem than might stacks. But keep stickning your heads in the sand.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Ele can't have might or have their original power back with might in cantrips, but there are people actually sitting here trying to justify Holo/Spellbreaker/Rev.


> These forums are so blalantly biased it's not even remotely funny anymore.


How about you get your ass out of 2010. Why would there be biase if someone play every class in pvp?? Get a clue already.

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True. Ele's burning potential may need to be shaved down a tad but it's a far off less anoying than some warrior constantly charging u, knocking u down and hacking u to death while ur on ground not able to do anything lol sure it can be avoided but the fact its every warriors main strategy over and over, at least the ones I've seen in the last while. Kinda points to a problem. Funny enough that's holo's strategy to lmao hmm a trend.

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> @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Ele can't have might or have their original power back with might in cantrips, but there are people actually sitting here trying to justify Holo/Spellbreaker/Rev.

> >

> > These forums are so blalantly biased it's not even remotely funny anymore.


> How about you get your kitten out of 2010. Why would there be biase if someone play every class in pvp?? Get a clue already.


So you telling me EVERYONE or the people that multiclassed has played over 2k games of ele? Are you willing to sit here and tell me people ARE NOT biased solely because of the fact most of them were playing Rev/Warrior/Mirage/Thief/Necro/Ranger?


How about YOU get a clue. No one is unbiased here. No one. So the fact you are trying to sit here and type to me saying that people that 'multiclass' are unbiased is a flat lie. Someone JUST admitted to saying that they play the flavor of the month. And the flavor of the month for almost TWO years now have been Mirage/SB/Scourge/Spell/Holo/Herald


Scrapper came later and Weaver only came up when an ele MAIN figured out the damn class had a build in the first place. So you sing me that bullshit song of yours on how multiclassers are somehow our god-given deciders on what should or should not be balanced. Let me rev up my tea for the absolute dumpster you are going to spew. I got fifteen minutes to spare.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > Ele can't have might or have their original power back with might in cantrips, but there are people actually sitting here trying to justify Holo/Spellbreaker/Rev.

> > >

> > > These forums are so blalantly biased it's not even remotely funny anymore.

> >

> > How about you get your kitten out of 2010. Why would there be biase if someone play every class in pvp?? Get a clue already.


> So you telling me EVERYONE or the people that multiclassed has played over 2k games of ele? Are you willing to sit here and tell me people ARE NOT biased solely because of the fact most of them were playing Rev/Warrior/Mirage/Thief/Necro/Ranger?


> How about YOU get a clue. No one is unbiased here. No one. So the fact you are trying to sit here and type to me saying that people that 'multiclass' are unbiased is a flat lie. Someone JUST admitted to saying that they play the flavor of the month. And the flavor of the month for almost TWO years now have been Mirage/SB/Scourge/Spell/Holo/Herald


> Scrapper came later and Weaver only came up when an ele MAIN figured out the kitten class had a build in the first place. So you sing me that kitten song of yours on how multiclassers are somehow our god-given deciders on what should or should not be balanced. Let me rev up my tea for the absolute dumpster you are going to spew. I got fifteen minutes to spare.


Dude the only biased one here is you. And you need to chill or you will get a heart attack. There is no use tslking to you as you completely missed the point and are only reading what you want to read.

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Lol what everyone is asking for is a nerf to leadership rune with it's 30% boon uptime - because guess what if they start nerfing that then people will start running Strength rune with more dmg and now 50% might uptime - pick your poison.


The only logical way to go about it is to lower HGH might to 10 seconds in sPvP (incredibly rare to receive a boon with a higher duration) and unsplit Corona Burst to the PvE version at the cost of increasing the cooldown to 8 seconds. This allows small windows (3 sec with leadership and 5 with strength) of 20+ might stacks from Corona Burst alone, and the + come from elixirs or sigils. But the point is that to maintain the amount of stacks you will need to spam Corona Burst when it comes off cooldown - an untimely cc, an unlucky boonrip or an overheat will now be way more punishing as you can't get the 20+ that easy.

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> @"Halikus.1406" said:

> Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

> Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....


To be fair, ele had to consistently combo their own fields. That was might staking (also with runes & sigils & might on cantrips but that was nerfed too). It needed active play and investment (talking about lowest hp pool and armor here). Now it is just free might generation, and free boons here and there everywhere.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

> > Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....


> To be fair, ele had to consistently combo their own fields. That was might staking (also with runes & sigils & might on cantrips but that was nerfed too). It needed active play and investment (talking about lowest hp pool and armor here). Now it is just free might generation, and free boons here and there everywhere.


Yeah, totally agreed. If those might generations are not nerfed, I wished they'll increase might by combos to make them worth the effort. Either number of stacks or duration. Combos are a nice thing in GW fighting mechanics but they have really lost some importance.


About the topic of ele: Fire weaver is good in soloQ, not so much against premades (or when people know what you are playing and switch accordingly). I would like to see the burst reduced and moved to more consistent burning - or that glyph changed, it's just spammy.


I'll think about it, then post in on the ele forums - and get ignored, no worries.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > > Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

> > > Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....

> >

> > To be fair, ele had to consistently combo their own fields. That was might staking (also with runes & sigils & might on cantrips but that was nerfed too). It needed active play and investment (talking about lowest hp pool and armor here). Now it is just free might generation, and free boons here and there everywhere.


> Yeah, totally agreed. If those might generations are not nerfed, I wished they'll increase might by combos to make them worth the effort. Either number of stacks or duration. Combos are a nice thing in GW fighting mechanics but they have really lost some importance.


> About the topic of ele: Fire weaver is good in soloQ, not so much against premades (or when people know what you are playing and switch accordingly). I would like to see the burst reduced and moved to more consistent burning - or that glyph changed, it's just spammy.


> I'll think about it, then post in on the ele forums - and get ignored, no worries.


Last patch make me think they may actually read it since they addressed some of the fundamental issues we complained/**concerned** about.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > > > Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

> > > > Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....

> > >

> > > To be fair, ele had to consistently combo their own fields. That was might staking (also with runes & sigils & might on cantrips but that was nerfed too). It needed active play and investment (talking about lowest hp pool and armor here). Now it is just free might generation, and free boons here and there everywhere.

> >

> > Yeah, totally agreed. If those might generations are not nerfed, I wished they'll increase might by combos to make them worth the effort. Either number of stacks or duration. Combos are a nice thing in GW fighting mechanics but they have really lost some importance.

> >

> > About the topic of ele: Fire weaver is good in soloQ, not so much against premades (or when people know what you are playing and switch accordingly). I would like to see the burst reduced and moved to more consistent burning - or that glyph changed, it's just spammy.

> >

> > I'll think about it, then post in on the ele forums - and get ignored, no worries.


> Last patch make me think they may actually read it since they addressed some of the fundamental issues we complained/**concerned** about.


You mean fire being only power and stuff like CD reductions? From a PVP perspective, that didn't really matter to me tbh.^^


Or what else do you mean?

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> > > > > @"Halikus.1406" said:

> > > > > Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

> > > > > Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....

> > > >

> > > > To be fair, ele had to consistently combo their own fields. That was might staking (also with runes & sigils & might on cantrips but that was nerfed too). It needed active play and investment (talking about lowest hp pool and armor here). Now it is just free might generation, and free boons here and there everywhere.

> > >

> > > Yeah, totally agreed. If those might generations are not nerfed, I wished they'll increase might by combos to make them worth the effort. Either number of stacks or duration. Combos are a nice thing in GW fighting mechanics but they have really lost some importance.

> > >

> > > About the topic of ele: Fire weaver is good in soloQ, not so much against premades (or when people know what you are playing and switch accordingly). I would like to see the burst reduced and moved to more consistent burning - or that glyph changed, it's just spammy.

> > >

> > > I'll think about it, then post in on the ele forums - and get ignored, no worries.

> >

> > Last patch make me think they may actually read it since they addressed some of the fundamental issues we complained/**concerned** about.


> You mean fire being only power and stuff like CD reductions? From a PVP perspective, that didn't really matter to me tbh.^^


> Or what else do you mean?


Just the part where they realized that investing in a traitline that was only worth it in their respective attunement was a poor investment. Now your build is maybe fully 75% effective instead of 50% before.

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> @"Halikus.1406" said:

> Remember when they nerfed the f*** out of ele for might stacking 25 easily? Yeah..... Now everyone can do the same, rev get hit hard and nerfed by the same reason but every other elite spec doing it is fine?

> Either you allow classes to stack 25 might alone or you nerf them to prevent that. No picking favorites here please....


Yeah Ele had to blast a lot and use utilities for that while spellbreaker and holo just facesmash through their usual rotations lmao.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Personally I want to see either classes nerfed to a level like necro is, so power creep is lessened.


> Necros have tons of weaknesses but its kinda unfair that some classes get to be god mode and dominate everything.


Right? I hate that some classes can make some nodes impossible to play on with all the corruption and conditions just sitting on them.



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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > Ele can't have might or have their original power back with might in cantrips, but there are people actually sitting here trying to justify Holo/Spellbreaker/Rev.

> > >

> > > These forums are so blalantly biased it's not even remotely funny anymore.

> >

> > How about you get your kitten out of 2010. Why would there be biase if someone play every class in pvp?? Get a clue already.


> So you telling me EVERYONE or the people that multiclassed has played over 2k games of ele? Are you willing to sit here and tell me people ARE NOT biased solely because of the fact most of them were playing Rev/Warrior/Mirage/Thief/Necro/Ranger?


> How about YOU get a clue. No one is unbiased here. No one. So the fact you are trying to sit here and type to me saying that people that 'multiclass' are unbiased is a flat lie. Someone JUST admitted to saying that they play the flavor of the month. And the flavor of the month for almost TWO years now have been Mirage/SB/Scourge/Spell/Holo/Herald


> Scrapper came later and Weaver only came up when an ele MAIN figured out the kitten class had a build in the first place. So you sing me that kitten song of yours on how multiclassers are somehow our god-given deciders on what should or should not be balanced. Let me rev up my tea for the absolute dumpster you are going to spew. I got fifteen minutes to spare.


You don't need to play 2k games on ele to be good at it though, you just need to actually duel good/top players for maybe a few weeks to get mechanics down. Good players already know conquest mechanics and know rotations so they just need to understand the role of ele for example.


2k Games? I mean, if you want, but it's more efficient just to duel top players repeatedly to get your mechanics down which is a majority of what matters for duelist classes.


I'm not saying ele is good or bad, I think it's a balanced class for the most part and has a good ceiling. This is more just a general direction of learning a class in general. I just don't think you need to spend 2k games to learn an ele class or have an opinion on it.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Personally I want to see either classes nerfed to a level like necro is, so power creep is lessened.

> >

> > Necros have tons of weaknesses but its kinda unfair that some classes get to be god mode and dominate everything.


> Right? I hate that some classes can make some nodes impossible to play on with all the corruption and conditions just sitting on them.


> Wait.


Scourge has its weaknesses though it is vulnerable to ranged and cc.


Some classes though combine ridiculous amounts of ccs invulns and dmg so they got incredible amount of sustain which is kinda crazy.


Also reaper has tons more downsides now to some of its attack like dark path was nerfed and now it misses a lot more the gs heal we used to have was taken off we got to use a major trait for stunbreak, so yeah tons of counters. Classes like mirage have tons of sustain rangers got nerfed recently actually not sure how much sustain I hear that super strong bow with the axe thing that has certain combos actually to be very glassy not sure but usually rangers have tons of sustain.


Guardians are pretty tanky too and can hit hard, and look at holomancer.



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