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Useless Exotic?

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I received a Diviners Winged Lantern for some "achievement" in the festival. It's a back item with Diviner's stats. It's also totally useless. It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it.


> What is the idea of having worthless rewards as part of festivals? Especially as the reward from a cumulative achievement? Please make it useful for SOMETHING.


You really came here just to cry about 50 silver? Game has bigger problems

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Let's substitute "the festival" with "the raids". I suppose the raiders enjoy the content. They get AP from raiding. And now, le't suppose that after clearing all the wings from the HoT raids they receive the LI for every boss AND, once they complete the raid A SINGLE extra reward consisting in an exotic backpack. Not salvageable, impossible to sell, having the option to destroy it - but only after clicking/confirming/typing the name.


> What do you say? It is the same reward in a different situation.


> I don't know how some players can find "wisdom" (to quote our Silvary race) in a reward giving you a sentiment of frustration (because the best use for that "reward" is to destroy it).


That's pretty much exactly what raids reward right now is it not? Actually even less since the chance to actually get loot in raids is low with people seeing weeks of full clearing all raid wings and not seeing a single ascended item and most exotic items being valued at 30s or less for vastly more effort than some open world achievements.


Not really sure which point you are tying to make here.


Yes, the skin is subjective and not everyone will like it. It is the main reward though. Arenanet could have just made it a skin item without any stats. They opted to make it an accountbound exotic with one of the most useful support stat combinations in game.


If you are getting frustrated, that's on you. My immediate thought was: the skin isn't really my thing but cool account bound diviner back item for people who want to make support builds (and I have absolutely no use for the item myself).

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > -op

> > >

> > > Please read his post again.

> > >

> > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> >

> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).


Well you did the festival to get your rewards and .. you got them plus an additional reward for completing the 18 achievs.

The reward was never hidden from you, it clearly showed what you were going to get for it, so what it really comes down to is... you got the event rewards you were after.

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I agree it's not a big deal, but I also find it frustrating when I get an item I don't want to keep but can't dispose of by any method except destroying it. It always feels like I must be missing something and I end up wanting to double check all the options, and then wondering if maybe there's something I'm missing or it's supposed to be used for something else (although confusingly many items which can be upgraded or are part of a collection _can_ be sold or salvaged).


As I said when the same issue was raised regarding one of the Dragon Bash rewards (possibly the back item again?) I suspect in some cases it's an oversight by the person making the item because I've encountered some items which are literally useless. Some gem store minis for example instantly unlock the skin in your wardrobe when you withdraw them from the mail they're delivered in, but then also put an item in your inventory. That item can't be sold, salvaged or put in the mystic forge and has absolutely no use except to display the mini - which is done more effectively by selecting the unlocked skin in the mini tab. But to delete the item you have to go through a warning that it's important and type out it's name, implying that Anet don't expect you to do that.


I don't know how exactly items are designed in GW2 but I suspect in cases like that it's the result of someone forgetting to 'flag' the item for an appropriate method of destruction.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I agree it's not a big deal, but I also find it frustrating when I get an item I don't want to keep but can't dispose of by any method except destroying it.


This is the heart of the issue, I don't know why everything around here seems to devolve into arguments over semantics. :)


It'd be solved by sticking a modest price tag on these items 2 s 64 c is the standard price for a level 80 exotic back item.

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Considering that Diviners is one of the more problematic stat combos, as you need to farm chests in Thunderhead Keep for the materials needed to buy the insignia, no, nothing wrong with it, though I must confess, I wish every exotic gear drop was stat selectable.



> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I agree it's not a big deal, but I also find it frustrating when I get an item I don't want to keep but can't dispose of by any method except destroying it.


> This is the heart of the issue, I don't know why everything around here seems to devolve into arguments over semantics. :)


> It'd be solved by sticking a modest price tag on these items 2 s 64 c is the standard price for a level 80 exotic back item.


Lowest common denominator, as some people will accidentally vendor them and then put in a ticket. I know, it sounds silly, but then so does a "Warning: Poision" label on a bottle marked "Poison". Devs sometimes try to save us from ourselves.


I have to wait until I hit a stack of 250 Obsidian shards before I bother trying to destroy them.


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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > > @"Mil.3562" said:

> > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > > > > > -op

> > > > >

> > > > > Please read his post again.

> > > > >

> > > > > He got the skin from doing a chain of achivements, which means he sort of worked for it. Nothing is free. It is free only because the cost has not revealed itself yet.

> > > >

> > > > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > > > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > > > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> > > >

> > > > Either way, a free skin.

> > >

> > > Not really. I did the content so I could get the rewards, like I always do. I would rather be doing fractals. I was dumbfounded when I found out it is worthless (to me).

> >

> > You should correct your original post, though you did point out that it's not usable by any of your characters, you still stated it's totally useless when in fact it is not "totally" useless. To you yes, but it might be useful to someone...nothing is totally useless(no matter how much we like to think so, something might be totally useless to that person, but someone, somewhere might and most likely will find it useful). This is a common fallacy that I see stated at least once a day in all walks of life.


> Can I somehow get it into someone else's hands? If not, THAT ITEM is useless. Learn your logic before spouting false fallacies.


> An over-arching meta's reward should have value to EVERYBODY, not just some people.


Read my prior post again...I specifically stated it was useless to YOU, just because you can't get into someone else's hands does not make the items useless all around...it is still only useless to you personally...that's the point I was trying to make.


In almost all cases like this, like skins you get from the Gem store that automatically unlock the skin the Wardrobe but still give you an item that takes up an inventory slot, it's useless to that person for the most part. I've found when it comes to skins like that I tend to save the item, put it in the bank and find a character that I might like to use the skin on...then I don't have to use a transmutation charge(not that I'd mind with over 1500 of them), but still, it saves on that.


I'm not sure why people have such an issue with trashing/destroying a piece of virtual property, even if you did buy gems to purchase it...isn't that what disposable income is for, to spend it on what you want?


P.S. - I'll have to check that level 18 Exotic item I got(if I didn't already trash it, since a level 18 Exotic Light Armor is pretty much something I don't need).


P.P.S. - When I get one of those Account Bound items that appears to have no use to me what so ever, especially if it's Exotic or Ascended I just put it in the bank...that's what I use the bank for, storage of items I neither use or need, I even keep one of each of those collection items we've received and created a character just to hold a lot of them, some will call it hoarding, I call it nostalgia.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it. [...] Please make it useful for SOMETHING.


This goes for many items. If they change it here, they need to change all of those.


> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Anet is not very good with drops, this has been the case even in their previous game. :/


At least farming in GW1 was totally rewarding.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > I agree it's not a big deal, but I also find it frustrating when I get an item I don't want to keep but can't dispose of by any method except destroying it.

> >

> > This is the heart of the issue, I don't know why everything around here seems to devolve into arguments over semantics. :)

> >

> > It'd be solved by sticking a modest price tag on these items 2 s 64 c is the standard price for a level 80 exotic back item.


> Lowest common denominator, as some people will accidentally vendor them and then put in a ticket. I know, it sounds silly, but then so does a "Warning: Poision" label on a bottle marked "Poison". Devs sometimes try to save us from ourselves.


Do they? Do people really sell exotics by accident then put in tickets for them? I doubt that's all that common an occurance, unless they had an infusion in them.


There are a number of one time only exotic backpacks that can be sold or salvaged including the PoF ones (the banners). If they were truly saving us from ourselves then surely they would have removed the ability to sell or salvage those.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > > I agree it's not a big deal, but I also find it frustrating when I get an item I don't want to keep but can't dispose of by any method except destroying it.

> > >

> > > This is the heart of the issue, I don't know why everything around here seems to devolve into arguments over semantics. :)

> > >

> > > It'd be solved by sticking a modest price tag on these items 2 s 64 c is the standard price for a level 80 exotic back item.

> >

> > Lowest common denominator, as some people will accidentally vendor them and then put in a ticket. I know, it sounds silly, but then so does a "Warning: Poision" label on a bottle marked "Poison". Devs sometimes try to save us from ourselves.


> Do they? Do people really sell exotics by accident then put in tickets for them? I doubt that's all that common an occurance, unless they had an infusion in them.


> There are a number of one time only exotic backpacks that can be sold or salvaged including the PoF ones (the banners). If they were truly saving us from ourselves then surely they would have removed the ability to sell or salvage those.


There is no way for to provide any statistics, but why else would they go to the trouble of adding that extra step before you can destroy something? Deleting a character? Sure. But items?


You'll see posts crop up about people vendoring super expensive infusions by accident, or other such things. I'm sure it happens. To what degree? No clue. But imagine if ANET said "we will not restore any item you vendor/destroy under any circumstances ever" as a policy? That would not be welcomed. But at the same time, they don't need support swamped by people putting in tickets for "oopsies".


So yeah... /shrug

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It _is_ a bit weird that you can't break it down for raw materials, but I also noticed that right-clicking it gives you a 'customize' option similar to what we saw of the new legendary upgrades interface. Perhaps the item is bugged currently? Not being able to sell it doesn't seem strange to me but, on the other hand, you were able to sell [Mini Freezie's Heart](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Freezie%27s_Heart "Mini Freezie's Heart") which was an achievement for completing Wintersday annuals.


In light of those things, I'd consider the fancy chicken we got this year to be more limited than other exotics and meta rewards because of the inconsistency between them. So not entirely useless, but oddly restricted.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Let's substitute "the festival" with "the raids". I suppose the raiders enjoy the content. They get AP from raiding. And now, le't suppose that after clearing all the wings from the HoT raids they receive the LI for every boss AND, once they complete the raid A SINGLE extra reward consisting in an exotic backpack. Not salvageable, impossible to sell, having the option to destroy it - but only after clicking/confirming/typing the name.


> What do you say? It is the same reward in a different situation.


> I don't know how some players can find "wisdom" (to quote our Silvary race) in a reward giving you a sentiment of frustration (because the best use for that "reward" is to destroy it).


No, it's not the same and it's not even close to being the same type of content. Kind of forced comparison.

But even then, if we stick to the 'rules' made here -they receive ONE-TIME, ADDITIONAL (like you wrote) reward, so I don't see a problem there either. You'd get literally everything you already get and then get a free skin on top of it. Oh nooooo.....

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > > I received a Diviners Winged Lantern for some "achievement" in the festival. It's a back item with Diviner's stats. It's also totally useless. It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it.

> > >

> > > What is the idea of having worthless rewards as part of festivals? Especially as the reward from a cumulative achievement? Please make it useful for SOMETHING.

> >

> > It unlocked a skin for you, so it's not "worthless." It's just inconvenient.

> > You also seem to forget that not everyone participating in the festival is a veteran with drawers full of ascended trinkets, so it's certainly valuable to some people (especially core-only players).

> >

> > Would it be better if it also had a vendor value or be usable in the forge or have an additional use? Sure.

> > Still no need to over-dramatize the situation.


> You cannot know what value a backpack skin has for someone. It can be very little, close to "worthless". But, let's suppose it is not worthless. Being "inconvenient" is even worst than "worthless". "Inconvenience" is even lower on the enjoyment scale than "nothing". Being unable to salvage it/sell it to a vendor turns this "inconvenience" into a frustration. This is not the only situation when the best use for a "reward" is to destroy it. But you spend some effort in this (click / confirm / maybe type the name) than in the situation you receive nothing. As I said before, "inconvenience" is even worst than "nothing".


> And now let's make a small imagination effort startig from the next statement:


> > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > He most probably got the achievements for one of two reasons:

> > a) he enjoyed the content, so he played it and got a skin for free out of it

> > b) he wants to get AP, so he farms achievements aaaaaand got a skin for free out of it.

> >

> > Either way, a free skin.


> Let's substitute "the festival" with "the raids". I suppose the raiders enjoy the content. They get AP from raiding. And now, le't suppose that after clearing all the wings from the HoT raids they receive the LI for every boss AND, once they complete the raid A SINGLE extra reward consisting in an exotic backpack. Not salvageable, impossible to sell, having the option to destroy it - but only after clicking/confirming/typing the name.


> What do you say? It is the same reward in a different situation.


> I don't know how some players can find "wisdom" (to quote our Silvary race) in a reward giving you a sentiment of frustration (because the best use for that "reward" is to destroy it).



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > It can't be salvaged, sold, or forged, and none of my characters can use it. [...] Please make it useful for SOMETHING.


> This goes for many items. If they change it here, they need to change all of those.



See my other question, are there ANY other items like this. What I meant by this is other exceptions to the list on https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvage:


These items cannot be salvaged:


* Some starting equipment

* Items normally salvageable, but are soulbound to a deleted character

* Equipment bought with Karma

* Coin (except cultural armor)

* Equipment received from level rewards or a Level-80 Equipment Package

* Some equipment from story rewards, such as the masterwork weapons in Order weapon containers.


I originally opened up this line of reasoning when someone above stated that I could have looked it up to learn about it. That wasn't possible before I modified the wiki entry for it. Then, I got to thinking, I can't think of any other item, outside of the above exceptions, that can't be sold, traded, forged, nor salvaged. (The wiki page is only referring to salvaging, but that's a discreet subset of what I'm wondering about.


This was a side-tangent to the original discussion, but it's related. It seems to me there was one that I opined about in a previous thread, but I don't think I've run into any others.


Well, it turns out that I actually have a mule dedicated to storing these. So far, I have collected Commander's Victorious Holographic Wings, Mysterious Vine, Mad Memories: Complete Ignition (MM:CI), Inquest Apparatus, Seraph Seraph Protector, and now this one.


MM:CI is one that was received from a festival reward. So, there's at least one precedent. I should have added "not a stepping-stone in a scavenger hunt" to the qualifiers.

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> @"AgentMoore.9453" said:

> It _is_ a bit weird that you can't break it down for raw materials, but I also noticed that right-clicking it gives you a 'customize' option similar to what we saw of the new legendary upgrades interface. Perhaps the item is bugged currently? Not being able to sell it doesn't seem strange to me but, on the other hand, you were able to sell [Mini Freezie's Heart](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mini_Freezie%27s_Heart "Mini Freezie's Heart") which was an achievement for completing Wintersday annuals.


> In light of those things, I'd consider the fancy chicken we got this year to be more limited than other exotics and meta rewards because of the inconsistency between them. So not entirely useless, but oddly restricted.


I think all stat-selectable items have "Customize" as an option now. The really odd thing about this one is that there is a "Customize" with no options to customize.


You could be right that this is an oversight.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:


> No, it's not the same and it's not even close to being the same type of content. Kind of forced comparison.


Actually, it's logically identical. He's referring to the process of the reward-giving, not the content done to achieve the reward. As I understand them, you do raids, get loot from individual bosses, and then a larger reward at the end of a raid. That's functionally identical to this.


More to the point, would you appreciate doing the whole raid, for the purpose of getting a back item as the raid reward, only to find out it was useless (to you)?

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > It's no less useless than a festival mini or tonic reward.


> But you would know that before you tried for the reward. This item is gear, not a mini, skin, or novelty.


It still changes nothing, because you'd still go for the related achievements to -at the very least- get APs.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:


> > No, it's not the same and it's not even close to being the same type of content. Kind of forced comparison.


> Actually, it's logically identical. He's referring to the process of the reward-giving, not the content done to achieve the reward. As I understand them, you do raids, get loot from individual bosses, and then a larger reward at the end of a raid. That's functionally identical to this.


> More to the point, would you appreciate doing the whole raid, for the purpose of getting a back item as the raid reward, only to find out it was useless (to you)?


No, a 2week long festival event with annual rewards/skins is not identical to the 24/7/365-available raids.

Also you ""accidentally"" forgot to even acknowledge the rest of the post. Maybe if you didn't decide to do it, you'd actually understand why the last question you asked makes no sense in this context.

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