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Starborn Outfit

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Had to spend 10 keys to get the outfit - rather lucky, I guess?


The helmet is an utter abomination, but the outfit itself is rather pretty - at least in my opinion.


It actually surprises me though that the outfit is as skimpy as it is. That's quite rare for ANets standard since more revealing outfits usually look rather silly in the genital-regions. Just look at outfits like the Elonian Elementalist.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> It actually surprises me though that the outfit is as skimpy as it is. That's quite rare for ANets standard since more revealing outfits usually look rather silly in the genital-regions. Just look at outfits like the Elonian Elementalist.


The person in charge of adding butt-capes to everything must have been on vacation when this was approved. ;)

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I saw a Char wearing itl looked nice as one of those crazy cat looks he had the helm disabled. However it being too...skimpy on other races. Couldn't they make it a gem store infusion? Cause the armor is just...maybe this is the anets sneaky answer to people who wanna run around naked with swim suits.


I am not using that on any of my chars or getting it even if it was an "ingame" item..if it was a dyable infusion however...that might be interesting?

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It's another time limited + completely random cosmetic item that looks better than anything that could be earned by playing the game normally, something which is supposed to be bought by spending absurd amounts of RL cash and gamble, in a game where the main progression is cosmetics, even further destrying the reward strcuture of the game.


So once more an utter failure and another step in the wrong direction. Why don't they put rewards like this in the game to grind? Why don't they come up with let's say a PvE solo arena or group arena or endless horde defense missions and have this as a reward with the newest update?


That would bring ppl to actually play the game, rather than either not caring at all about the costume, since it is so absurdly expensive/RNG/Limited/RL Cash or buying it instantly, wasting tons of RL money on it, then feeling bad for spending so much money on an ingame item and everyone knowing that you did when you wear that costume and also still not having any more content to do in the game, since all that got added was an ingame item that without any lore, worldbuilding, explanation, makes you look like a fallen god or whatever just via an ingame popup!


Imo another terrible addition to the game.

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> @"Irreverent.3594" said:

> Welp, had 40 keys stored from map completion. Got it after 19.

> Already Stardiaper'ed 3 of my characters, now only thing missing is Starbound skin for Skyscale and i have won Fashion Wars.


Do you have eternity to match with your star outfit and star mounts, though?

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > God this outfit is so hideous.

> >

> >

> > Everyone already looks like a blinding star, can we not push more outfits like this and get some more down to earth armor pieces/skins. Christ.


> Ya want a loincloth? =)


No, I want outfits that the NPCs get the joy of having but we don't get. How about getting back to racial outfits. Human, sylvari, charr, asura, norn inspired? Probably not human since they had a whole expansion worthy of pretty nice outfits that can go with the other races.


Even BDOs outfits fit more with their world and they had things like damn Victoria secret swimsuits. Like it just make fashion wars a whole big yikes for people that actually want to fashion wars properly.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > God this outfit is so hideous.

> > >

> > >

> > > Everyone already looks like a blinding star, can we not push more outfits like this and get some more down to earth armor pieces/skins. Christ.

> >

> > Ya want a loincloth? =)


> No, I want outfits that the NPCs get the joy of having but we don't get. How about getting back to racial outfits. Human, sylvari, charr, asura, norn inspired? Probably not human since they had a whole expansion worthy of pretty nice outfits that can go with the other races.


> Even BDOs outfits fit more with their world and they had things like kitten Victoria secret swimsuits. Like it just make fashion wars a whole big yikes for people that actually want to fashion wars properly.


I understand, and sympathise, excellent points. It was just the 'christ' exclamation that brought out my (silly) comment.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > > God this outfit is so hideous.

> > >

> > >

> > > Everyone already looks like a blinding star, can we not push more outfits like this and get some more down to earth armor pieces/skins. Christ.

> >

> > Ya want a loincloth? =)


> No, I want outfits that the NPCs get the joy of having but we don't get. How about getting back to racial outfits. Human, sylvari, charr, asura, norn inspired? Probably not human since they had a whole expansion worthy of pretty nice outfits that can go with the other races.


> Even BDOs outfits fit more with their world and they had things like kitten Victoria secret swimsuits. Like it just make fashion wars a whole big yikes for people that actually want to fashion wars properly.


I'm more of an armor fan myself.

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I sort of wonder why they didn’t make this a swimsuit, you know, for the summer event and all... and a lot of people request that. If they only removed the starry effect it would essentially be a swimsuit. But as it is it’s still pretty unique and maybe I’ll use it a bit

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> Even BDOs outfits fit more with their world and they had things like kitten Victoria secret swimsuits. Like it just make fashion wars a whole big yikes for people that actually want to fashion wars properly.


All they have to do is flip the Victoria Secret swimsuit mode on here and bank. They can even make it like DoA beach volleyball and let people collect sets of pixelated "armor" and rng gate it too. If people are dropping serious cash for this, sky's the limit.

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> @"Dhemize.8649" said:

> Too bad you can't sell these. I got one for each of my alts and it doesn't look good on little noodle rat characters. I think it would look better without the diaper armor and left only as a celestial silhouette.


I agree those extra parts make the outfit really ugly but without them it wouldn't be an "attempt" at a swimsuit anymore. Which could hurt sales.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > it seems like they love the RNG so much that they even add outfits and armor parts in it lately, more money for them i guess.....


> This isn't a new thing. The black lion chests have had 1-2 account bound items which are not available anywhere else for years now (since about 2016 I think). This isn't even the first time it's been an outfit.


> I don't like it either, I don't buy cash shop RNG items in any game and it's frustrating when there isn't another way to get those items. But I'm confused by the number of comments I've seen today acting like this outfit being exclusive to the chests is something new and unexpected, or somehow indicative of a change in direction for Anet. At this point it's standard practice.


they have always sold them, only recently they put them exclusively in chests.


just a PS, why did they made the armor pieces 60 statues while i distinctly remember them being 30 statues?

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> they have always sold them, only recently they put them exclusively in chests.

The Balthazaar outfit was BL Chest exclusive and is not recent at all.

But no one lost their minds then.

> just a PS, why did they made the armor pieces 60 statues while i distinctly remember them being 30 statues?

The one off armor pieces were usually 60 each.

The old armor sets were (and are currently) 30.

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