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How much do you tip Mesmers for JP ports?

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> @Spiral.3724 said:

> I've had some Mesmers give the tip back ... why? Are they really that nice?? =)




If it's a daily JP, I usually don't tip, unless it's a troublesome one I don't do well. Then probably 10s. I remember one of the HoT mastery points, I was so, so ticked off missing it by a hair when a mesmer dropped a portal, I gratefully gave 1g (before dailies paid so well).

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Depends a bit on what they are porting and how long it takes to do it myself. Someone porting a ridiculously easy one that takes a minute to do on your own? I'll grab the portal if it coincides with me running by and the tip is simply "Thanks. Don't bet the horses."


For longer ones, I have recently been sending an unidentified rare item. They can sell it for coin or take the "lucky dip" chance to possibly get something good.

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It would depend on the difficulty of the JP. If it's one easy to complete (especially now that you can get to the ends of a few of them just by using a mount) usually no tip or minimal, assuming I don't just decide to do the puzzle on my own.


For harder JPs usually 50s to 1-2 gold depending on just how difficult the puzzle is.

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I was several times on the tip-receiving end as a mesmer and have seen different numbers by now, usually ranging from 20s to 3g (but I generally don't accept tips - and also don't use portals of mesmers asking for them - I don't see how pressing one button should be worth that much...).


One situation left me speechless though: I was doing the Chalice of Tears JP for a collection and on my way encountered a norn struggling with some jumps on those rocks right before the end (those before you glide over to the cliff with the chest on it). So without much thought I ported him up -> he sent me 25g as a response, telling me he had already wasted hours in the JP and how grateful he was. I returned the gold but appreciated the gesture. It was nice to know that I helped someone out, but that's about it.


I think if you really want to tip for a single portal, 20s-50s should suffice. I understand higher numbers for services, where a mesmer spends a huge amount of time helping you with longer tasks (e.g. badge runs in SW, token runs in the Chalice of Tears, full JP runs, etc.).

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> @Sevifor.1925 said:

> A poll in the opening post would have been most helpful for seeing at a glance what the community thinks. I'll add my voice to the "it depends" cause. I differentiate my tips with respect to time saved (on my end), time invested (on their end), and perhaps most importantly: what I'm getting from this port. If it's a daily port, I'll usually tip .5-1g, depending on how horrible the JP is, because I'm at that daily to make money, but think my time is worth more than the time it would take me to do the other daily events.


> However, when it comes to achievements, hero points, map unlocks, mastery points, etc., that's a different story. Sometimes, the Mesmer is in a place I literally cannot get on my own and I need to do it for something that's not gold (ex.: Chalice of Tears, Not so Secret, Tomb of Primeval Kings). I tend to tip more in those cases. I also tend to tip more based on the obscurity of the port. Mesmers porting the JP daily will port hundreds of players that day; the person porting an unrelated achievement will see far less. As such, I find it appropriate to tip more for those unpopular, hard-to-reach places because it incentivizes Mesmers to sit there and help people like me rather than go farm meta events for gold.


> As a Mesmer, most of the people I port do not tip, but when they tip I've not gotten one less than .5g (although I did get a Rare weapon sent to me once. That was interesting) and I've not gotten a tip above 20g (twice, both times for porting Not so Secret goggles).


A poll is a great idea. I'd be more comfortable asking for ports if I knew the standard etiquette of it. I can't do most JPs and a lot of Vistas/HP/MP that require jumping because of motion sickness (though now with mounts it may be easier for some of them) but I feel like I'm missing a lot of content by just skipping them.

I have no issue paying someone a fair price for their time and assistance. If someone is willing to do it for free, that's really wonderful, and I like to pay it forward and do nice things for people as well, but I'm not going to think less of someone if they ask for tips when they are going out of their way to help me.

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> @Spiral.3724 said:

> I read on the old forums that people tip 1 gold, but if you're only making 2 gold for doing the dailies, then you're giving half of it away.

> Do you tip depending on the difficulty of the JP?

> Do you tip depending on how much money you have at the time?

> I've had some Mesmers give the tip back ... why? Are they really that nice?? =)


It really does depend for me ... If I dont already have the JP for daily I will literally tip the 2 gold that I earn because that gets me AP points and JP completion.


If I already have the JP I will tip 1 gold if Im going after the AP for daily.


If its content that I need to finish map/quests etc I tip according to difficulty.


I'd say that 98% of the time I tip something.

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> A poll is a great idea. I'd be more comfortable asking for ports if I knew the standard etiquette of it.


I don't think there _is_ a standard etiquette, but if I ask for a port or a TTF target, I'll usually offer something right up front, like "I've got two gold pieces for whoever's willing to get me to [goal], by port or TTF, please rescue me from the vertigo." Sometimes I'll get a counter-offer like "I'll do it for 3g," and sometimes I'll get a "I have a toon parked there, keep your gold, just give me a minute to switch."


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I have never tipped, but I never really thought to if the port was random. There was one really difficult jp that a mesmer helped me with as I repeatedly died, and had thought of tipping him, but he logged out before I could. I have thought about gearing up my mesmer to help people, but if/when I do I wont expect anything in return. I would guess it depend on how valuable you feel their time is. I know now I will probably kick a chunk of my silver towards them after reading this forum (I don't have a lot to begin with lol).

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I should do two things here.


1) An enormous thank you to all the mesmers that provide this service. I've taken advantage of it numerous times, as JP's are typically not my favourite thing to do. I've never been skilled at jumping in game, but it doesn't help to have a huge Norn as your main.


2) My sincerest apologies to any and all mesmers that I haven't thanked in game. I can get task-oriented and forget that simple kindness.


My g/day earning rate is relatively low. If I complete my daily and get the 2g, that's likely most or all of my income for the day. I haven't tipped before, but I think I'll start. It feels right to reward their efforts, especially if they're at site for an hour or longer. I'm thinking 20-50s, depending on the JP. I'd certainly consider sending an exotic item from the chest, if I was that fortunate.

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> @crashburntoo.7431 said:

(snippage). " If I complete my daily and get the 2g, that's likely most or all of my income for the day. "


Wait. what? There is gold just for completing the Daily? Like in general, or just the JP part? When did that happen? I was never big on dailies so at least when I was doing them, I never got gold (unless it was a few silver in the chests?) for it, just AP. Is this new?


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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> (snippage). " If I complete my daily and get the 2g, that's likely most or all of my income for the day. "


> Wait. what? There is gold just for completing the Daily? Like in general, or just the JP part? When did that happen? I was never big on dailies so at least when I was doing them, I never got gold (unless it was a few silver in the chests?) for it, just AP. Is this new?



Seriously? O_o


No, this is not new at all. I can't even imagine all the gold you've lost by skipping dailies :disappointed:

Pro tip: Do your dailies. Always.

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I don't tip and don't expect any when I port people. I rarely take ports because I like jumping.


If I am on my mes, I will just stay there for a while an port people up. I am a good jumper and love to help people. So I will stay for a while and port. I send any tips back big or small.



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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > @crashburntoo.7431 said:

> (snippage). " If I complete my daily and get the 2g, that's likely most or all of my income for the day. "


> Wait. what? There is gold just for completing the Daily? Like in general, or just the JP part? When did that happen? I was never big on dailies so at least when I was doing them, I never got gold (unless it was a few silver in the chests?) for it, just AP. Is this new?








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When I'm playing my mesmer and in the mood, I port for jps or mastery points. I don't ever do it expecting a tip. I do it because I enjoy helping people. I know how frustrating some of those puzzles can be, and I like being able to save someone time or frustration. Tips that I receive usually range between 1-5 gold, with it most often being 1 gold. I don't send it back, but I do send a thank you to the person who sends the tip. Since I'll often spend up to an hour helping out people by porting, keeping a few gold in tips helps offset the loss of funds that I could be making by doing other content. Never expected or necessary, but it's nice when it happens.


I tip other mesmers periodically. I often do the jumping puzzle and skip the port because I enjoy jps. However, I take the ports when I'm pressed for time or just am not in the mood to do do the jp. I tend to tip when the mesmer is friendly or when it's a jumping puzzle that is more involved. Sometimes I also tip people popping mentor tags and helping people find the entrance. I generally tip between 50 silver to 2 gold. Regardless of whether I tip or no, I always say "Thank you." I tend not to tip when mesmers ask for tips though.

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Only time I've ever tipped a Mesmer was for porting me around Not So Secret three times (for the achievement, for Dawn and for the Diving Goggles). I don't remember how much it was, but it was quite a bit (relatively speaking, like half my gold, or more, at that time) but he sent it back. I added him to my friends list with a note he helped me with that abomination of a buggy JP (thanks for not fixing that JP for like over a year btw, Anet) and if I ever can return the favour I sure as hell will.


Most other JPs I can do myself (though haven't tried the LS3Ep5 one yet, also not done the Orb one in Orr, mostly due to lazyness) and since I generally quite enjoy them so I don't usually tip (but I tend to not use the portals either)

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