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Share your best/favorite moments in Guild Wars 2

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7 year collectors owner :)


My best memories hmm.. unfortunately this will be limited and likely in some inaccurate detail not by the lack of good memories but by the unfortunate fact that I have the worst memory on the planet >.<


Let's see, I remember when Living world 1 first started.. and the Karka invaded Lions Arch, I believe I saw a Karka jump onto the lighthouse and destroy it and I felt like "Woahh!! this is gonna be sweet" only seconds later to find that the game was completely unplayable.. lag to the point of stop motion and my screen filling up with downed and dead players almost instantly before being disconnected from the game and being unable to log in again lol

I never did get to participate in that event afterwards or get any rewards from it but I remember it being such an unplayable disaster I could not help but laugh despite really wanting to play XD

Thankfully later events were playable and I got to somewhat re-live the experience on Southsun Cove the very first time we fought the Karka Queen and she proceeded to barrel roll over an entire Zerg downing almost the entire maps player population in a single attack xD Good times.


Another good memory I have was when I was taking on the Molten Alliance facility with some friends back when it was part of the living world, long before expansions and elite specs etc.

I remember getting to the final boss and we started to struggle with them, we killed the Molten Firestorm but were having trouble with the Berzerker.

After wiping a good few times (and I believe this was at a point where you could not replace party members while in a dungeon) some of our party decided to call it quits.

We tried to 3 man it but failed again until another player called it quits.

At this point I decided I wanted to try again solo after noting that every single time I had died previously was while trying to revive a fallen party member, my 1 remaining ally decided to stay and help until she was bested at which point she would to call it quits and leave.

She fell before the boss dropped below 80% health, wished me luck and left..

Somewhere between 40-60 minutes later I succeeded in finally taking the Berzerker down alone.. I was very happy with myself afterwards and even though I did not get anything particularly good from the loot.. I did get a taste for the solo challenge.

Taking down monsters that are designed to take on multiple players in some kind of ridiculous endurance fight has become something of a fun challenge for me.

A pointless waste of time some would argue and they're not wrong as there are no extra rewards for doing it.. but I find it fun and even after all these years, I still enjoy it ^^


There was also the time that I made my first Minion Master build and discovered how utterly insane it was.

Back in the days before Heart of Thorns and Elite Specs came in and leveled the playing fields :P I created a soldier stat, power tank Minion Master build with crazy amounts of lifesteal.

Back then Minions were not exactly all that common if memory serves.. (which it may not be)

I think many people were getting into Hybrid focused builds back then as certain Youtubers were making popular, I recall I also had one myself.

But after finding myself nearly unkillable in PvE I decided to test the build in PvP which has never been an area of the game i'm particularly good at or favourable to tbh.

To say the build worked was an understatement... It was ridiculously overpowered, allowed a total PvP noob like myself to easily win fights against 1v3 scenarios and I could hold a point solo for a crazy amount of time even against multiple opponents.

It was ridiculous.. the tankyness.. the lifesteal sustain.. the fact that I could still kill other players even when outnumbered!!

I felt like a God walking among mere Mortals xD

I had no end of people whispering me asking what the hell I was running or accusing me of cheating.. it was so much fun XD

I still never did get super into PvP though even though I had this crazy build, but I did play a fair amount of pvp for fun during that period of time.

Then Heart of Thorns came out and with it came the Elite specializations and my amazing core Necromancer minion build didn't quite feel as OP anymore.

Granted it still worked, was capable etc it's just that I wasn't that good a player back then and all these new elite specs completely flipped the tables on the classes I knew how to fight against.. so I retired from my short yet very entertaining time in PvP and went back to PvE.

To this day I still use a spec'd variant of this Necromancer build in PvE and it remains exceptionally tanky albiet not as OP as it used to be all those years ago.

It's still my go to build for soloing among other things due to it being so hard to kill and it remains one of my favourite gw2 builds ^^


Most recent favourite memories though were playing through Living world 2, Heart of Thorns, Living world 3, Path of Fire and Living world 4 all with a good friend of mine as he was running through it for the first time after returning to Gw2 about a year and a half ago.

He streamed this journey and it became a weekly thing of joining him and playing.. we had many laughs and got up to random shenanigans and also met new people too.

Even though they don't play Gw2 as much now due to going on break while waiting for new content and real life stuff I'll never forget just how much different and fun Gw2 was while playing with them.

I don't mind playing alone.. been doing that for most of the years I've been playing, but it's a very different experience when you've got a fun group of friends to hang out with.. I'm looking forward to them coming back for season 5 and we can continue our wacky adventures through this wonderful world ^^

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> @"Jukhy.2431" said:

> ![https://i.imgur.com/4qBT3Rb.png](https://i.imgur.com/4qBT3Rb.png )

> Screenshotted one of my favorite moments, **so thank you everyone @ Anet** for the last part in this amazing story.

> Another memorable moment would be the epic personal story ending listening Fear Not This Night.

> (Sorry if this is considered as a spoiler.)


I too screenshot this moment ^^

I have it as the background for my second monitor :D

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The best one would be the first log-in to the game and creating my character. After watching so much content on Beta I loved the painterly art style and jest couldn't wait aby longer!


The second best moment was the announcement of Heart of Thorns and Revenant. No other games gave me that excitement.


Now, I just wish some things stayed as they used to be.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Jukhy.2431" said:

> > Screenshotted one of my favorite moments, **so thank you everyone @ Anet** for the last part in this amazing story.


> I too screenshot this moment ^^


Me three. In fact, half the screenshots in my folder are of Aurene and my "canon" champion during those last few scenes.

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For some reason the one I'll always remember is when I first walked into Harathi Hinterlands.


My human guardian had finally made it to the frontlines of the war with the centaurs. He was all decked out in Commander's cultural armor, which I was very proud of at the time. Still fresh-faced, didn't have the beard he grew out in the jungle campaign yet. Ready to fight with the Seraph, elder dragons still a distant thought.


And the first thing I see are flaming boulders soaring through the air, trebuchets raining fire from the cliffs on a small Seraph camp. It was the most epic thing I had seen in the game so far, made me feel so small. All I could think about was how to get up to those cliffs to fight back. That event chain was one of the most satisfying in the whole game for me at the time.

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My favorite moment was when I bought the game and made my first character which only lasted a few days until I made a Charr and feel in love with the Charr. Then set out exploring the World of Tyria and escaping reality a few hours at a time over the course of many years.

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Best Moment would be completing World Exploration when WvW was required as part of it, i needed Woodhaven tower as my last part to discover on an enemy border. Piken had control at the time, so i made my way to it, on the last part leading up the hill to it i started being chased by a group of Jade Sea players as i was nearing the gate a group of Augury Rock players were attacking it, so i was trapped between 2 small groups looking to take the tower, i somehow managed to get through the entrance before conditions downed me and got completion. I only tryed WvW for map completion, but that moment made me play a lot more WvW from that moment on.


During first WvW tournament playing for Piken Square, Piken & SFR had a lot of hate towards each other. Viz Square & SFR were the top teams and Piken mainly attacked SFR. Anyways Piken had control of Klovan Gully at the time and it was under attack, so i went to defend and there was 2 VS fighting 3 SFR for it, i ran in and only attacked the SFR players, once they were defeated the 2 VS didn't attack me lol, so i just repped the doors a bit, one laughed and they ran up the side stairs and left the tower.


Playing for HoD During 2nd Season, a commander who looked like Ronald McDonald would lead fun Zergs, after building 57 Omega golems and wiping the map multiple times, led us all to the top of SMC and had all golems users jump to their deaths :)


Sitting in Lions Arch during the HoT Announcement.

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Beta weekends - I insta loved the game and couldn't wait for release

PvP with my friends in the old days before elite specs

The Lost Shores meta-event (November 18, 2012) - the Karka invasion

Defeating Zhaitan and Mordremoth, epic

Twisted Marionette

Baby Aurene

The fight with Kralk before Aurene died

All the mounts

There are too many beautiful places in the game to list them all, most recently Crystal Bloom in Dragonfall

All the festivals, especially Halloween and Wintersday

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The moment I thought I was a Wall Street Broker and invest *smart* in Intact Mosaics, like a fool I bought 5250 Mosaics over the year 2018 for 3-4 gold a piece.

Just to see them go down and down and down to a price of 12 silver today, it is glorious, best moment evahhh! :s


Estimated gold spend 16000 :3 estimated worth now 600 gold <3 =) ;)


Behold my EPIC failure.


> ![](https://imgur.com/0GH1iiU.jpg "")


**Admin, I don't know how to make the .jpg weird frame smaller.. out of my league.. feel free to edit it, thanks.**

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A couple of simple things which made me fall in love with GW2 storyline.


1. Exploring Metrica Province for the first time and getting to know how Asura work. So many cool golden hearts around sites where different krewes were working on their thing. First chapters of Asura personal story too.

2. Walking through the Fort Trinity and listening to the 'ending' song. It really made it feel like an enormous campaign(not just "Commander" plot armouring through yet another dragon) just concluded and epic victory has been achieved.

3. Seeing leaders of all races arriving to the Groove for the world summit and 'crowd' commenting on them and their various feats.

4. Recovering memories in PoF. It was great to see important parts of your journey once again. Seeing Zojja for the first time since HoT. Too bad that for some bs(irrelevant from lore perspective real life reasons) Zojja got screwed over and forgotten after HoT concluded.

(tried to scoop image into the spoiler but I don't know if I can even do that)

![](https://i.imgur.com/Bq6ryXY.jpg "")

5. E-P-I-D-E-M-I-C. Ka-BRAHAM! (Commander really DOES bring chaos and destruction to this cursed land tho).

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Battle for Lions Arch (LS1). The old city Burning, destroyed, screams of civilians everywhere, crying for help. The vicious assault of the Scarlet army really gave me shivers when first entering. Players grouping together to face the threat. We had to leave at a certain point when the poiseness clouds got to thick (something like that, it is long ago ;-) ) It gave a unique feeling, what i didnt experience after LS1. I miss that. Hope it can come back one day, temporary events maybe coming back once in so many months could do it?

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- Introducing the game to my wife and watching her delighted reaction to defeating Ziahtan the first time

- The time in dragon stand when fighting on the island some one shouted, "Boop him on the snoot!" only we were to slow and an island was destroyed and I responded with "OH NO HE BORKED!" The whole guild chat erupted into laughter

- Watching the sunrise in the dessert

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Only started in Feb 2018, but still hard to pick out "one".


But some moments that stood out for me:


- The final cutscene of Core, seeing you standing beside the other members of Destiny's Edge as the song played.

- Witnessing the fate of Eir Stegalkin in HoT, as my first Character was a Norn Ranger, and she was my mentor.

- Path of Fire, Chap 9 - The Departing: the single best story chapter in the entire game imo. It is a bit of a bore to replay, but that first time, what a concept and what an execution. A hero pulling a 'Lazarus' is hardly an original concept, but the way it was handled in that chapter of story was amazing.

- Taimi, Rytlock and Canarch. The dialogue these three NPCs deliver is wonderful.

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• That day when I first logged in and started my journey all over again in Tyria during beta tests, this game was sooo different back then - I’ve been playing GW since Guild Wars Prophecies and that’s 14 years ? can’t tell the excitement when I’ve first heard that there will be a sequel after EotN!

• Arah dungeon runs when we spent over 2 hours to finish at first not knowing what to do and exotic was the highest gear tier and there were only core specs - > face roll fights with Lupicus like 20 times. Compared to that the game is now piece of cake since powercreep and HoT specs.

• First legendary - Sunrise, we spent weeks - months in CoF, farming the same routes over and over and over again for gold, there was no better option :) lol

• First fight against Zhaitan, that brilliant story and epic moments. ☺️

• That cheer around 100% map completion, back when you had to wait until reset if you were matched against a strong server since it was extremely hard to explore Stonemist Castle. ?

• That day when me and my brother have received 3 precursors form Zommoros after spending all of our gold (~1000g back then was a huge amount!!!), we were sooo happy and I almost broke my keyboard...

• Battle for Lion's Arch, was an iconic moment in LS1.

• Gliding on HoT maps after release, totally new experience, felt amazing.

• Bloodstone Fen and Bitterfrost Frontier maps, great design, loved them.

• That shocking moment when Eir... ?

• LS3 and especially One Path Ends story, lots of great memories from Gw1

• Killing Joko, well it was long due, that bastard deserved it.

• LS4 chasing Kralkatorrik through the Mists, that fight omg ? what an amazing scene!

The list could go on and on, thank you for these epic moments Anet! GW was here for me in half of my life, I hope the future holds more great stories and fights! ??

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There are too many moments!!


- When I was but a little charr, exploring Plains of Ashford

- When I first encountered a Legendary Bandit Executioner

- When I delved deeper into Verdant Brink, taking in the scene with the burning airships

- Path of Fire first time exploration

- Source of Orr -story

- Citadel of Flame story mode was spectacular the first time through!

- My Nightmare CM first completion

- My first fully crafted legendary

- People making piles of chests with the new boss chest tonic lol

- Those good PVP moments - winning 2vs1s, performing some epic tactics, etc

- All of the Kralkatorrik encounters

- My first raid boss kills


I could go on and on.

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Playing T4 Fractals with my brother and our friend we met in T4s: when Flux Bomb is the Instability, we always try to bomb each other, no matter the circumstances.


Maybe it's impolite to the other 2 PUGs, but we laugh heartily on Discord. Definitely the cause of a few unnecessary wipes.


My apologies to anyone who's been caught in the blast, but we laughed when you downed because of our antics, and laughed more when you called us noobs.

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God, nearly any time there's a story update. Some people seem to hate it, but I absolutely loved the way Joko met his end, got a good laugh out of it.

When Aurene was born. When we got high on ??? shrooms in Jahai. Finally defeating Kralkatorrik and seeing our dragon daughter ascend.

Then there's also those times you rip our heart out. Tybalt....Eir...Trahearne...Blish...Aurene's death fakeout. So cruel.

Aside from story, just...every time I complete a legendary. Doesn't matter how many I've made, nothing beats the satisfaction of Zommoros rewarding you with that awesome new shiny after a lot of hard work.

Raising my other drag- I mean, skyscale daughter.

Many of my friends have started playing other games for now, but I also miss a lot of the stuff we use to do in GW2. The inside jokes and achievement hunting together. One day I'll convince them to come back and at least play the story, they have it all unlocked ;P

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I've been here since the last beta event. I should note that this was my first MMO. Some of my moments:


1. Seeing Shadow Behemoth for the first time in the Beta and participating in killing it.

2. Getting my first world completion. You still had to do WvW at that point and I do not like PvP at all. Not even the mixture that WvW is.

3. I'm very much a shy introvert. Not as much online, but still there. Working up the courage to PUG the dungeon I needed for my legendary. And being at least somewhat decent at it

4. Laughing at how much DPS I did in full Clerics with another in full Clerics when our friends with actual DPS builds died in fractals.

5. "Graduating" from the way more survival based build to glass cannon on my main and not failing at surviving. At least not any worse than previous.

6. Completing my first legendary - crafted the precursor. Now working on my second one!

7. Very recent one! Finally getting past LS2 mission Hidden Arcana. I don't know if it's because I got significantly better or the boss got nerfed, but I beat the 2nd boss a lot quicker than I did previously.

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