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Useless Exotic?

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I received a Diviners Winged Lantern for some "achievement" in the festival. It's a back item with Diviner's stats. It's also totally useless. It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it.


What is the idea of having worthless rewards as part of festivals? Especially as the reward from a cumulative achievement? Please make it useful for SOMETHING.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I received a Diviners Winged Lantern for some "achievement" in the festival. It's a back item with Diviner's stats. It's also totally useless. It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it.


> What is the idea of having worthless rewards as part of festivals? Especially as the reward from a cumulative achievement? Please make it useful for SOMETHING.


It unlocked a skin for you, so it's not "worthless." It's just inconvenient.

You also seem to forget that not everyone participating in the festival is a veteran with drawers full of ascended trinkets, so it's certainly valuable to some people (especially core-only players).


Would it be better if it also had a vendor value or be usable in the forge or have an additional use? Sure.

Still no need to over-dramatize the situation.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> Well, it's a skin unlock. I'd like it better though if they'd just make things like that consumables that you can use to transmute, like Black Lion weapon skins.


Wouldn't make any difference for me. Still just tossed into the trash like I just did with several sovereign weapon skins.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:


> -op


Please read his post again.


He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > -op


> Please read his post again.


> He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.


He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.


Either way, a free skin.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > -op

> >

> > Please read his post again.

> >

> > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.


> He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.


> Either way, a free skin.


Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > -op

> > >

> > > Please read his post again.

> > >

> > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> >

> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).


Guess you should have checked the reward then. That's on you for doing the content only for the reward, for a reward you don't want. Not going to get much pity here.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> A skin? A skin for a meta-achievement?

That's very often the tangible reward for meta achievements, especially for festivals. Why does this surprise you?


> I suppose I could consider it a valuable skin,

The problem is you didn't complain about it being insufficiently valuable; you claimed it was worthless..


> since it's value as back armor is zero.

You mean that you can't think of a use for it. It's value as back armor is more than zero for those interested in builds using those stats.


> But, this is the final reward in the annual meta for a festival.

Yes, it is.


> It should have at least SOME value.

It has some value. You just don't consider it important, which is different.


> It's not even valuable as a skin.

Then explain how else you can obtain that skin other than via completing the umbrella achievement for the festival?


And by the way: keep in mind that this is _in addition_ to all the rewards you've gotten for doing the component achievements.



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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > -op

> > >

> > > Please read his post again.

> > >

> > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> >

> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).


You should correct your original post, though you did point out that it's not usable by any of your characters, you still stated it's totally useless when in fact it is not "totally" useless. To you yes, but it might be useful to someone...nothing is totally useless(no matter how much we like to think so, something might be totally useless to that person, but someone, somewhere might and most likely will find it useful). This is a common fallacy that I see stated at least once a day in all walks of life.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> A skin? A skin for a meta-achievement?


> I suppose I could consider it a valuable skin, since it's value as back armor is zero. But, this is the final reward in the annual meta for a festival. It should have at least SOME value. It's not even valuable as a skin.


What do you mean "some value"? It's a festival-themed skin, it has the same value as any other untradable skin has. You either like it or you don't. Nobody owes you anything for playing through the festival content and getting AP for achievements. It's a bonus loot and you're complaining about it, lmao. And it's not hard to get, it being a "meta-achievement" means nothing.


> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > -op

> > >

> > > Please read his post again.

> > >

> > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> >

> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).


You could see it before you got it. Getting a skin you don't want is on you and noone else.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > > -op

> > > >

> > > > Please read his post again.

> > > >

> > > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> > >

> > > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> > >

> > > Either way, a free skin.

> >

> > Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).


> Guess you should have checked the reward then. That's on you for doing the content only for the reward, for a reward you don't want. Not going to get much pity here.


Brilliant idea. And, how exactly was I supposed to know that it couldn't be salvaged or forged? The entry in the wiki says it NOW, but that's because I wrote it after I learned it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > A skin? A skin for a meta-achievement?

> That's very often the tangible reward for meta achievements, especially for festivals. Why does this surprise you?


> > I suppose I could consider it a valuable skin,

> The problem is you didn't complain about it being insufficiently valuable; you claimed it was worthless..


> > since it's value as back armor is zero.

> You mean that you can't think of a use for it. It's value as back armor is more than zero for those interested in builds using those stats.


> > But, this is the final reward in the annual meta for a festival.

> Yes, it is.


> > It should have at least SOME value.

> It has some value. You just don't consider it important, which is different.


> > It's not even valuable as a skin.

> Then explain how else you can obtain that skin other than via completing the umbrella achievement for the festival?


> And by the way: keep in mind that this is _in addition_ to all the rewards you've gotten for doing the component achievements.




You just always have an answer, don't you. "Valuable skin" is sarcasm. It has no value as a skin, because I can't sell it.


Stop being such a fanboy and think like a player.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > > -op

> > > >

> > > > Please read his post again.

> > > >

> > > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> > >

> > > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> > >

> > > Either way, a free skin.

> >

> > Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).


> You should correct your original post, though you did point out that it's not usable by any of your characters, you still stated it's totally useless when in fact it is not "totally" useless. To you yes, but it might be useful to someone...nothing is totally useless(no matter how much we like to think so, something might be totally useless to that person, but someone, somewhere might and most likely will find it useful). This is a common fallacy that I see stated at least once a day in all walks of life.


Can I somehow get it into someone else's hands? If not, THAT ITEM is useless. Learn your logic before spouting false fallacies.


An over-arching meta's reward should have value to EVERYBODY, not just some people.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> and here I thought Diviner gear was great for Quickbrand, Alacrigrade and chrono...


> I guess I was wrong. /s


Perhaps, but all 28 of my mains already have ascended back items with stats matching their builds. One even has Diviner's (a Chronomancer.)

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Guys, think about this: what other exotic gear is excluded from being sold, traded, salvaged, or forged?


There are VERY few, and the ones that do usually have a reason behind it (like, the free armor you get from a level 80 boost, stuff you get from leveling up, or stuff you buy from a karma merchant.) The wiki's salvage page has a list, and none of them apply here.


Can anybody think of any other rewarded gear that is like this? I'm sure there must be, but I can't think of any.

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It would be nice if these (all of the rewards) could be salvaged or at the least sold, the skins are a nice reward but it'd be nice to not have to just destroy the item itself if the item is of no use to someone.


It seems to be a common characteristic in backpieces though, the HoT ones couldn't be salvaged neither could the ones you get from the other festivals, nor the crafted ones, nor the LS1 exotics like karka carapace or the spinal blades nor the mawdrey "precursors" from LS2. Actually


The _think_ the only ones you can salvage are the "precursors" to the ascended backpacks from LS3, PoF and LS4. You can sell some of the other reward backpacks though, so it looks like an oversight.


Hey, at least you don't have to type in the full name to delete it.


(Edit: I'm wrong and the Path of Fire backpieces can be sold and salvaged, fixed).

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > A skin? A skin for a meta-achievement?

> > That's very often the tangible reward for meta achievements, especially for festivals. Why does this surprise you?

> >

> > > I suppose I could consider it a valuable skin,

> > The problem is you didn't complain about it being insufficiently valuable; you claimed it was worthless..

> >

> > > since it's value as back armor is zero.

> > You mean that you can't think of a use for it. It's value as back armor is more than zero for those interested in builds using those stats.

> >

> > > But, this is the final reward in the annual meta for a festival.

> > Yes, it is.

> >

> > > It should have at least SOME value.

> > It has some value. You just don't consider it important, which is different.

> >

> > > It's not even valuable as a skin.

> > Then explain how else you can obtain that skin other than via completing the umbrella achievement for the festival?

> >

> > And by the way: keep in mind that this is _in addition_ to all the rewards you've gotten for doing the component achievements.

> >

> >


> "Valuable skin" is sarcasm. It has no value as a skin, because I can't sell it.








> @"Daddicus.6128" said:



> Can I somehow get it into someone else's hands? If not, THAT ITEM is useless.


> (Removed offending remarks so post won't be actioned.)



It is stated (more than once) that item in question will _only_ have value if it can be traded. Yet, easily ascertained before even starting to complete the required content for the meta that said item is _Account Bound_.



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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > and here I thought Diviner gear was great for Quickbrand, Alacrigrade and chrono...

> >

> > I guess I was wrong. /s


> Perhaps, but all 28 of my mains already have ascended back items with stats matching their builds. One even has Diviner's (a Chronomancer.)


So rewards need to be balanced around people who have 28 characters with multiple ascended sets now? What about me then? I have 30 characters (all geared in full exotic or above with most in ascended), over 30 full ascended armor sets, mutliple legendary armors and literally bank tabs full of ascended weapon/armor chests with thousands of magnetite/gaeting shards. Do I get to complain?


**The main reward is a skin.** If you like it or not is subjective, it's what you get for this meta and is in line with what meta achievement rewards have been accross the board.


For new players and veterans who lack diviner gear, the item is a useful stat combination on top of the skin.


Why people would get bent out of shape over not being able to salvage an exotic for the 0-5 ecto's they might get is beyond me.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > I received a Diviners Winged Lantern for some "achievement" in the festival. It's a back item with Diviner's stats. It's also totally useless. It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it.

> >

> > What is the idea of having worthless rewards as part of festivals? Especially as the reward from a cumulative achievement? Please make it useful for SOMETHING.


> It unlocked a skin for you, so it's not "worthless." It's just inconvenient.

> You also seem to forget that not everyone participating in the festival is a veteran with drawers full of ascended trinkets, so it's certainly valuable to some people (especially core-only players).


> Would it be better if it also had a vendor value or be usable in the forge or have an additional use? Sure.

> Still no need to over-dramatize the situation.


You cannot know what value a backpack skin has for someone. It can be very little, close to "worthless". But, let's suppose it is not worthless. Being "inconvenient" is even worst than "worthless". "Inconvenience" is even lower on the enjoyment scale than "nothing". Being unable to salvage it/sell it to a vendor turns this "inconvenience" into a frustration. This is not the only situation when the best use for a "reward" is to destroy it. But you spend some effort in this (click / confirm / maybe type the name) than in the situation you receive nothing. As I said before, "inconvenience" is even worst than "nothing".


And now let's make a small imagination effort startig from the next statement:


> @"Sobx.1758" said:


> He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.


> Either way, a free skin.


Let's substitute "the festival" with "the raids". I suppose the raiders enjoy the content. They get AP from raiding. And now, le't suppose that after clearing all the wings from the HoT raids they receive the LI for every boss AND, once they complete the raid A SINGLE extra reward consisting in an exotic backpack. Not salvageable, impossible to sell, having the option to destroy it - but only after clicking/confirming/typing the name.


What do you say? It is the same reward in a different situation.


I don't know how some players can find "wisdom" (to quote our Silvary race) in a reward giving you a sentiment of frustration (because the best use for that "reward" is to destroy it).

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