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Post your Queen's Gauntlet builds

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> @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > > Yes, but I wont tell you because I'm literally scared of the balance team at this point...

> >

> > Send me a message in game. ;)


> Sure. Though I'm at work right now, so if you're willing to wait like nine hours from now. o.o


I'm fine with that, won't be home until then anyway.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > > @"Chilli.2976" said:

> > > > @"KidRoleplay.3615" said:

> > > > Yes, but I wont tell you because I'm literally scared of the balance team at this point...

> > >

> > > Send me a message in game. ;)

> >

> > Sure. Though I'm at work right now, so if you're willing to wait like nine hours from now. o.o


> I'm fine with that, won't be home until then anyway.


Also it may require gear that you may not have, but I can easily give you a demonstration if you're around then.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> Is farming that even worth the time? What are the rewards?


Well, the rewards are not what they were when it was first released. You now only get the festival tokens, though if you have a decent build you can easily get the achievements.

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Things have changed a bit but this is roughly what I used for the Light the Darkness achievement last year although it will work great for the regular Liadri as well:


Not optimised but I used the gear that I had on the character more or less. Tool kit for the 13s cooldown pull

It's really defensive so you can run into time issues, but if you remember to drop bombs behind you after breaking the invulnerability it should be okay.


And this is the build that I basically use(d) for everything else except for the Ooze and T3 with 5 gambits achievement, basically a classic PvP Holo, very offensive with active defense from elixir, shield and photon wall:


Taking the Superspeed trait for Turai Ossai for better runaway performance in conjunction with Hololeap.

Always had trouble against Champion Gladiator Waine too with that build I have to say as it can't range very well and bursting before he uses the line attack for the second time is pretty hard to pull off.

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I play rifle power/precision engineer from day 1. (Okay not exactly ... tried a few different things but only at the very beginning.) A break from end 2013 til 2019 june. No expansions.


Liadri was possible back then. And even now I managed her when trying fo subject 7 but forgot to set the challenge to subject 7 and liadri came up.


Usually I run with gadgets/bombs for stuns and knockbacks and aoe. I had pistol/pistol now + elixirs and battering ram. Traited for elixirs (alchemy, hgh), pistol/condition (firearms) and the last trait line the one for mechanical legs (faster even without swiftness and reduces cripple duration and stuff). Also going for the survival stuff with some of those traits where a slot is still free not needed for damage.


Was not that hard to kill her. Might even try the 8 orb hitting achievement with that build.


No gambits. Exotic gear. Food not even the best stuff. (I want to save money :D)


This is pretty close to what I have used:

[Edit: I had copied a bugged link - which I noticed while updating my later post in this thread with build which I used to beat Turai Ossa. Since I don't remember this one from here anymore and too lazy to put it in the builder I removed the link.]


Reminds me that I need to upgrade my gear. Especially food and utility stuff and some of the equipments that don't fit in stat-wise. (But I guess back then in 2013 when I made it I put some toughness and stuff there in purpose to better survive - not exactly 100 percent assassin or berzerker.)

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Last year I used chrono for light in the darkness achievment. I had to change some things for liadri because she cannot be bursted.

I would use something slightly diferent since there were some changes to runes and traits.




Rune of the pack for fury and might. Timewarp for slow, shield for slow, some alacrity and blocks in case you need to survive some hits.


Opening would be 3 clones (utility + sword 3). Timewarp on enemy,sword phantasm, cs in cast utility phantasms, signet of ether and all 3 phantasms again. After that 3 phantasms again signet of ether, 3 phantasms again and swap to shield. F3 whenever you have 3 clone for the first time and F1 for the second time. This should be more then enough to kill everything exept liadri


Edit: since i am on mobile I might have selected bad traits. Make sure you have "phantasms have fury" and "phantasms transfer boons to you when they die"



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I managed humble victor and high stakes on my core (no expansions) engineer with exotic gear only now. Instead of going full power/precision or condition damage I managed with toughness + power ("soldier" prefix I think) and Deadeye Dunwell for Humble with firearms, alchemy (for durability traits) and inventions (mechanical legs). Quickness and invulnerability elixir, battering ram, supply crate and rifle. AED gadget with good timing to get health back. Barely ... but I managed it. Knockbacks + durability was a good mix for me.


Similar for ooze but healing elixir instead of AED (since traited and I need more healing early that refreshes instead of timing aed with long cooldown.) Bombing kit + explosions instead of inventions (no mechanical legs) and . Bombing away and all gambits except squeamish/frailty. The quaggan didn't do much damage. Also fire/descended not that much. (Even though descended seems to lower stats of exotic stuff as well.) Annoying is the no dodge while taking damage from small oozes.


Killing them fast and some downs and rallying from killing a small ooze (then fortunately healing elixir ready) ... somehow it worked.


I have only Turai Ossa and Liadri 8 orbs left. Liadri I'll try with contitions/pistol (worked for normal liadri kill). Turai Ossa might need Rifle, knockbacks and survivability stuff (invul elixir, toolkit thing that can block and pull). With over 100 tickets and no gambits to do anymore ... I guess this should be possible since al ot of time is left in this festival and I'll gain more tickets as well I guess. (Blitz seems getting more coordinated = easier ticket farming.)




Edit: Used this for Turai Ossa: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdEQFAUlcThGvYfXwkLw6FLTG04Ha/ZD3eyCrYzKQAA-jhSDgAs6A6ViBYixX5hiSwZ1VOeAAvqUwv/Qg5JyAYOBA-e


Traiting for toolkit, gadgets and elixirs while I first hat the stun breaker/invuln. elixir and swapped it then with the battering ram cause in the last phase I couldn't avoid him anymore and knocking him back was better. Earlier the rocket boots, toolkit shield , dodging and rifle 5 for movement - were enough. Just had to make sure to time the dodges and not waste them. Rifle skill 4 safing for stun break - that is enough to break the full bar.


Other than that he did not seem to go back in the middle anymore after he lost his sword. Could have been a problem since in last phase I used rifle 4 in between the uses of battering ram - to keep him away which got me a bit relief from the stress of dodging. I was litterally out of breath (me as player not the char) and pulse getting high ha ha. But I managed it in the last 30 seconds or so.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just did three of the special tier bosses -- Pallia, Waine, and Suriel -- with this condition Scourge minionmaster build:


I found them pretty easy with this build (and it would probably have been even easier if I'd actually bothered to slot sigils) -- and the only strategy I really needed was to keep my distance, use my damage skills, and dodge occasionally. (And also destroying the Bows of Truth for Suriel.)


Summon your minions before you enter the ring - they will teleport in with you. To break defiance bars you can use Oppressive Collapse, Garish Pillar, and your minions' skills. There's no stun break, but I didn't find that a problem even though I got knocked down a couple of times. I got downed by Waine but it wasn't a problem -- life leech (downed skill 1) got me back up again.

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i simply used my normal dps dps dps nothing else scourge build (curses sr scourge, every single trait for maximum damage output is picked, no minions or survivability or anything), then for ossa i swapped out my utilities to flesh wurm spectral walk and sand swell. Added a pinch of skill and voila easy peasy

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