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Whole world mapping

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One REALLY interesting idea to consider?? Complete the ENTIRE map of the world of Tyria, populate it, and make it available to L-80 characters INDIVIDUALLY (each character has to "discover" the world for themselves). Progress should be "gated" based on what areas the character has already "discovered and mapped" and should exclude areas planned for "Living Story" episodes. (Or have this content "for sale" as an expansion, then integrate LW stories into these new maps). Most of us PvE players LOVE the idea of finding and exploring new territory and meeting the challenges within. (Personally, I've ALWAYS hated maps that include "here be monsters"----------after all, not all monsters LIKE the "taste" of adventurers!!! And most don't carry a can opener to get at the "good stuff"!!! No matter how many episodes of GW2 will be released, there will ALWAYS be considerable areas defined as "who knows?" in the world

"Gating" can be as simple (or complex) as desired. One concept would be for a character to "find" an non-operating Asura Gate, "hire" an Asura technical team to analyze and repair it, then explore what's on the other side. Once the new area has been "tamed", the Asura team can seek and find other "broken" gate(s) in the new area and schedule "fix and repair" to open yet another "new" zone. Once hired, the Asura NPC team can be used to check other "known" areas for "hidden" gates. (The NE side of Brisban Wildlands is known to have such a gate--although where it goes??).

Other requirements:

Remembering that it "takes gold to make gold"!!


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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> I don't get it, aren't you describing LW maps right now?


No they want anet to make new maps for the whole world that can be explored by hiring npcs to repair portals and find new portals in the newly discovered maps.

OP if this was implemented how would they make new expansions the whole world would already be explorable.

And how long are you willing to wait 6-12 months for each new map?

Considering they got raids fractals and living world in the pipeline already this will take alot of time.


Also will it be paid dlc like 5 bucks a map or what?

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This would be a gigantic piece of work. It's not like those maps currently exist and are just blocked off - the haven't been made at all (except possibly some of the ones for early season 5 episodes). So Anet would be starting from scratch building them, and I can't imagine it's any less work to make a map which is not part of a living world storyline. At least not for the map artists, the rest of the studio would have plenty of time as everything else would need to be put on hold to make this happen.


Of course they could probably make them faster by accepting a massive drop in quality - huge empty areas of 'copy & paste' textures and objects with random generic enemies scattered around, no events, no mini dungeons or jumping puzzles or hidden details to find and minimal NPC dialogue...but I'd prefer to wait longer for new maps than get that because doing it that way would also kill any desire I have to explore these places.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to explore all of Tyria, but I'm not convinced they could release all of those maps in anything like a reasonable time frame, especially not alongside the existing releases.

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Making mapes costs money. The best you can expect is to get them for free with new living story - and at exactly that pace. Even if they sold them for money (new expansion or having to unlock the access per map by buying it in the gem store) the pace probably would not be that much faster.


Most maps I saw - and the jumping puzzles (even without the puzzle mechanic content - only the map itself) looked pretty nice. And with that kind of quality it surely would take some time. (And I don't want lower quality.)

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Whereas I would love to explore everywhere, I don't want them to rush all those maps, butchering them like some ls maps (hello kourna or bitterfrost). They should be in the continuity of core maps.


We have more 80 maps than <80 maps. I don't believe that they are all exotics and wild at a point to be 80 especially the one near DR, originally, only southsun was 80 because it was really a place of danger.


Just a feeling, strange to reach 80 and then you just have 80 everywhere, but in same time, I kinda understand that system.... Especially lake doric a map near a starter zone and stii, 80...

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