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Core Guardian > DH and Firebrand


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With core guard i have so many options, i can play whatever weapon set i want to, whatever build i want. With DH and Firebrand i am so limited: it's not fun + survivability and dmg /support part are not better at all. So why would i take any of the elite specs over core Guardian? Just because they are "shinny elites"? Or is there a logic behind: i bought PoF, offcourse i am gonna play the new elite spec :)


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> @Sifu.9745 said:

> With core guard i have so many options, i can play whatever weapon set i want to, whatever build i want. With DH and Firebrand i am so limited: it's not fun + survivability and dmg /support part are not better at all. So why would i take any of the elite specs over core Guardian? Just because they are "shinny elites"? Or is there a logic behind: i bought PoF, offcourse i am gonna play the new elite spec :)



So go play core guard, what is the problem here exactly ?

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With the new elite spec comes new options, new playstyles. They weren't meant to be -better- at one thing or another, but they ended up that way. The core guard is around everywhere. From wvw, to pve. Before we had the elite specs it was core guard that had so many play styles. The elite specs just add to it with flavor and a bit of flare. Playing a FireBrand has been really fun, but I'll admit I wasn't sold on DragonHunter, even though I played it because of the leap. You can play core guard, you can play what ever you want to really. This game gives you that choice, so have at it. Play what ever the kitten you want it. <3

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I play mainly core guardian in sPvP lately. To be honest, since PoF I have been having issues with SB and scourges. I assume they will be toned down, it is still though inferior to DH for the most part.


I still find DH to be the most effective guardian version. FB is way behind.

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> @Sifu.9745 said:

> With core guard i have so many options, i can play whatever weapon set i want to, whatever build i want. With DH and Firebrand i am so limited: it's not fun + survivability and dmg /support part are not better at all. So why would i take any of the elite specs over core Guardian? Just because they are "shinny elites"? Or is there a logic behind: i bought PoF, offcourse i am gonna play the new elite spec :)



I don't get this complaint at all ... The only thing that limits you on especs is you can only get 2 core traitlines instead of 3. That's not being 'so limited' at all. If you want to play core, do it; it's still got some very respectable functions and DPS. If anything, it's the Espec that is more limited than core is ... you HAVE to take the espec trait line.


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I can kind of understand the complaints. Some ppl pay for an expansion and feel that they get a somewhat lesser version of their profession. Getting yet more maps and events, sure, but nothing more for their class.


But the other side of the coin is that its the beauty of GW2. You can absolutely go core guardian and be very viable in everything from pve to wvw. You can do everything in pve and even command in wvw as a core guardian or a dragonhunter.


I already had an asc condi set I didnt use so Im gonna play condi firebrand for a while in pve. If I dont like it, no biggie.

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It's pretty much working as intended - the elite specs are supposed to be a sidegrade rather than an upgrade. I think you're generally still better off with the elite specs at the moment, but core guardian has been buffed to a point where there are playstyles and situations where core guardian works better. This isn't a bad thing!

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Hi all, im back to game after 4 years of break, i am a day 1 player who pretty much played every class and then stick to guardian, i never bothered with dps meters and such but now since im back i always see people talking about new max dps's on that elite training ground and well i decided to take a shot. My guardian have all zerk set with scholar runes all armor and trinkets all ascended/weapons exotic (sword&shield+greatsword), i play a fun condition removal shout guard first i attacked the golem without any buffs and got a 5k dps on it then someone told me about the console buffs, and with 25 vuln. on golem and all available buffs on me i get a 20k dps soo i ask you now will anyone even bother to take me for a raid ? or will they pick a elite speced guardian rather than me ?


Maybe i am doing something wrong but still i liked the weapon combination my guardian have and dont want to change my shouts to anything else, its pretty much adapt or die in gw2 ; eventhough i like my guard as what it is now i will prolly go for a DH zerk build i can get my hands on from raid guides etc to enter them, but noone is limiting your map pve fun, just adapt for some situations and its all fine, if you play enough any gear is accessible and no need to think too much about it.


Also people are talking about new dps limits like Weaver>38-39k / Scourge 40-39k etc.


Still its my opinion *shrug* :s

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