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Returning Player wants to know: Why do you still play GW2?

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Because the mechanics of this game are fun and interesting and I feel like compared to other mmos out there they really tried to be different and take risks and challenge aspects that make an mmo dull. The game also doesn't feel abusive and money grubbing as other games and strives to make gearing accessible allowing you to catch up on power levels or what not. The concept of pushing your class and skills in different directions and themes is so cool.


I was a huge Final Fantasy franchise fan my friends used to mock the game for being so "weird"...but something felt off about the game after square soft became square enix. Anyways when I played their mmo...pretty graphics (a little too pretty..gummy bears though for summons...ok)...but my God are the mechanics lame and dull, flavorless, complete copycats which was not what I wanted from an ff mmo at all...GW2 has what I used to like about ff. Their expansion even removed skills...like...the game is already simple pimple...what?? Imo if that game didn't have the foundation of what the ff franchise did...a boring mmo with ff skins is what it is to me.


WoW was great..but after they started clipping skills and promoting skin recolors as something...you could just tell the actual creative people were gone now it was just how to keep the money coming in. Quit that game for gw2..easy choice. Their idea of a new release is realeasing the old version of their game??? are you serious???. What is with entertainment nowadays thinking remakes are so awesome...and why is everyone buying it?.


The game is casual enough for my taste but intellectualy stimulating. And strives to reduce the friction between players to encourage team play.



I realise people complain about no new content...but honestly...for no subscription this game is just amazing I feel kinda guilty I don't need to pay a penny.


The only "negative" I have...is...I dunno if the game will keep going...there's definitley a vibe of that this game is coming to a silent end. Sad...but nothing lasts. Still hoping it isn't time yet. How the skills are being clipped and reworked definitley doesnt feel interesting as it used to be. Which I hear is because of staff changes...so. :(




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Played since GW1, and from day 3 or 4 of GW2 launch.

Been out of actions since about 2014 and came back this year ( only because my pc at the time was useless)


Reason to come back?

It is one of the most friendly community in RPG

It is a game you can come back at anytime and continue on - you won't have missed much as there is no progression in gear after Ascended/legendary

Still very active

mounts - one of the best games with mounts applied

skins - there are some awesome skins on this game

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For me almost exclusively Fractal (CM) runs and Raids, and the little community I have in and for each of those.


The combat system and gameplay is just so good, especially at that level of play. Even though I have played 99CM probably close to 800-1000 times by now, and 100CM probably getting close to around 400-500 times, I'm still having a blast doing them, which is kind of crazy even to me when I think about it.


The endgame of GW2 is just so damn good, although it's a shame that Anet seems to refuse, or lost the ability to, make much (or in the case of Fractal CM's any) more of it.


Everything else I try gets boring pretty rapidly, with dragged out grinds for some ever moving carrot that's being dangled in front of you, bad gameplay systems/loops and inconveniences, or just not as engaging moment to moment gameplay.

So GW2 it still is.

Being with this franchise since around 14 years now helps with the attachment as well I reckon.

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> @"Parkley.8270" said:

> It wasn't like I wanted to stop playing, I had hardware issues for a few years...


hahah, same reason as why i left GW2 after the initial few weeks after launch, my poorly designed high-end PC was running like a furnace... then encountered shits in my private life, ended up burning like 2 grands on a P2W facebook game dur to depression, which I totally regretted now...


anyway, back to your topic... reasons why i stayed because

1. the commitment isn't like WoW, which was basically like a fulltime job just to ensure you can get into groups to enjoy the good contents; especially there's a lot of afterhour studies i need to do for my career

2. Play at my own pace, I can take a break whenever I want and comeback, and I'm not behind everyone else in term of gears

3. Does not feel guilty not playing everyday, since there is no monthly subscription

4. Destress and relax after work, face roll some chaks

5. I'm and old timer GW1 player since Prophecy :)

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WvW and PvP are in a bad place. ANET hasn't yet figured out how to fix them and isn't devoting many resources to that end.


PvE still has a ton of people playing. And ANET does a pretty good job of keeping it interesting.


As for why I keep playing / coming back, GW2 doesn't have a sub and they don't reset the gear grind every expansion. The graphics are pretty and the combat is fast / fun. I take a lot of breaks from GW2 but find it is by far the easiest game to come back to after one of those breaks. Other mmo's require tons of studying and regearing to jump back in.

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There are millions of goals you can set yourself in GW2, and (if any at all) not many run really out of possible goals, only out of goals-of-interest.


I did not played Gw2 this year, till last month, but now there were goals I was interested in again, so I spend 4 weeks on LS4 episodes (I got but did not played), the Warclaw and the skyscale, and now also some festival-achievements.


So: play if something interest you, play something else (and come back later to have a look) if there is currently nothing.

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What keeps me around:


1. **tons of builds** - useless and dead traits and runes are slowly but surely getting reworked. More and more stuff is becoming unique, impactful and fun.

2. **xpac maps** - amazing stuff. Core is "ok" at best in comparison. Heart of Thorns really shines here, as well as it's living story maps (Ember Bay, Draconis Mons etc).

3. Legendary gear - it doesn't get outdated and gives you complete freedom of builds. It's long and costly to make but well worth it.


My advice to you:


Get xpacs, well worth their price. If you gotta pick one, pick Heart of Thorns. You need the end game gear stats that it unlocks. Both the number of these sets and viability outshine Path of Fire. Imho it's also the better xpac with amazing vertical jungle maps, huge replay value and more fun elite specializations set.


Path of Fire is the mounts xpac, you will love'em for the feel and sheer utility, also better suited to those who hated the maze like jungle maps of Heart of Thorns and want more of a "Core Tyria +" maps. It has it's own set of elite specializations (currently edging to be the bit stronger then HoT ones).



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because its free and overall fun.

dont step into the scam/trap from GW2 and try to get something rare. you only will get disappointed and mad.


just play the game, do some achievments (LW map, festivals) and have fun.

and when you want to get shinny, craft a legendary. it will take some month but you have a goal to work for by playing the game.


i'm playing since beta with several month break in between. i always come back for new LW maps or expansions.

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