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Is It Really True? Deadeye Spite.

Aspen Tie.5084

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I've been playing Gw2 since release. My main focus has always been sPvP. By absolutely no means do I consider myself a really good player but I feel I can hold my own and have a fairly good understanding of proper map rotation, targeting, and when to peel and decap etc. I've always played core guard and would manage to trickle into platinum bracket, usually floating between gold 3 and plat 1. Recently, however, I've fallen in love with playing Deadeye - there is just no going back for me. I know it gets a bad rap but, I enjoy it too much. With that being said... For fucks sake... I've never been so verbally abused in my Gw2 career. Recently I've contemplated turning off team chat and just blindly playIng. The moment my team is down on the scoreboard it starts. I'm nailed to the cross and berated here on out for; not just one game BUT several because, the same Judas assclown of course is matched on my team over and over again. Needless to say the matches haven't even started yet and I'm already being buried. I begin to wonder if maybe it really is my fault? and it's a downward spiral of insecurity that I'm constantly doing something wrong - and I begin to not play as well: making more mistakes, backtracking, and not being confident. I placed and ranked up to gold 3 playing only Deadeye and the torment has been consistent throughout.


I know the thief stigma has been brought up several times before and I apologize for the rant. I just had to clear my conscience.


Have a good rest of the weekend!

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Yeeah. Thief gets a lot of verbal abuse. largely from people who have never played. You will be called toxic for standing up for yourself. And selfish for deciding not to do something others thought would let them win. Ive even been called a troll for taking out a player who was low and full capping, despite having map knowledge to know Im not needed anywhere else. Because I 1v1ed and full capped instead of running to go decap or plus 1.



I will say, after a while you will get fed up of playing thief outside of deadeyes rifle. You will learn quickly enough that you are out matched by almost everything. And to take someone out is an absolute chore or stressful in 1v1

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Well there is a huge problem with Thief, mainly that they are a great dueling class, or ganking class, but horrible at finishing fights fast when they get caught.


If yur faced with any decent player, they will never fall to traditional Thief bursts, and will reset fights repeatedly against a Thief.


And since Thief has lesser durability than other classes, it is only a matter of time or a mistake to occur which will quickly and swiftly end the Thief.


Also with the DD steal nerf, Staff DD which is pretty strong for dueling and has very good consistent damage, was robbed of their engage tool as well.


Which is why I see more people shift over to Mesmer, because not only are they able to have portal shenanigans, they have usually very good utility, punishing burst, high survivability, and basically a better Thief than Thief is.


And Deadeye. Phew.


A class with no Unblockables, but wants to rock several thousands of damage per shot? That's asking for a well timed reflect to just kill yurself.

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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Well there is a huge problem with Thief, mainly that they are a great dueling class, or ganking class, but horrible at finishing fights fast when they get caught.


> If yur faced with any decent player, they will never fall to traditional Thief bursts, and will reset fights repeatedly against a Thief.


> And since Thief has lesser durability than other classes, it is only a matter of time or a mistake to occur which will quickly and swiftly end the Thief.


> Also with the DD steal nerf, Staff DD which is pretty strong for dueling and has very good consistent damage, was robbed of their engage tool as well.


> Which is why I see more people shift over to Mesmer, because not only are they able to have portal shenanigans, they have usually very good utility, punishing burst, high survivability, and basically a better Thief than Thief is.


> And Deadeye. Phew.


> A class with no Unblockables, but wants to rock several thousands of damage per shot? That's asking for a well timed reflect to just kill yurself.


Preparations are Unblockable though.

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In one game in the early stages of HoT, I got constant verbal abuse from a glass ele that kept saying thief was useless, blaming me for the eventual loss and trying to get me reported just for playing thief, and all he did all game was run to far and die horribly. Over and over, all game.


Some people don't seem to realise that thieves rely on their team not playing like muppets in order to do their job as decap and +1, if you force us to teamfight because you're trying and failing to decap on an ele then that's on you bub.

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