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Equiping Racial skills/abilities on your mount ability bar?


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It would be a lesser version of Race skill/ability

But It would be cool to see the Mistfire wolf appearing when you use the Dive/attack ability of your Jackal


Not that we really use racial skills/abilities

In time there is even a chance they would be transformed into Novelties...


Having any use for them would be awesome!


Whats your take on Race Skills/Abilities?

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I think anet wants to generally avoid getting players to play mainly "X" race because its race skills are good. Its just one of those things they probably thought that may or could cause segregation in some parts of the game. If "x" race makes "y" profession stronger over any other race using that profession/build "WHY ARE YOU A CHARR PLAYING A CONDI REAPER? GO HUMAN ITS BETTER." kinda deal


Granted while I would love to see a better use for the racial skills they would need to be tweaked in a way that made them unique to not only the character race but also the profession they picked while not being super advantageous over the standard profession utility


That said OP

You do give a good idea. Being able to use a skill or two on the mount would be kinda cool but i can see so many racial skills being hard to use properly not to mention you would just jump off the mount after you used the skill anyways im not sure it would be more worth it.


Considering most of my characters are charr I cant think of how the charr utility skills would work very well while mounting or on engage. I just really dont know how that would work or look visually.


At this point i dont think there is much they can do to racial skills that wont make once race super advantages when combined with a certain profession over the others which is why they choose to leave them as kind of pointless skills.


What they could do is give you all those skills at lvl 1 so that what you have some utility to use while leveling up custom slots and getting hero points to unlock your professions utilities. I really loath the idea of having a total empty bar of skills and utilties for the first few levels when i start a new character which leads me to just **#skipto80**, but thats about as far as i see them going with them as far as usefullness goes.


Like I tried leveling my Free to play EU account to play with some friends there and the process is just so painful even more so when you dont have a mount. Takes for ever to get to A to B "ok understandable." But having 0 utility for those first few levels is just god aweful. Why not give me those racal skills for free till I unlock the slots for my own professions skills.


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