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Chronomancer feedback since July 16.19

Hiraga Taichiru.1580

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I didn't think the change to shatters was that good since it's an overall DPS loss, but then I remembered that probably they wanted chronomancer to be a support spec, so the loss would make some sense.


However, I think they could use buffing their support somewhat. For instance, I wish they would add back alacrity to All's Well That Ends Well, and I would make that trait also increase the well radius, it would help with the support aspect.


As for f5 triggering one second of distortion... that may as well not exist. Why not make the distortion duration also scale with clones? It could have a duration that's half of the continuum split, and then it could properly be used offensively.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> I didn't think the change to shatters was that good since it's an overall DPS loss, but then I remembered that probably they wanted chronomancer to be a support spec, so the loss would make some sense.


> However, I think they could use buffing their support somewhat. For instance, I wish they would add back alacrity to All's Well That Ends Well, and I would make that trait also increase the well radius, it would help with the support aspect.


> As for f5 triggering one second of distortion... that may as well not exist. Why not make the distortion duration also scale with clones? It could have a duration that's half of the continuum split, and then it could properly be used offensively.


I wish wells would spread boons to other allies if 1 stands in them, it makes it unplayable in some fractals and unplayable in pugs on top of making it frustrating. I will not force myself to play this spec. Who would choose to play support spec thats annoying to no end for no gain at all, there are other that are on par if not better that arent annoying as hell do manage. Adding this "tradeoffs" is just a slap to the face for the remaining couple chrono players that forced themself to stomach this design.

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Everything a chrono does, there is some other spec that can do it better.

Support? Firebrand is there

Conditions? Mirage and scourges are waaay better than chrono

Direct damage? Warriors.

Tanking? Scrappers laugh in your face.

Roaming, spamming evades and being a boring piece of shit? Daredevils do it better.

Fighting at a distance? Hunters and deadshots will make you look like the fool you are.


There is no reason to choose chrono at all, even among core specs.. When the patch came out, I tried to make some sense out of it for half a day. Then I decided I just wasn't having a fun, and I am playing vanilla mesmer. No more meme 1shot build, but I honestly can live without it.


Also the meme 1shot build could be totally nullified by 1 (ONE) dodge to avoid the phantasmal berserker, and any non-glasscannon build could sustain the burst without any problem.

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Like i said before as feedback the quickness and alacrity are way better performed by a firebrand and a revenant vs a chrono and because a lot of line on mesmer are shatter wise it make it even worst specialy the inspiration and chaos line cause they are now super selfish and allies does not get any bennefit from chrono after SOI nerf. Dps side his very good howerver no comment on it that no op but fine. But **allies** wise chrono have serious re-balance to be done on it. He only provide quickness and alacritiy on a static position and absolutely 0 boon underwater he purely useless. chronomancy mean play time skills or give allies haste (quickness) and alacrity but it dosen mean that anymore in GW2. Only skill shield 5, well of action and well of recall i will not add timewarp cause that a base mesmer skill. So a then end chrono dosent mean anything about a class how give nothing. Now about tanking boss on chrono his kind of more clunky due merge of F5-F4 NOBODY WILL ever waste his continuum split for distortion so you can only relly on sword 2 and shield 4 block in case you need it. Make mesmer class for newplayer even harder in raid only veterant will still feel fine. Sadly Anet seem try to remove new player to play chrono in GW2 how aready have lower people how can use it properly.

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Left the game entirely. Sick of anet destroying my mains so like everytime i have to either re-gear or re-roll to a different class. It was thief at first. Now mesmer. Can't really bother with it anymore.. why create something then slowly destroy it? So what now i should re-gear and re-roll to holo or soulbeast just so it will get nerfed in future too? Nah.. Good luck with that kind of development.

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> @"Requiem.9648" said:

> allies does not get any bennefit from chrono after SOI nerf.


Can someone with a galaxy brain explain this to me? I know of the SOI changes, but this statement seems like nonsense to me. Pretty sure the actual reason to bring firebrigade is the huge dps increase both classes bring and braindead 1 button press buffing that anyone can do.

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> @"Ambrosius Custard.8137" said:

> > @"Terrorhuz.4695" said:

> > Tanking? Scrappers laugh in your face.


> Absolutely not haha. The Scrapper rework completely killed the spec. Whilst the Chrono nerfs were hard, the spec will still have a place in raids. Currently the Scrapper has no place in anything. Even OW it's garbage compared to a Sword Holo.

Yes, thats why they are laughing in his face.


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If this account is real...


then I have bad news for us.

Yesterday this account and the well known BenP appeared in MightyTeapot's twitch stream and I thought I'd ask him if Robert Gee (the person who designed Chronomancer, Mirage, the Phantasm rework and the man behind the GW1 Mesmer overhaul) was still working on the Balance Team.


The answer was "No, he got fired"


It is honestly a sad time to be a mesmer main.


EDIT; Link didn't work for some reason. Fixed it

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> @"AwwYiss.8146" said:

> > @"Requiem.9648" said:

> > allies does not get any bennefit from chrono after SOI nerf.


> Can someone with a galaxy brain explain this to me? I know of the SOI changes, but this statement seems like nonsense to me. Pretty sure the actual reason to bring firebrigade is the huge dps increase both classes bring and braindead 1 button press buffing that anyone can do.


In fact SOI only extand boon for flat 3 second and only apply to boon you have in your bar. That old nerf put concentration stats become kind of useless on chrono for SOI. You can play a full zerk chrono and just extand that 3 flat second how btw was 5 second before the re-nerf. My point on this chrono have now harder time to give alac+quickness VS a quickbrand and a 10man share alacrity Renegade specialy on a very dynamic fight. A fight how your stant on same spot dosent make any difference. This his also one of the main reason you dont see a lot of chrono in fractals/open world cause fight are too dynamic. Raid didn realy change a lot cause boss are very static most of time or you try to keep them static as possible. Sadly only veterant chrono will still find that easy to play but new player the learning curve his hard.


Example: 2 Firequickbrand+ 1 Rev Alacrity any of them can also cover the full healer role and this his where the chrono his useless cause he got a poor allies healing+buffing. easy to a firebrand provide 25 stack might+ perma protect+perma regen+perma quickness and stability to10 man on demand. Chrono canot do that anymore so Anet just replaced Chrono for the Firebrand and that kind of sad. Cause most of raid/fractal group will target THE class how can cover maximum role in 1. tank/healer/buffer. My best choice for now his firebrand vs any other but you can still relly on chrono or rev but its more work.

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> If this account is real... https://m.twitch.tv/mikeobrien_arenanet


> then I have bad news for us.

> Yesterday this account and the well known BenP appeared in MightyTeapot's twitch stream and I thought I'd ask him if Robert Gee (the person who designed Chronomancer, Mirage, the Phantasm rework and the man behind the GW1 Mesmer overhaul) was still working on the Balance Team.


> The answer was "No, he got fired"


> It is honestly a sad time to be a mesmer main.


That would account for some of the apparent contradictions from our perspective - eg removal of IP.


Tbh I'd just be happy to see some coherent, clear defined intended outcomes, preferably with greater focus to deliver patches more often to get through the seeming vast backlog of neglected/useless/questionable skills and traits which at the current rate seems to be so far away as to be unreachable...


Eg if going to remove IP, it should ideally be followed up with a number of other changes to supplement this (eg clone redesigns as others have suggested) - rather than those needed changes to come __maybe__ 3/6/12/24/never... months down the line.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> > If this account is real... https://m.twitch.tv/mikeobrien_arenanet

> >

> > then I have bad news for us.

> > Yesterday this account and the well known BenP appeared in MightyTeapot's twitch stream and I thought I'd ask him if Robert Gee (the person who designed Chronomancer, Mirage, the Phantasm rework and the man behind the GW1 Mesmer overhaul) was still working on the Balance Team.

> >

> > The answer was "No, he got fired"

> >

> > It is honestly a sad time to be a mesmer main.


> That would account for some of the apparent contradictions from our perspective - eg removal of IP.


> Tbh I'd just be happy to see some coherent, clear defined intended outcomes, preferably with greater focus to deliver patches more often to get through the seeming vast backlog of neglected/useless/questionable skills and traits which at the current rate seems to be so far away as to be unreachable...


> Eg if going to remove IP, it should ideally be followed up with a number of other changes to supplement this (eg clone redesigns as others have suggested) - rather than those needed changes to come __maybe__ 3/6/12/24/never... months down the line.


Well on the plus side I am no longer interested in the aug 30th elite spec reveals I shouldn't have been expecting in the first place.

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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> If this account is real... https://m.twitch.tv/mikeobrien_arenanet


> then I have bad news for us.

> Yesterday this account and the well known BenP appeared in MightyTeapot's twitch stream and I thought I'd ask him if Robert Gee (the person who designed Chronomancer, Mirage, the Phantasm rework and the man behind the GW1 Mesmer overhaul) was still working on the Balance Team.


> The answer was "No, he got fired"


> It is honestly a sad time to be a mesmer main.


No way is that legit.


Seriously now, do you really think that Mike O'Brien himself would actually show up in a stream and say things? More than that, since when has anyone in Anet management made any kind of public statement whatsoever that wasn't pre-planned and controlled.

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> @"Pyroatheist.9031" said:

> > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> > If this account is real...

> >

> > then I have bad news for us.

> > Yesterday this account and the well known BenP appeared in MightyTeapot's twitch stream and I thought I'd ask him if Robert Gee (the person who designed Chronomancer, Mirage, the Phantasm rework and the man behind the GW1 Mesmer overhaul) was still working on the Balance Team.

> >

> > The answer was "No, he got fired"

> >

> > It is honestly a sad time to be a mesmer main.


> No way is that legit.


> Seriously now, do you really think that Mike O'Brien himself would actually show up in a stream and say things? More than that, since when has anyone in Anet management made any kind of public statement whatsoever that wasn't pre-planned and controlled.


I know. That is why I wrote it the way I did. I am not certain if the user is an Impostor or not. I suspect it but I somehow believe their answer which is probalby because of the fact that they said what I want to believe ^^.

Anyways mesmer is a sinking ship and I am probably going to abandon either the class or the game depends on the fact if I find a suitable new main.

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> Anyways mesmer is a sinking ship and I am probably going to abandon either the class or the game depends on the fact if I find a suitable new main.


Tell me how did that go. Cuz i was basically a sworn thief main but somehow i managed to switch to mesmer and it was awesome. But anets "hammer of incompetent balancing" followed me from thief to mesmer. So now... idk.. i've tried all classes and i forced myself to like em but i just can't. Is it just me or is it really once you're a mesmer (or a thief) u just cannot play any other class? It's dull and boring. It's easy and slow-mo. I'm thinkin either ele or scourge since u got full asc armor on chrono but.. idk.. are they even fun for u comin out of mesmer? Necro feels a sluggish zombie. Ele feels like you're playing a piano but u got no real results and u die before you know it.


At this point i think this madness has to end. Trying to switch mains every 2-3 years cuz anet is destroying it. I think quittin the game entirely is the answer. Cuz let's say u'll somehow manage to re-roll and u force yourself to enjoy say Revenant. Well... give it some time.. and anet will kill that class too. Then what? Again re-roll? Sometimes i think they're doin it on purpose. So ppl will be forced to start from scratch. lol.

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I played/mained mesmer long time ago - took a huge break and came back when pof was released. When I came back and IP was baseline I was like wow??? that's cool! too cool?. I loved/e chronomancer as a concept. It pushed mesmer in the way I loved the class being a strong support of the non 'healing' variety.


I am used to the idea that mesmer needs clones. So...the IP being taken away Im like ok...back to how it was. Diversion loss is....sad...not really sold why that happened but I dont pvp.


I do hate that they moved the vital f5 to f4 cause that's bothersome but I suppose leaving f4 blank is weird.


I like that f3 now slows I feel like slow application by the chronomancer has always been so lacking given it is a chronomancer. So I really like that...and with the rewind f2 makes having condi/illusion focused rather than phantasms oriented interesting...it obviously would be a gimicky debuff/buff support rather than a full on mirage kill with condis pressure. Didnt bother trying a build like that yet but curious still cause I like staff!.


Honestly my main meh with chrono is how taxing and unfun the kit is to provide others with alacrity and quickness - to you and everyone else...like...two wells that don't pulse the buffs...something to reset the well...then a signet that extends buffs (thank god it's at least all buffs but ele has that as base horn lol -_-).


Like can the shield be a strong enough way to buff significant duration of both that I could get away not needing every single skill be about providing what should be a chronomancers signature. Even at full bd duration you must dedicate too many buttons just for those skills that are not fun for the player or those who play with them imo.


I dunno...like I want them to be able to buff on the move better this whole stand on this circle a couple of seconds - oops you just stepped out of it and missed the whole thing...which isn't too long of a buff anyways is...now it's on a long cd...I don't like that. Guardian/revs ability to buff on the move is a lot more fun for everyone involved and they "pulse them on the move" thus makes reapplication convenient (plus they can provide other buffs/heals). They also have much lower cds for those buffs?.


Now that chronos ability to provide a variety of buffs in general is non existent outside of lol pack runes lol...I don't think it's fair. Make them "too" good at providing alac/quickness to give them an edge?.


Things I'd think would make the chrono cool. Wells pulse the buffs and the duration of the buffs with bd would be significantly longer if specced into bd or they have a shorter cd...maybe dare I say charges...yikes. Or?..one well gives both alacrity and quickness perhaps make the new well chill and slow instead not sure about that one.


Same to shield duration wise.


The well talent makes it affect 10 people.


Maybe bring back f4 instead and now that would be the access to additional buffing ability making speccing into illusions traits an option to further enhance your buffing abilities. Although I think I'd cry cause I think I am getting used to f4 being f5 already I don't know xD.


Chronomancer's runes makes your wells buff others...with I dare say both alacrity and quickness...just quickness I doubt anyone would still bother...although lol at new op necro support...even quickness alone would make necro with bd a hype thing :o. Jk chronos wells are now puddles -_-.

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Still did not understand, and I think I will never understand what is the plan of ANet with Chrono but srsly, it was broken A YEAR AGO, at that time it needed a nerf now bashing it even more is pointless, I know ANet wants to see variety in what classes are taken into raids, but making chrono that bad that it gets ignored isnt a good way to approach this, like actually small changes like some more aegis resource and 10 man wells(without any dumb exchance in traitlines(so a baseline chrono thing)) would balance chrono to a point where you can take 2 chronos but also you can take the firebrigade comp in raids. Like actually if they want to achieve balance(whatever that means for them) give something to chrono in exchange for the so called "tradeoffs". Thief got damage modify traits when the steal got nerfed(not even some weak traits to say the least), what did chronos got? Oh yeah, now we can shater F2 every 5 sec... Very cool, yeeeeey....Wait...Chrono should have got some support exchange,no? What kind of blind people are working at ANet actually?? They can not see that people are leaving the game in very high amounts in a short time because the devs are not doing their job correctly?? What would it take to ask someone from all 3 game modes(because there are core/mirage/chrono) players for all the game modes, and not even one, so what would it take to ask them something like this:

"Hey we think chrono is a bit too OP in the raid scene,we would like to see more classes in replacement for chrono and we would like to to X and Y things with chrono, what do you think about it, Mr. Chrono Main Who Actually Plays the Game?"

Just imagine that the chrono main would say something that MAKES SENSE... This will never happen I guess

I actually think ANet is the most antisocialistic with their community... No one asks for balance notes 1 year prior, just some ideas from what people can choose, nerfs and buffs always will come, but COMMUNIcating with the COMMUNIty would make those changes into something that does not make a class OP neither trash tier, not as if chrono would be trash tier(even tho we can consider it being that in reflection of other support classes), it still does its job but in a very dumb and clunky way, people rather move onto other classes/comps for raids because they dont want to bother with chrono anymore.

-- A casual mesmer player who knows nothing about mesmer or any other spec of it.

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> @"Nepster.4275" said:

> Still did not understand, and I think I will never understand what is the plan of ANet with Chrono but srsly, it was broken A YEAR AGO, at that time it needed a nerf now bashing it even more is pointless, I know ANet wants to see variety in what classes are taken into raids, but making chrono that bad that it gets ignored isnt a good way to approach this, like actually small changes like some more aegis resource and 10 man wells(without any dumb exchance in traitlines(so a baseline chrono thing)) would balance chrono to a point where you can take 2 chronos but also you can take the firebrigade comp in raids. Like actually if they want to achieve balance(whatever that means for them) give something to chrono in exchange for the so called "tradeoffs". Thief got damage modify traits when the steal got nerfed(not even some weak traits to say the least), what did chronos got? Oh yeah, now we can shater F2 every 5 sec... Very cool, yeeeeey....Wait...Chrono should have got some support exchange,no? What kind of blind people are working at ANet actually?? They can not see that people are leaving the game in very high amounts in a short time because the devs are not doing their job correctly?? What would it take to ask someone from all 3 game modes(because there are core/mirage/chrono) players for all the game modes, and not even one, so what would it take to ask them something like this:

> "Hey we think chrono is a bit too OP in the raid scene,we would like to see more classes in replacement for chrono and we would like to to X and Y things with chrono, what do you think about it, Mr. Chrono Main Who Actually Plays the Game?"

> Just imagine that the chrono main would say something that MAKES SENSE... This will never happen I guess

> I actually think ANet is the most antisocialistic with their community... No one asks for balance notes 1 year prior, just some ideas from what people can choose, nerfs and buffs always will come, but COMMUNIcating with the COMMUNIty would make those changes into something that does not make a class OP neither trash tier, not as if chrono would be trash tier(even tho we can consider it being that in reflection of other support classes), it still does its job but in a very dumb and clunky way, people rather move onto other classes/comps for raids because they dont want to bother with chrono anymore.

> -- A casual mesmer player who knows nothing about mesmer or any other spec of it.


The wells itself is broken by default, the wells needs so be reworked as thief traps got reworked into new skills.

F4 should grant you distortion for the effect time (Max 6 secs). depends on clones, so it doesn't go wasted if you get CCed

Shield skills need to be reworked also, provide protection against projectiles... etc.

That's what im thinking of, otherwise Chrono is a broken spec and it should be replaced with another entirely new spec

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> @"Hiraga Taichiru.1580" said:

> > @"Nepster.4275" said:

> > Still did not understand, and I think I will never understand what is the plan of ANet with Chrono but srsly, it was broken A YEAR AGO, at that time it needed a nerf now bashing it even more is pointless, I know ANet wants to see variety in what classes are taken into raids, but making chrono that bad that it gets ignored isnt a good way to approach this, like actually small changes like some more aegis resource and 10 man wells(without any dumb exchance in traitlines(so a baseline chrono thing)) would balance chrono to a point where you can take 2 chronos but also you can take the firebrigade comp in raids. Like actually if they want to achieve balance(whatever that means for them) give something to chrono in exchange for the so called "tradeoffs". Thief got damage modify traits when the steal got nerfed(not even some weak traits to say the least), what did chronos got? Oh yeah, now we can shater F2 every 5 sec... Very cool, yeeeeey....Wait...Chrono should have got some support exchange,no? What kind of blind people are working at ANet actually?? They can not see that people are leaving the game in very high amounts in a short time because the devs are not doing their job correctly?? What would it take to ask someone from all 3 game modes(because there are core/mirage/chrono) players for all the game modes, and not even one, so what would it take to ask them something like this:

> > "Hey we think chrono is a bit too OP in the raid scene,we would like to see more classes in replacement for chrono and we would like to to X and Y things with chrono, what do you think about it, Mr. Chrono Main Who Actually Plays the Game?"

> > Just imagine that the chrono main would say something that MAKES SENSE... This will never happen I guess

> > I actually think ANet is the most antisocialistic with their community... No one asks for balance notes 1 year prior, just some ideas from what people can choose, nerfs and buffs always will come, but COMMUNIcating with the COMMUNIty would make those changes into something that does not make a class OP neither trash tier, not as if chrono would be trash tier(even tho we can consider it being that in reflection of other support classes), it still does its job but in a very dumb and clunky way, people rather move onto other classes/comps for raids because they dont want to bother with chrono anymore.

> > -- A casual mesmer player who knows nothing about mesmer or any other spec of it.


> The wells itself is broken by default, the wells needs so be reworked as thief traps got reworked into new skills.

> F4 should grant you distortion for the effect time (Max 6 secs). depends on clones, so it doesn't go wasted if you get CCed

> Shield skills need to be reworked also, provide protection against projectiles... etc.

> That's what im thinking of, otherwise Chrono is a broken spec and it should be replaced with another entirely new spec

People called chrono broken for years because it was so good, now its so bad that its broken xD But yeah agree with you, as it is the whole spec should be reworked but since ANet is busy with LWS stuff and the new things on aug 30, this rework will not happen till...never...


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im glad that you agreed, and im not saying people were wrong cuz chrono was too good. the reason which was making chrono a good spec is that chrono can share all boon and give all boons for a long duration, which is good cuz when an enemy scourge get in the way, they will lose cuz of boon corruption, so scourge is a class that Oppose chrono to begin with, now im not saying these changes made it worse or better. what im saying here that this class is not able to stand on its own (Simple) while we said the spec is broken and previously we said it was cool cuz it shared all kind of boons, however ... have you ever seen someone using these skills :

* Well of Eternity

* Well of Precognition

* Well of Calamity

/-=----= these skills are not been used which core skill are better to use that this fail skills , what you must be familiar with are these:

* Well of Action

* Well of Recall

* Gravity Well

==============The only well which works correctly is the Gravity well, since it focused on enemy and does not make them move out of them (most cases), while the the above wells works like .. lets say 50% chance (if your group is moving and you try to predict the movement of them then they change course, that would be a waste, whats more its only affect 5 people which is nonsense (if for example , chrono wells affect all squad/party members. i would say that IS Ok to make wells static)).

now lets talk about wells in game... since you know scrapper got changed from gyro to wells... i will provide a link to GW2 wiki which shows you all wells skills in the whole game by these specs:

* Scrapper

* Chrono

* Necromancer

After you will see the site , you will notice all wells by can be casted underwater; but not chrono wells.. why not ? IDK.

by my definition if the spec skills are broken (as mentioned above) and or cannot be used under water, that it self makes it broken and needs to be fixed, not to mention the extra nerfs they did in the last 3-5 major updates.




PS. the descriptions of the wells are also broken. lol look at this

"Creates a well that gives allies the ability to see the future and allows them to block incoming attacks. When the well ends, allies within the well regain endurance."

"Well. Creates a well that steals memories from foes, damaging and chilling them. When it expires it restores memories to allies, speeding their skill recharge."

When you look at the description as a new player.. you will say WOW, these skills are soooo OP.


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Just to add some stuff on top of it now doing escort raid tower his easyer on base mesmer vs a chrono due to dry shatter nerf on chrono. You can clean condi faster and keep heal yourself easyer and DISTORT without clones. Just need somebody to give you alacrity and your good to go. you can mimic+portal like before. So that just prove me again that chrono nerf as gone too far.

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