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Trait+Skill Mechanic Reworks Suggestions

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

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Here's a list of underused, subpar/bugged skills that hardly see the light of day with suggestions of myself and other's in this very thread.


Starting off with *Traits*

*Rending Shade: Steal boons(2 Boons) from enemies you strike with stealth attacks. Incoming damage from enemies without boons is reduced.*

* _Suggestion:_ Listening to fellow thieves on this. This is nice and all except one problem...99% of the time all spvp and wvw enemies will have boons, rendering this effect useless and a waste of an add on.


* I like rending shade. The 10 percent is an issue. I would rather see it become “Take 2 percent less damage for 10 seconds on removing a boon” This of course would be cumulative and work with any boon removal meaning if you use a BT and RS combo you get that 10 percent. The raw numbers may need a tweak. - babazhook.6805


*Instant Reflexes: Evade attacks (2s) when you are struck below the health threshold.(50%)(40s ICD)*

* _Suggestion:_ TBH, just 2 seconds with a 40 second cooldown is a bit unreasonable. Reduce cooldown or buff the length by a second.


*Swindler's Equilibrium: Successfully evading an attack while wielding a sword or spear recharges steal by a static amount (1s ICD and 1s for recharge). Swords and spears deal increased damage.*

* _Suggestion:_ Wow...1 second recharge...why not 2? Sw/D or Sw/P is useless in spvp and other's outshine it easily.


*Bountiful Theft: Stealing grants you and all nearby allies vigor. You rip boons from your target and grant them to nearby allies. (2 Boons)*

* _Suggestion:_ Allow full stacks to be stolen, 1 might stack or 1 stability stack is hardly bountiful for Eternal Alchemy's Sake.


*Trickster: Reduces recharge on tricks(20%). Tricks remove conditions(1).*

* _Suggestion:_ Can I just say 1 condition for 1 skill seems a bit ridiculous considering how many are flying around now. Allow "Uncatchable":https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Uncatchable to proc this at LEAST.


*Bewildering Ambush: Stealing also applies confusion(5 stacks).*

* _Suggestion:_Add 5 Vulnerability as well.


*Escapist's Absolution: Remove a condition(1) whenever you evade an attack.(1s ICD)*

_Suggestion:_Keep the ICD, add an extra condition removed.


*Weapon Skills:*


*D/P:* Wouldn't change a thing, strong setup, great for beginners to learn


*S/D:* Underused as other's are better. Infiltrator's Strike doesn't remove quite enough conditions, slam another for return to be removed.


*S/P:* Underused but potential. Give Pistol Whip the Unload treatment with initiative gain if all attacks hit. Add Whirl finisher facing forward to proc Black Powder/Add benefit if evading projectile attacks while using Pistol Whip, you gain something in return.


*D/D:* It's ok, but give Dancing Dagger a benefit when it returns to you PER foe hit other than just crippling them.


*Shortbow:* Loved the change to Choking Gas, It encourages condition removal otherwise risks of high interupt spikes. Wouldn't Change it at all. (IF you remove poison you'll be fine against the interupts...just don't reach 5 stacks during a pulse)


*P/D:* Bring Ricochet back with the autoattack only or original effect(See engineer pistol autoattack). Love the change as is though.


*P/P:* Ditto


*Staff:* For the love of god give the first skill for this the ability to go through the entire chain without hitting something like the Mesmer scepter mainhand. Helps deal with ranged a bit more while still leaving timing to the opponent shooting you.


AND give Dust Strike(skill 4 on staff)a change in mechanic and allow it to either shoot a LINE of smoke instead of seperated 3 impacts(were not a revanent here) OR let it create a smokescreen skill(2 seconds) in a straight line which would promote positioning of the players engaging in range AND defending (the thief, duh)


*Editing when I Can for formatting and updating suggestions with names under my own suggestions*

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> @"Lithril Ashwalker.6230" said:

> Here's a list of underused, subpar/bugged skills that hardly see the light of day with suggestions of myself and other's in this very thread.


> Starting off with *Traits*

> *Rending Shade: Steal boons(2 Boons) from enemies you strike with stealth attacks. Incoming damage from enemies without boons is reduced.*

> * _Suggestion:_ Listening to fellow thieves on this. This is nice and all except one problem...99% of the time all spvp and wvw enemies will have boons, rendering this effect useless and a waste of an add on.


> * I like rending shade. The 10 percent is an issue. I would rather see it become “Take 2 percent less damage for 10 seconds on removing a boon” This of course would be cumulative and work with any boon removal meaning if you use a BT and RS combo you get that 10 percent. The raw numbers may need a tweak. - babazhook.6805


> *Instant Reflexes: Evade attacks (2s) when you are struck below the health threshold.(50%)(40s ICD)*

> * _Suggestion:_ TBH, just 2 seconds with a 40 second cooldown is a bit unreasonable. Reduce cooldown or buff the length by a second.


> *Swindler's Equilibrium: Successfully evading an attack while wielding a sword or spear recharges steal by a static amount (1s ICD and 1s for recharge). Swords and spears deal increased damage.*

> * _Suggestion:_ Wow...1 second recharge...why not 2? Sw/D or Sw/P is useless in spvp and other's outshine it easily.


> *Bountiful Theft: Stealing grants you and all nearby allies vigor. You rip boons from your target and grant them to nearby allies. (2 Boons)*

> * _Suggestion:_ Allow full stacks to be stolen, 1 might stack or 1 stability stack is hardly bountiful for Eternal Alchemy's Sake.


> *Trickster: Reduces recharge on tricks(20%). Tricks remove conditions(1).*

> * _Suggestion:_ Can I just say 1 condition for 1 skill seems a bit ridiculous considering how many are flying around now. Allow "Uncatchable":https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Uncatchable to proc this at LEAST.


> *Bewildering Ambush: Stealing also applies confusion(5 stacks).*

> * _Suggestion:_Add 5 Vulnerability as well.


> *Escapist's Absolution: Remove a condition(1) whenever you evade an attack.(1s ICD)*

> _Suggestion:_Keep the ICD, add an extra condition removed.


> *Weapon Skills:*


> *D/P:* Wouldn't change a thing, strong setup, great for beginners to learn


> *S/D:* Underused as other's are better. Infiltrator's Strike doesn't remove quite enough conditions, slam another for return to be removed.


> *S/P:* Underused but potential. Give Pistol Whip the Unload treatment with initiative gain if all attacks hit. Add Whirl finisher facing forward to proc Black Powder/Add benefit if evading projectile attacks while using Pistol Whip, you gain something in return.


> *D/D:* It's ok, but give Dancing Dagger a benefit when it returns to you PER foe hit other than just crippling them.


> *Shortbow:* Loved the change to Choking Gas, It encourages condition removal otherwise risks of high interupt spikes. Wouldn't Change it at all. (IF you remove poison you'll be fine against the interupts...just don't reach 5 stacks during a pulse)


> *P/D:* Bring Ricochet back with the autoattack only or original effect(See engineer pistol autoattack). Love the change as is though.


> *P/P:* Ditto


> *Staff:* For the love of god give the first skill for this the ability to go through the entire chain without hitting something like the Mesmer scepter mainhand. Helps deal with ranged a bit more while still leaving timing to the opponent shooting you.


> AND give Dust Strike(skill 4 on staff)a change in mechanic and allow it to either shoot a LINE of smoke instead of seperated 3 impacts(were not a revanent here) OR let it create a smokescreen skill(2 seconds) in a straight line which would promote positioning of the players engaging in range AND defending (the thief, duh)


> *Editing when I Can for formatting and updating suggestions with names under my own suggestions*


A lot of these suggestions are just pure and blatant power creep, especially the Condi removal ones for IR and Escapists, Swindler's Equilibrium resets the whole Steal CD on successful Evade on a 20 sec ICD, the version you listed has been outdated for over a month now.


Thief is very good when it comes to personal Condi cleanses based on traits and skills, between Acro traitline, EA, Shadowstep, Signet of Agility, Tricks when Traited , and with the new DE skills coming also provide very strong Condi cleanses.


The instant Reflexes could be worked with since most other passive defenses last a lot longer so a 1 sec increase duration wouldn't be too bad.


The Suggestions for Bewildering Ambush also blatant powercreep, it is already a strong trait with just the 5stacks of Confusion when playing a Condi build.


Richochet should be added back into the game to allow more than just having single target damage for pistol and the upcoming Rifle.


With the trait rework on Aug 8th they fixed quite a few underused specs and made them more useable like CS and Acro, some traits and skill need rework but would need to be evaluated after the first few months after PoF.

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> @kash.9213 said:

> Is this an old post you're just trying to catalog on new forums? A number of those things seem alright at the moment and I would rather they not be messed with. If you're just parking the thread here that's cool.


parking - to keep up with it. ive been migrating some threads from old forums myself.

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